December 9, 2020           

Letter to Community About 
Student COVID Positive Case

Good evening San Marino Community,

Earlier this morning, it was reported to me that we had our first confirmed student COVID-19 case.  Yesterday, a Huntington Middle School (HMS) student was sent home from one of our small cohorts after complaining of minor symptoms.  Correct protocols were followed as staff immediately took the student to the isolation room where a temperature was taken.  The student went home for testing and the remaining 4 students were taken outside for the rest of the day where they were socially distanced as they continued their learning.  The ill student was tested and the results were positive.

When the student arrived at HMS on Tuesday morning, the initial temperature check was normal and the student passed the screening.  The student first experienced symptoms while in the classroom.  On Tuesday evening, Mr. Topalian and Dr. Choi began the County required documentation and contact tracing.  The two small cohorts of students at HMS have been sent home and will remain home through the Winter break.  Families of students in the two cohorts have been contacted and provided direction, HMS staff has been notified, and notification has been given to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.  Huntington Middle School staff who have been working at the site have been directed to work from home for the remaining 7 days before Winter Break.  

This notification is intended to provide our community with an update regarding an active positive COVID-19 case and to provide assurance that our staff is following safety protocols to the letter of the law.  Our COVID-19 Compliance Team will use this case as an opportunity to further assess our protocols, procedures and practices related to safety, sanitization and the good health of our students and staff.

Thank you.

Dr. Jeff Wilson