University Evangelical Lutheran Church
and Campus Ministry

The Lampstand - November 2022
Our Mission

UELC's Mission:
To Embrace and Share the Love of God in Jesus Christ, as the Holy Spirit Empowers us.

UELC's Guiding Principles:
Jesus is our Lord and Saviour; therefore, we are to:
  • Worship God in inspiring, diverse, and creative ways
  • Be a community engaged in spiritual practices that attune us to the Holy Spirit's guidance for our living
  • Welcome all people in their diversity to worship, learn, and serve with us
  • Be a safe place to learn, explore, and debate
  • Be generous stewards of the gifts God has given each of us to bless others and care for the natural world
  • Continue outreach to, and further develop connections with, the academic communities of Alachua County
  • Affirm human rights and work for social justice
Pastor's Corner

In a recent prayer and fellowship Zoom, some of us talked about how important it is to say thank you.

When I broke my ankle, I wasn’t allowed to put weight on my right foot for three months. I had a walker, a wheelchair, and a borrowed knee-walker to get around. But I couldn’t even get out of my house without help. Mike was there, putting the conveyance of the day into the trunk of my car, getting it out again, time and again.

I said thank you a lot. And meant it. No matter how trivial it seems to the caregiver, it is so important for the care-receiver to say thank you. We truly appreciate what you, the caregiver, give to us.

It makes me think of how we like to be independent, and how hard it is to be dependent on anyone. Being in a care-receiving position is new, sometimes embarrassing, and uncomfortable. We would much rather be the caregiver than the care-receiver because we have a sense of control when we are the giver.

And that makes me think about how we would prefer to tell God how our lives should unfold than wait for God to do the unfolding for us. I think most of us have discovered that God’s unfolding is much better than anything we would have chosen for ourselves.

So, let’s let God be our caregiver, and let’s be grateful for God’s wisdom and foresight. Say it with me: Thanks be to God!

In gratitude,
Pr Lynn
President's Notes

Dear UELC family,

The council met on October 22nd with all members in attendance via Zoom.

As you may have noticed, we have recently made some revisions to our Covid protocols during worship. The signage regarding the use of masks has been changed to “optional” rather than “encouraged”, the ropes have been removed from the pews and the sharing of the Peace has been moved to before the offering.

Many thanks to Jeanne Chamberlain and Donna Day who have put in countless hours updating our membership rolls. This is supposed to be done annually and submitted to the Synod but the task had been neglected for many years and we are appreciative of the efforts of Jeanne and Donna. Based on the revised membership roll, the council will be reinstituting the phone tree that can be used in case of emergencies.

As we approach Advent, our church calendar is beginning to fill with activities and the Hospitality Action Committee (HAT) has been and will continue to be quite busy.  Two of these activities include hosting a Finals dinner for our campus ministry students on December 8 and gathering together for a congregational dinner after worship on December 11th.

Finally, in an effort to communicate in a more timely manner, council will be posting a few bullet point items from each meeting agenda in the following Sunday bulletin.

Best regards,
Becky Borgert
Campus Ministry / HAT Lunch and History of UELC
Congregations in transition benefit from reviewing their history and noticing patterns and trends. On October 30, after a celebratory lunch, German fare for Reformation Sunday, offered by HAT and Campus Ministry, we took some time to share the history of University Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Yes, there is a basic history on the website, but many of you have memories of people or activities that flesh out the basics.

Questions? Ask Pastor Lynn
Summary of Steps in Transition Process
November Servants

Sunday, November 6
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Abbey Knappman
Altar Guild: Pat Dasler
Lector: Sandy Bauldree
Ushers: Roger Springfels, John MontMarquette
Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, November 13
Preacher: Pr. Wayne Kofink
Assisting Minister: Sam Borgert
Altar Guild: Jackie Klein
Lector: Sam Brill
Ushers: Ron Gordon, Ron Fourman
Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, November 20
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Ron Bauldree
Altar Guild: Elaine Manion
Lector: Joan Anderson
Ushers: Jeanne Chamberlin, Andy Noss
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, November 27
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Melissa Singer
Altar Guild: Joan Anderson
Lector: Rick Dienhart
Ushers: John MontMarquette, Ron Fourman
Sound Assistant: Amy Schirmer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa
UELC People

In Everything, Give Thanks

The Financial Stewardship campaign for this fall is called In Everything, Give Thanks. You are invited to reflect on all for which you give thanks, from the littlest thing to the greatest. There will be two Temple Talks, November 6 and November 13, on the topic. Commitment Sunday is November 20.
Thanksgiving Sunday

