The Newsletter of 
Bellevue High School PTSA

May 26th ,  2020
BELLEVUE SCHOOLS FOUNDATION                中文版             日本語             Like us on Facebook
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9:00 am - 9:50 am
Memorial Day Holiday
No School
3rd Period
Resources Available
5th Period
Resources Available
7th Period
Resources Available
1st Period
Resources Available
10:00 am - 10:50 am
4th Period
Resources Available
6th Period
Resources Available
0 Period
Resources Available
2nd Period
Resources Available
11:00 am - 11:30 am
7th Period
Learning Lab
1st Period
Learning Lab
3rd Period
Learning Lab
5th Period
Learning Lab
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
0 Period
Learning Lab
2nd Period
Learning Lab
4th Period
Learning Lab
6th Period
Learning Lab
Daily (time flexible)
Pre-scheduled check-in with student(s), educator planning, collaboration, or professional development


每年,Bellevue High的学生都参加SOUP4SIMPSON,以纪念校友Hunter Simpson。该活动由汤线组成,学生们将当天的午餐钱捐出并得到一杯汤作为回报。



2005年1月,Hunter Simpson在Bellevue High高四时被诊断出患有恶性脑瘤。在经历了六个月的强烈放射和化学治疗后,他于12月31日去世,享年18岁。尽管Hunter过着简朴,奉献和短暂的生活,但他比其他年龄两倍的人慷慨大方。他被描述为受基督教信仰驱使的老灵魂,为穷人和被压迫者提供社会正义的心。为了纪念Hunter,Bellevue High School 在过去的14年里举办了SOUP4SIMPSON,该活动包括汤,捐赠,饼干,高筒袜和社区SOUP4SIMPSON午餐日,为Bellevue High的学生提供了做出一些牺牲的机会,以帮助他们那些需要帮助的人。这次活动的灵感来自Hunter大学的第一学期,也是唯一的一个学期。他决定在那个学期的膳食计划上花最少的钱,所以他每天吃一杯汤吃午餐,每天吃一杯汤吃,每天只花1.5美元。在学期末,他的膳食计划获得了998美元的抵免额,用于从大学食堂购买不易腐烂的食物。他在西雅图的新视野青少年无家可归者收容所向青少年运送了这种食物。

去年,我们的活动获得了$ 15,556.44的奖金。总体而言,在我们举办活动的14年中,我们为New Horizons 筹集了101,489.44美元。Hunter是一个了不起的,善解人意的人,他安静地领导,实践他的讲道,并且总是在别人之前想到别人。 SOUP4SIMPSON是我们的机会,可以通过团结成一个社区并向比我们更不幸的人献礼来庆祝他的生活。我们希望继续尊重Hunter-在他的榜样中生活和学习。 SOUP4SIMPSON使我们有机会效法他的榜样,并比我们来到这里时更好地离开了世界。

感谢您对SOUP4SIMPSON的支持并感谢Hunter Simpson。

Soup4Simpson 委员会





BHS乐团家长将继续以35美元的价格向毕业班提供夏威夷花环,以继续开展年度筹款活动。 这是该年度的主要募捐活动,您的订单将有助于支持未来的活动和学生。 如果毕业班学生想和同学一起戴着这个完美配饰,请访问我们的网站   进行订购。 订购花环的截止日期是6月1日。 截止日期不会更改,请不要错过。

花环的发放将于6月15日进行。家长会将安排早晚各一次,在 BHS 大门口附近发放。 具体时间待定。
如果您有任何疑问,请通过agaulding@hotmail.com与我们的花环销售协调员Amy Borberg联系
购买今年的纪念册的时候到了- Deadline Extended


又到了购买今年的纪念册的时候了。让我们记住今年。 今年的纪念册在6月5日前出售,不要错过哦!在Touchbase上买本纪念册来永远记住这不同凡响的一年!

We hope that all BHS families are staying well and safe!
We are happy to report that 80 BHS students have earned Wolverine Guard for 2019-2020!
For those who aren't aware, Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th. Due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, this year the necessary number of hours needed to earn WG was reduced to 80. In general, WG recognizes community service as the giving of time, talents, energy and/or expertise without compensation to benefit at least one other unrelated person.

