July 2020: Information Sharing Edition
 In this edition: 

  • City of Windsor Modified Day Camps
  • Essex Modified Day Camp & Activities
  • LaSalle Virtual Seniors Programs
  • United Way Summer Eats for Kids Program
  • United Way Backpacks for Success School Supply Drive
  • Windsor Black Lives Matter Questionnaire
  • NCCE Inc. Virtual Childcare Parent Support Services
  • WEST Summer Virtual Programs for Newcomer Women, Youth, & Children
  • WPL Virtual Summer Reading Club for Kids
  • The COVID-19 Child Mental Health Study
  • Service Canada Webinars
  • Emergency Assistance in Ontario
  • One-Time Payment to Seniors
  • June 27th Miracle Update
  • Ontario Helping Youth Pursue New Opportunities
  • Ontario Providing Support for Seniors
  • Local COVID-19 Information & Resources
City of Windsor Modified Day Camps
The City of Windsor will offer 5 weeks of Modified Day Camps from August 4 to September 4, 2020 for children aged 3 to 14. Camps will be held at the WFCU Centre and Capri Pizzeria Complex only , subject to confirmation of sufficient demand for the program.

A registration period will begin on July 2 until July 12 t o determine the demand for this program . Registration can be done on-line at or by phone at 519-966-6065 .
Once the programs have been confirmed, registration can be continued until capacity is reached. Please read the full announcement here .

Please note that the P2P 90% Recreation Discount is available to help families with the cost of the Day Camps. Please contact the Recreation Department. More information can be found here .
Essex Modified Day Camp & Activities
In-person day camps will begin in the Town of Essex on Monday, July 6 with limited enrollment available . The day camps will operate under the new standards and procedures set out by the Province of Ontario and Windsor-Essex County Health Unit to ensure a safe environment for all participants. In-person day camps will be available for full-week registrations at $175/child . Click here to read the full announcement

New virtual day camps will also be open for registration on July 2 . This unique week-long program is offered in partnership with, an online service which provides a full digital experience for campers, and will cost $60/child . Click here for the registration page.
LaSalle Virtual Seniors Programs
The Town of LaSalle has joined Cyber-Seniors and will be matching young people with seniors to offer free one-on-one telephone guided computer lessons.  This is made possible by funding assistance from the Canada Summer Jobs Program. All learning takes place over the phone.

Interested seniors can get more information or register for the free lessons by calling 519-969-7771, ext. 0 . Online registration is also available.  One-on-one telephone lessons will be available from June 22 until August 28 .

Please visit the LaSalle Seniors Programs website for more information.
United Way Summer Eats for Kids Program
United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County launched the Summer Eats for Kids Program to provide kids and families living in low income with nutritious food during the summer months when school nutrition programs are closed.
The Summer Eats for Kids program will provide a week’s worth of healthy snacks, fruits and vegetables in six locations in West Windsor, Downtown Windsor and Leamington using a drive-thru pick-up model in the parking lots of empty schools.

Summer Eats for Kids will operate from June 30 to August 27, 2020 . Families with children are welcome to pick up a box of food once a week at the following locations and times:

  • Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at St. James Catholic Elementary, Catholic Central High School and St. Louis Catholic Elementary
  • Thursdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at West Gate Public School, Dougall Ave. Public School and Leamington District Secondary School

Registration will take place on location. All staff and volunteers will be taking the appropriate safety measures for COVID-19. Please click here to read the full news release.
United Way Backpacks for Success
Many students in Windsor-Essex are in need of school supplies in order to be equipped with the materials they need to be successful.

Help the United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County fill 1,000 backpacks by dropping off new school supplies to The WFCU Centre starting July 6 - 31, 2020. Supplies can be dropped off Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the community rink entrance.

Monetary donations can also be made online here .

CUPE Local 82 and the City of Windsor are helping to collect supplies.
Windsor Black Lives Matter Questionnaire
Recently, Mayor Drew Dilkens and Police Chief Pam Mizuno participated in a virtual roundtable discussion with local Black and African leaders in our community. In an effort to continue the important dialogue and identify opportunities for growth, and effect real and critical change, Mayor Dilkens is asking for your help in identifying barriers, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and possible action items as we move forward .

Please take the survey through July 10, 2020 .

Photo courtesy of Noah Gecelovsky, Raging Bull Photography
NCCE Inc. Virtual Childcare Parent Support Services
The New Canadians’ Centre of Excellence Inc. has provided a variety of Virtual Childcare Parent Support Services (VCPSS) Newsletters, Volumes 1-21 . These resources can benefit parents in guiding them in planning fun, educational and age appropriate activities for their children (Infant -12 years). The newsletters also have helpful tips and schedules to assist with maintaining a daily routine.

Please visit the NCCE Inc. website to access and download the newsletters. All volumes are available in English and Arabic, some are also available in Spanish.
WEST Summer Virtual Programs
Women's Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor Inc. (WEST) is hosting a variety of Virtual Summer Programs for Newcomer Women, Youth and Children .

Please click here to download a PDF flyer to view the Summer Virtual Programs and find out how to register.
WPL Virtual Summer Reading Club for Kids
Windsor Public Library (WPL) is kicking off a Virtual Summer Reading Club for kids. Join them for a summer of staycation fun with stories, crafting, science, contests and more!

The Virtual Summer Reading Club will run from July 6 to August 15, 2020 . You can also visit the Windsor Public Library Facebook page for more information.
The COVID-19 Child Mental Health Study
A team of researchers in the Department of Psychology at the University of Windsor are partnering with the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board , the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health , and Virginia Commonwealth University to conduct an online study on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected children in the Windsor-Essex region .

