Bmoor Updated

A bi-weekly email to keep our church family & friends updated

Sunday, February 6, the 11:00 o’clock Traditional Service will feature music by the local jazz ensemble IN HARMONY. Hear some of your favorite hymns and gospel songs done in a jazz style.*Enjoy beignets and coffee starting at 9:30a in Connection Café.
Save the Date! The next Holy Chow is coming up on Wednesday, February 16 at 12:00 p.m. in the Casual Worship Center. This is a great time for fellowship and delicious food! Special guest Bob Mann. Cost to attend is $5 and payable at the door. RSVP online at
Blood Drive Coming Up

Due to COVID-19, our area is experiencing a severe blood shortage. Make plans now to donate blood Sunday, Feb 6 at the OLOL Bloodmobile in front of the Adult Building, across from the Sanctuary! Please be sure to eat before donating and bring your ID. All donors receive a FREE t-shirt.
Our Community Garage Sale is scheduled for April 30.
Please start saving your newspapers,paper grocery bags and storage boxes (broken down). Stay tuned for more information on drop-off dates, times and volunteer opportunities.
Offer Your Gifts to the Lord
You don't have to wait until Sundays to give your gifts to the Lord. You don't even have to worship in-person!
God is working through the church and you no matter what day it is or where you are. Because of the generosity of folks like you, we have been able to feed almost over 60,000 hungry people at Red Stick Together and provide weekly online worship experiences to hundreds that are still worshiping at home. Please continue to support the mission and ministries of Broadmoor United Methodist through your gifts. You can give safely and securely online HERE or via text by texting BMOOR to 73256 and following the prompts. We are grateful for your generosity!

We are sharing lots of important and helpful information right now. Stay updated by following us on social media and signing up to receive emergency texts.