This year's 80 WG recipients performed a total of 8,230.3 hours of community service for the year. That is an impressive number!
Additionally, we especially want to recognize the six seniors who have completed Wolverine Guard for all four years of high school! They are noted below.
Thank you to all who participated in WG for 2019-20. You have each given back to the community in significant ways and have helped to make the world a better place! We appreciate your service and your example!
Best regards,
Ady Chan and Annie Roth
BHS WG co-chairs 2019-2020
PS Wolverine Guard recipients, in recognition of your accomplishment, you will be receiving a printed certificate. Bellevue School District needs to reopen in order for printing of the certificates to occur. We will make arrangements for underclassmen to pick up your certificates at BHS in the fall once school re-opens. For current seniors, we will mail (as in via the US Postal Service) your certificates to you once they are ready. Seniors, please help us to prepare for this by sending us your mailing address at Thank you!

Wolverine Guard Recipients 2019-2020

Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Reed Bell Kaitlyn Dash Will Burrows Leonard Dattilo
Logan Erisman* Connor Duncan Lauryn Campbell Mary Fisher
Katie Fite* Sophia Friend Ernest Chae Allison Hall
Chloe Friend Natalia Furmanczyk Alex Cho Alex Lee
Amelie Heise* Michelle Ho Ian Clark Riley Pogue
Kristen Ishizuka Irene Hwang Megan Dedmon Gloria Shin
Albert Kwong Kevin Ishizuka Cole Ederer Alicia Siebers
Remmy Ndegeah* Madeline Jensen Ashley Kim Esther Yoon
Amelia Simpson Jane Kenny  Izzy Koo Corey Zheng
Justin Yang* Hannah Kim Matthew Kwon
Cynthia Yu  Jeffrey Kwon Sandy Kwong
Claire Zhong* Ethan Lee Cameron Lee
Nami Lindquist Jessica Lee
Aidan Luce Joanna Lee
Andrea Luis Rena Lee
Tyler Nelson Li Tony Liu
Victoria Pang Owen Mead
Diego Pascual Elaine Mohr
Jessica Peters Ellie O'Hara
Morgan Pingree Grace Park
Andrew Rose Molly Park
Cody Rupp Leah Peterson
Gracie Scribner Lily Podolsky
Alexis Tang Audrey Shim
John Van Horn Trudy Silver
Kyle Velasco Kaili Tam
Cameron White Emi Williams
Adora Wu Kaiser Williams
Heather Wu Siqi Zhao
Qianlin Yang
*four year Wolverine Guard recipients



我们知道,育儿也是家庭的重要任务。 如果需要托儿服务,请访问网站 Bellevue Boys and Girls Club website由于学校停课,BGCB为家庭提供各种服务,在目前这疫情快速变化下以帮助我们的社区。

2020年 6月19日

更详细的BHS学校日历,点击这里   HERE

BHS 社区公告板
BHS 社区支持

目前大家都在远程工作学习,所以Blast推出一项新功能:BHS 社区公告板,连接需要帮助的人和提供帮助的人。下面是几个例子。



如果您需要去杂货店购物,或者需要到药房买药或其他方面需要帮助,请与  Karina ,  联络,他们可以帮助买东西然后送到你家附近!

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请写下您对UW Medicine的鼓励和支持

为了应对COVID-19,UW Medicine的医护和工作人员正在不知疲倦地工作。他们需要来自社区的鼓励和支持。请在这里 here 留言,写下您对他们的关心,爱护和感恩.


Hello Bellevue!
Please enjoy this video tribute of our 2020 Senior Class of Track & Field students. Thank you to Stephanie Dash & Terri Forsberg for producing the video and the BHS Track & Field Coaching staff for commenting and sharing thoughts for your students!  