If you are a parent of children aged 9 to 13 and are interested in participating, please click here for more information.
Service Canada Webinars
Service Canada is offering free webinars from July 7 to July 30, 2020 to provide information about federal government programs and services that could benefit your clients - including Indigenous peoples, seniors, persons with disabilities, families, youth, workers (including self-employed individuals), employers and newcomers.

Join from anywhere! The presentations are delivered via WebEx technology, with the audio portion provided via telephone . Choose to attend the webinars that are most relevant to you and your clients, the webinar schedule and topics are outlined below.

To register, please click the Register Now button below and e-mail your selection(s) , you will receive joining instructions within two business days.
For additional information, please contact Service Canada here .
For general information about Service Canada, please visit or call 1-800-O-Canada
Emergency Assistance in Ontario
If you are in an emergency situation and you live in Ontario, you might be eligible for emergency assistance .

You may qualify if you live in Ontario (not a visitor or tourist), are in a crisis or emergency situation, and do not have enough money for things like food and housing. For example, a crisis or emergency includes situations where you:
  • Have been affected by COVID-19 
  • Are being evicted from your home
  • Are in or are leaving an abusive relationship 
  • Are worried about your safety

You are not eligible if you are getting assistance from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program

You can apply online or by calling your local Ontario Works office .

If you think you will need assistance for a month or more, you can apply for Ontario Works online  or by calling your local office .
One-Time Payment to Seniors
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government will issue a one-time payment for seniors to help them cover the increased costs caused by the pandemic. Payments will be issued starting the week of July 6, 2020.

Who is eligible?
No application is required. All individuals who are eligible to receive the Old Age Security (OAS) pension or an income-tested benefit in June 2020 will receive the payment . Individuals who are not eligible for an OAS pension or an income-tested benefit in June 2020, but are eligible in July 2020 or subsequently, will not receive the payment.

Benefit Details:
Individuals who are eligible to receive the OAS pension or an income-tested benefit in June 2020 will receive one payment:
  • OAS pension recipients will receive $300. This includes non-resident and partial pension recipients.
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) recipients will receive an additional $200 (for a total payment of $500).
  • Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor recipients will receive $500.
A separate payment will be made to each member of a married or common-law couple if eligible. The payment is non-taxable.

Payment Details:
The payment will be issued in the same manner as the recipient's OAS monthly benefits , but will be sent as a separate direct deposit or cheque. Payments will be issued during t he week of July 6, 2020 .

Visit or phone the Pensions Call Centre at 1-800-277-9915 for additional information.
June 27th Miracle Update
The June 27th Miracle collected just over 2-million pounds of food across Windsor-Essex County!
Volunteers went door-to-door to collect donations in our communities, staffed rural drop-off locations, and assisted at the collection centres to receive and sort all donations: "about 10,000 volunteers worked at over 40 drop-off locations on a food drive that spanned the county."

An estimated 2,020,500 lbs of food was collected . The donated items will be distributed to local food banks. Please click here to read the full news article.
Ontario Helping Youth Pursue New Opportunities
The Ontario government is investing more than $13 million to support community- driven and youth-led projects to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families facing economic and social barriers . The funding will flow through the 2020 Youth Opportunities Fund , a province-wide initiative that creates opportunities for young people and empowers and supports parents, guardians and caregivers.

The Youth Opportunities Fund provides funding through the following three granting streams:
  • Youth Innovations ― Provides youth facing multiple barriers with the resources they need to design and deliver new and inspiring solutions to issues that matter to them and their communities.
  • Family Innovations ― Invests in local, community-driven groups delivering culturally relevant projects that empower and support parents, guardians and caregivers who face barriers and challenges to child and family well-being.
  • System Innovations ― Supports organizations that are strengthening the quality and responsiveness of systems so that they may work better for young people facing multiple barriers.

Please click here to read the full news release.
Ontario Providing Support for Seniors
The Ontario government is providing up to $4 million for the Seniors Community Grant Program . This funding will help non-profit organizations, local services boards, or Indigenous groups develop programs for seniors that focus on combating social isolation, promoting seniors' safety and well-being, improving financial security and making communities age-friendly.

This year's grants will range from $1,000 to $100,000 and will fund projects that will:
  • Help older individuals and couples receive the support they need in their community;
  • Ensure seniors are less at risk for neglect, abuse and fraud, and that their rights and dignity are protected​;
  • Ensure more older adults are connected and engaged, reducing social isolation;​​ and,
  • Provide more opportunities for older adults in employment and volunteering, achieving greater financial security and engagement within the community.

The application period for the Seniors Community Grant Program is now open and will close on August 7, 2020. Unincorporated and incorporated not-for-profit organizations, local services boards, or Indigenous groups must submit applications to Transfer Payment Ontario online at The full news release is available here .
Local COVID-19 Information & Resources
As of June 26, 2020, it became mandatory to wear a face mask or covering in commercial establishments in Windsor-Essex . Full details of the order by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit can be found here .
The Government of Canada has provided a web page outlining safe and proper use of masks during COVID-19. Resources are available for download in multiple languages.
Drive thru Food Bank Locations in Windsor-Essex:
Unemployed Help Centre of Windsor Inc.
6955 Cantelon Dr., Windsor, ON
P: 519-944-4900
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

St. Michael's Adult Secondary School 
477 Detroit St., Windsor, ON
Tuesday & Thursday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Community Support Centre of Essex County 
Community Food Pantry 
962 Old Tecumseh Rd., Puce, ON
P: 519-728-1435 
DRIVE THRU OPEN: Monday & Wednesday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 
Salvation Army Leamington 
88 Setterington St., Leamington, ON
P: 519-326-0319 
Friday & Saturday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Municipal Social Investment Efforts
City of Windsor
Stephen Lynn
519-255-5200 ext. 5302
Teresa Falsetta Aflak
519-255-5200 ext. 6809
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