This year, November 20, the Sunday before Thanksgiving will be observed as Thanksgiving Sunday. Pastor Lynn hopes to collect your thanks-giving stories to weave together into a sermon. Please include stories about God’s blessings in your life, happy times, surprising gifts, amazing generosity, or other things or events for which you give thanks. Please email them or write them out and give them to her or the church office by November 16. 
Wednesday Evening Study
Let’s try this. I envision the evening study to include a variety of topics, chosen by participants. We’ll meet on Zoom for about an hour on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm.
This first one will get us started: “The Kingdom of God: What does it mean for God to be in charge?” by the Rev. Mark Allan Powell.

New Testament scholar Mark Allan Powell looks at a widely used biblical image and invites us into a discussion of what it might mean for Lutheran believers today. The phrase “kingdom of God” and similar expressions turn up repeatedly in sayings of Jesus, so understanding what that expression means helps us to make sense of numerous parables and popular Bible passages (including the Lord’s Prayer).
There may be some surprises: the phrase refers to an activity, not a location—and it has nothing to do with God being a “king,” at least so far as that image suggests a (usually male) tyrant who gives orders and dominates the lives of his subjects. 
Powell is author of the world’s best-selling New Testament textbook and editor of the Harper-Collins Bible Dictionary.
The Zoom link will be sent to all. Please join us as you are able.
Offering Direct Deposits

It is Sunday morning and you are on your way to church. Part way there you remember you have not written a check for the offering plate.
It is another Sunday morning and you are sitting in the sanctuary you write a check and slowly you attempt to remove your check from your check book as quietly as possible.
It is another Sunday at church and you realize that your offering check and envelope remain at home on your dresser.
These are some of the ways that the use of direct deposit helps UELC to receive consistent income to pay its bills.
If you wish to learn more about the use of direct deposit, contact Jim Yale to get set up. 

Due to the Covid pandemic LIFT (Lutherans In Fellowship Together) has not met for its monthly potluck luncheons for the past two years. We plan on restarting the luncheons by the summer of this new year. Of course, that depends on a lessening of the impact that Covid-19 and it many variants have on our lives. Let us all be responsible and stay safe. 

Ron Bauldree
LIFT coordinator 
Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Weekly meetings continue every Thursday at 5:30 pm for dinner and a program. Details about a fall retreat are coming soon. For inquiries, please contact Peer Ministers Wilson Matungwa at [email protected] or Joel Beaudry at [email protected].

And thank you to the gameday football parkers!

As a fundraiser to support Alachua County School teachers, Jackie Klein, John Montmarquette, Jim and Caroline Yale parked cars for the UF Homecoming parade on October 7th . $266.00 was raised.
Village of Hope

UELC sponsors a total of 16 students at VOH. Some sponsors paid for the entire year and others are making monthly payments. There is still time to become a sponsor for 2022. Contact Janet Janke for more information.
From VOH’s website:
Please continue to pray for peace and safety in Haiti and Village of Hope. Your prayers strengthen us and give us hope for a brighter future.
Winter and Holiday Help for Family Promise families

Family Promise of Gainesville would like to ensure their families have a Christmas tree to enjoy for this season. We have the opportunity to meet this need with a "nothing fancy" tree. If you have a gently used artificial tree you'd like to donate, or would like to shop for one (at a thrift or new product store), please let me know. Also, with winter approaching, Walmart gift cards are sought after so families can shop for clothes appropriate for the season. 
Contact me for help facilitating these donations. amy_schirmer@

Thank you UELC members for your amazing support over the years for our families in need.
Order Fair Trade Products

We will be placing an order in November for fair trade coffee, chocolate, and Palestinian olive oil. A variety of tea is also available on request. Please visit the website to find descriptions of various products at

If you would like a case (usually 6 per case) of any product for yourself or to share, please let Joan Anderson know by November 7. We will be ordering the popular mini-chocolates and will package them for sale to anyone during the Advent season.

Folks at ULC have been ordering fair trade products for many years now, supporting fair prices for small-farming efforts around the world. We serve fair trade coffee for Sunday hospitality time and several individuals regularly stock up on items. Do join in with an order. We receive bulk discounts and free shipping.
--Joan Anderson
Our Pastor and Staff

Pastor Lynn Fonfara
Pastor, Congregation and Campus Ministry

Amy Schirmer
Music Ministry Coordinator

Ana Mattos-Lebron

Evelyn Simmons