Hello Wolverine,
每周三下午 3:00-4:00pm, 我们的体能教练,James Kimerer将带领任何想要参加网上运动的同学做一个小时的锻练。运动包括腹肌,体能以及瑜伽和伸展练习。

总教练Nick Welton和他的助理教练团队的评论和想法;

Max Johnson - BHS Boys Lacrosse

胜者是永不退缩,而退缩永远也成不了胜者。Max Johnson之所以能成为一名赢家,是因为他拥有着坚持不懈的精神。在我认识他的这几个赛季中,他一直保持着一个积极向上的态度。今年是Max在BHS的最后一年了,我们也知道这个赛季对他有着多大的意义。我看得出来Max非常热爱这项运动。我相信他如果继续像最近几个赛季一样努力训练,他会成为一名很出色的球员,我很希望他会为他的大学效力!Max与众不同的特点是他的理解以及沟通能力。Max善于与他的队友沟通,并且他在场上场下都非常的善良。Max,我们相信你将来会成为一名出色的球员以及一名极具影响力的领导者。我们相信你未来会取得很大的成就!

Carter Laws - BHS Boys Lacrosse

Carter是一名球商很高的球员。他的灵活性以及聪明的无求跑位总是让我想起一名非常出色的网兜球球员 - Mike Powell。我们永远不会忘记他在十年级那年打国内排名第一的球队Ward Neville时进的那球。Carter在场下很少说话,但是他在场上的表现总是非常抢眼。他在2019赛季场场进球,他当赛季的助攻也是在队内排名第一。Carter尽管如此出色,他一直很谦逊,从不自傲,我们很欣赏这一点。Carter,我们为你感到骄傲,我们相信你会变得越来越出色。我们希望你打网兜球的经历能帮助你迈出人生中关键的一步。

Hector Morin - BHS Boys Lacrosse


乐队联合总监Edd George和Will Harvey 的评论和想法

Ayata Bernhardt  是我们今年非常出色的鼓乐手之一,他还非常善于吹长笛,也是我们乐队中最积极的成员之一!Avata非常友好,他总会在练习和表演时鼓舞其他的成员。乐队的成员都很喜欢并尊重他。Avata也是一名领导者。他通过参与Solo and Ensemble,以及WIBIC honor bands和青年交响乐体现了他出色的领导能力。Avata决定明年在华大读书,我们为他感到骄傲!

Ian Chia  is a four-year band member who has made numerous contributions to the group in the marching, concert, and jazz bands at BHS. A woodwind player on clarinet and saxophone(s), Ian always has a positive and enthusiastic attitude, greeting others with his trademark smile and keeping the band family a lighthearted and fun place to be for both our other seniors and new members alike. A Daft Punk fan, Ian can often be found grooving to their music, enjoying delicious shrimp chips, and hoping for that extra bit of sleep in the morning that we all hope for. After graduation, Ian will return to Singapore as a full-time national serviceman (NSF) for 2 years of active duty in the Singapore Armed Forces.

Rahul Jain  has played clarinet and saxophone in our bands.  He has been a section leader in Marching Band and played in Jazz I this year as well.  Rahul is dependable, hardworkingJT, and leads by example. His directors appreciate having him in band because he will play whatever part is necessary to help the band.  Next year he is planning on attending Pomona College.

Lepei Zhao  has been on Drumline since freshman year and has always brought positive energy to those around her.  What you might not know about Lepei is that she is a great musician and percussionist on all of the percussion instruments, not just the snare drum you might have seen her playing in marching band.  She is a boss on timpani, marimba, cymbals, and anything else percussion related.  Next year she is planning attending Wellesley College in Boston.    

Steven Cho  has played drums in drumline, Jazz Ensemble and our concert groups since freshman year.  Steven brings great leadership, encouraging words, energy, and swing to everything he does.  His drum set plying has helped our jazz band be as strong as it has been for the past few years.  He is planning to continue to play in jazz band at Harvard next year.

Justin Tham  一直是我们军乐队单簧管乐队的负责人,并且一直是很高水准的音乐家。 他是一位多乐器演奏员,曾演奏过单簧管,萨克斯管和钢琴。 一年中,他曾协助剪辑过半场演出的精彩无人机视频,并曾在Solo and Ensemble演出。 在此SoundCloud链接上,您可以在3月这张题为Khan的作品中听到他的钢琴演奏(以及所有这些参加演出的毕业生)。 Justin明年将进入华盛顿大学学习。

Go Bellevue!!! Be well....
Hello Bellevue High School & BHS another effort to honor and celebrate our Senior Student Athletes this Spring, we have reached out to ALL of the individual Seniors and their parents who are participating in Athletics. We are asking that if students themselves would like to have a chance to comment on what being a student athlete means to them, any highlights or memories they'd want to share and any people that they'd want to thank have a chance to do so. 

