Be Honest: Open Your Heart

Life has often been counted not by the measure of breaths we take or moments experienced, but by the ticking of a game clock or hours and days dedicated to practices, driving to tournaments and the stretch of sports season after sports season. We pursue a life of athletics because it feels born in us, or a sweet surprise we’ve gratefully stumbled into. And we honor this life by giving as much of ourselves to it as we can.

The first step towards a rich and satisfying life in Jesus is to open your heart and let Him shine His light into areas you may be trying to hide in the shadows. What are you holding onto that Jesus says to release? Where are you heading where Jesus tells you to turn around?

Opening our hearts to let Him see to all of our parts is vulnerable and often uncomfortable. We don’t like to think we’ve got things wrong, but if we’re honest, we’re not sure we like the direction we’re headed anyway.

There’s a longing in us for more that taps on our hearts and the rhythm won’t go away. And the more we let that rhythm move us towards God’s best, the more we can live in a way that others are intrigued and want to know more about the One we live for. So why not let the Ultimate Healer have His way to bring us into the light?

North Central Illinois FCA
Leadership Camp 2021

Jr. High: July 26th & 27th
High School: July 28th & 29th

Time: 8:30am - 4:00pm (Lunch will be served daily)
Location: Eastview Christian Church
Cost: TBD

More details to come at a later date...


MCstrong / FCA Golf Outing
When: Friday, July 30, 2021

Where: Ironwood Golf Course

Format: 4- person Scramble

Registration: Coming Soon

Coach - Jon Nelson
Where do you coach?
Tri-Valley High School 
How long have you coached?
I have been coaching for 23 years.
What is your primary sport to coach?
I coach golf along with track & field. 
How long have you been involved in FCA?
I've been involved in FCA for about 20 years off and on. 
Why/How did you get involved in FCA? I wanted to provide students the opportunity to see the big picture in life and help lead them in a positive way.
How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ? It has taught me a great deal about providing a positive influence on students and letting them know there is always someone they can reach out to.
What legacy do you hope to leave as a coach? I hope to have built relationships with athletes and students that last a lifetime and help them become successful husbands, wives, and parents, who will contribute to this world in positive ways.
What is your favorite Bible verse? "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ~ Phillipians 4:13
Athlete - Claire Retherford
Where do you attend school? 
Illinois Wesleyan University
What year are you and what is your major?
I am a sophomore majoring in nursing and minoring in health.
What is your primary sport?
I am a thrower on the track & field team. 
How long have you been involved in FCA?
 I have been involved with FCA since 4th grade, so about 11 years now!
Why/How did you get involved in FCA?
Gibson City started having a FCA power camp during the summer of me going into 4th grade, and I have been involved ever since.
How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ? FCA has sparked my relationship with Christ. Even though I went to church every Sunday and Sunday school, I didn't really have a strong relationship with God until I went to FCA and fully understood what it meant to be a Christian and how to have that strong relationship with Christ. I don't remember the exact time when I gave my life to Christ but I remember how FCA continually showed me God's love and how to give my life to Him and I could be free. 
What legacy do you hope to leave as an athlete? I hope that as an athlete I am able to show others God's glory, whether it be because of success or because of the joy I have because of Him.
What is your favorite Bible verse? "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." ~ Deuteronomy 31:6
Make an Impact in North Central Illinois!
Leading with the Heart

Consider sharing this recent article from the FCA Spring Publication.

Answer the Knock: Open Your Heart to God

As competitors, we like the drive that compels us forward, pushing through the pain of extra workouts and building our endurance as seasons stretch long or we fight against an underdog status. We thrive on it, really.