or select your discipline:
The National Science Foundation’s Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence supports potentially transformative research that develops basic theoretical insights and fundamental knowledge about principles, processes and mechanisms of learning, and about augmented intelligence - how human cognitive function can be augmented through interactions with others, contextual variations, and technological advances.
The National Science Foundation’s Mid-scale Research Infrastructure is an agency-wide competitive program that addresses scientific demand for research infrastructure in the $20 million -$100 million cost range for implementation. Mid-scale RI-2 is intended to support visionary projects that are high-priority national needs as identified by research communities of the United States.
Research Weekly will be on hiatus during the holiday break and will not be published on December 23 and 30.
EONS 2021-OCEAN: Call for Peer Review Panelists
NASA Minority University Research and Education Project is seeking subject matter experts to serve as virtual panel reviewers of proposals to EONS-2021, Appendix I: OCEAN. The virtual panel review is expected to be held from May 24-28, 2021. Information about the opportunity, proposal requirements and evaluation criteria can be found on the OCEAN web page in the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES).
Non-civil servant panelists will receive a $200/per day honorarium. Interested parties should reply to this email identifying their area of expertise, along with a CV or resume to NASAOCEAN@nasaprs.com by February 26, 2021 for consideration.
Mattress Recycling Council – Research Program and Funding Opportunities
11 a.m.-noon
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020
The Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) invests $1 million annually in research to increase the recyclability of mattresses and find new end markets for used mattress components. More than 50,000 mattresses a day are discarded in the U.S. Through recycling, more than 75% of the components from used mattresses can be remade into new products or uses, diverting valuable material from the waste stream. In this webinar, learn about MRC’s open research funding opportunities and how you can apply. The webinar will also provide an overview of MRC and its statewide recycling operations in the U.S. as well as the strategic goals and priorities of MRC’s research program and recent success stories. Presenters will answer questions and provide tips for submitting a request for proposal and discuss our process and timeline for awards.
NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences Virtual Office Hour
Join for the monthly information session to learn about ongoing and new opportunities at NSF.
The next DMS Virtual Office Hour will be held from 10-11 a.m on December 15, 2020. This Office Hour will include a brief discussion of current and upcoming DMS activities.
Topics of Focus on December 15:
- Overview of DMS operations and the impact of COVID-19
A brief description of the Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) program
A brief description of the Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD) program
A brief description of the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program
This presentation will be followed by an open question and answer period for your questions. Participants may submit questions in advance by sending e-mail to: DMS-VOH@nsf.gov. There will also be an opportunity to submit questions anonymously through the Zoom webinar Q&A feature. Questions will be prioritized by those deemed to be of interest to the widest audience.
The Local Food System Response to COVID-19: Building Better Beyond Webinar Series
Join the USDA on the third Monday of each month for facilitated cross-sectoral discussions on topics related to local food and COVID-19, such as customer retention and engagement, emergency food, cooperative business models, state policies, and consumer behavior. Next up, on December 21, the topic will be emergency food and the local food system.
Thursday, January 14, 3 p.m.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: December 1, 2020
Save The Date — CERES Symposium
1-4 p.m.
January 28, 2021
Speakers from industry, government, and higher education will explore parallels between the current COVID-19 pandemic and pathogen outbreaks in the agricultural industry and discuss strategies and innovations to improve preparedness, response, recovery, and resiliency for future pathogen outbreaks in agricultural and human disease.
Coming soon: PI Launchpad 2020
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, in partnership with the Heising-Simons Foundation, will host a virtual workshop tentatively planned for early Summer 2021 to explore the fundamentals of how to turn a science question into a mission concept.
Updates will be made available here as they are announced. Check back in early 2021 for more information.
K-State RSCAD in the news
Agency news and trending topics
FAQs now available to clarify our recent guidance on the ability to direct charge personal protective equipment (PPE) costs to clinical trials and clinical research awards (NOT-OD-20-164). nih.gov
As this long year enters its final month, there is good reason to look ahead to 2021 with optimism that the COVID-19 pandemic will finally be contained. The Food and Drug Administration is now reviewing the clinical trial data of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to ensure their safety and efficacy. If all goes well, emergency use authorization could come very soon, allowing immunizations to begin. directorsblog.nih.gov
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is working to speed development of solutions for our most pressing homeland security challenges with the launch of an entrepreneurship program called Hacking for Homeland Security (H4HS). S&T identifies, develops, and adapts technologies to meet the most pressing needs of DHS components and first responders. dhs.gov
CAMEO algorithm identifies new compound potentially useful for photonic devices and biologically inspired computers. nist.gov
The National Institutes of Health will provide support to institutions to recruit diverse groups or “cohorts” of early-stage research faculty and prepare them to thrive as NIH-funded researchers. nih.gov
For more than 10,000 years, the people who lived on the arid landscape of modern-day western New Mexico were renowned for their complex societies, unique architecture and early economic and political systems. But surviving in what Spanish explorers would later name El Malpais, or the "bad lands," required ingenuity now explained for the first time by a team led by University of South Florida geoscientists. nsf.gov
Researchers at the National Eye Institute (NEI) have decoded brain maps of human color perception. The findings, published today in Current Biology, open a window into how color processing is organized in the brain, and how the brain recognizes and groups colors in the environment. The study may have implications for the development of machine-brain interfaces for visual prosthetics. NEI is part of the National Institutes of Health. nsf.gov
Looking for a bird's-eye view of human impacts? A new study, published in the journal Nature, provides the most comprehensive picture yet of how human noise and light pollution affect birds throughout North America.The effects of noise and light pollution on the health of bird populations had been largely overlooked until recent studies suggested that these stressors can harm individual species. With this new study by biologists at California Polytechnic State University, a continent-wide picture has emerged.
In 2015, hundreds of children were born with brain deformities resulting from a global outbreak of Zika virus infections. Recently, National Institutes of Health researchers used a variety of advanced drug screening techniques to test out more than 10,000 compounds in search of a cure. nih.gov