Conor Quinlan - Class of 2020, BHS Boys Lacrosse

Hi, I'm Conor Quinlan and I'm a senior at Bellevue High School who started playing lacrosse in 5th grade. My favorite high school memory during my time playing lacrosse at High School was the time when I played against Mercer Island with a lot of my boys and we won in overtime through a lot of effort and motivation. My plans after graduating High School is majoring in Computer Science (Cybersecurity or Software Engineering) at University of Denver. My last bit of wisdom for underclassmen/youth players is to stay healthy and motivated which will help you be happier in the future. My favorite phrase from a coach is to play for yourself, and to not worry about your opponents, focus on the gains and not the losses.
Thank you Conor for your dedication and commitment to your friends and teammates. Thank you for your LEADERSHIP mindset!

Go Bellevue!!! Be well....

2020 毕业晚会(更新)

我们深感遗憾地在此宣布取消了将于2020年6月16日毕业后立即举行的通宵毕业晚会。 如果您购买了票,我们会直接发送电子邮件到豁免表格上列出的父母的电子邮箱,你可以A)要求全额退款;或B)票价捐赠给为2020年级计划中的其他毕业活动。


BHS 2020毕业晚会委员会

Dear Senior Parents,

Here are the latest updates and exciting news about upcoming Senior events.  Please know that the safety and well-being of every student, family member, and staff member remains a top priority and all activities will be held in adherence to our district and local experts' recommendations.  Governor Jay Inslee has developed a Four Phase Safe Start Plan for the State of Washington and we will use this information along with the Washington State Department of Health's guidance for graduation ceremonies and related activities to inform our planning and actions. 

1 BHS Senior Yard Signs
Drive-Thru Pick Up @ School
May 14th & 28th
2 Senior SWAG Pick Up
Custom Tote filled with graduation Cap & Gown, Cords, Diploma Covers and other goodies, including The Barque: Senior Edition. Details of festive drive thru pick sent to Senior's school email.
May 28th
3 Senior Hype! Week
A week of fun announcements and activities planned each of the 5 days leading up to the virtual graduation. The week will conclude with a virtual Senior Breakfast and Senior Salute Assembly on Friday June 12th.  The Senior Breakfast, beginning at 11:00am, will feature award presentations from our teachers and department leaders as well as the Senior Slide Show.  The Senior Salute Assembly, beginning at 2:00pm will feature award and scholarship presentation from many distinguished community members, school-wide athletic and leadership awards, as well as pre-recorded student performances.
June 8th-12th
4 Virtual Graduation
A virtual graduation program that will include traditional ceremony components and broadcast at 5pm with Wolverine Ride to follow.
June 16th
Wolverine Ride (Senior Drive Through)
The festive Wolverine Ride will provide one more opportunity for seniors and their families to visit campus within the safety of their vehicles and see familiar staff faces while listening to a live broadcast from our own Wolverine Radio Station playing your favorite songs and personal messages from teachers and staff. Look for more information in the Blast and Senior's school email as the date approaches!
June 16th
6 Legacy Project
Art installation on campus to honor the class of 2020 in a lasting way.  This will involve the installment of a permanent feature on the Bellevue High School campus to forever recognize and honor the unique experience and contribution of the Class of 2020.
SOPHOMORES - 2022 - 10年级

如果您有任何疑问,建议/或疑虑,请随时通过 与我联系。非常感谢您提供的宝贵意见,以帮助我们改善每个人在Bellevue High体验! 温心提醒您,Bellevue Blast每周都会发布更新信息,敬请期待下一个更新。
Bellevue High School has a very diverse cultural population.
If you need translation for articles in our newsletters, please try this  link:


If you are interested in Japanese culture, Japanese anime, or take Japanese class and understand Japanese, why don't you join us, Team Japanese Blast? Team Japanese Blast is a group of parent and student volunteers who are engaged in translating the PTSA newsletter The Bellevue Blast into Japanese.

Hours for translation will qualify for volunteer hours, a graduation requirement!

To sign up or if you have question, send an email to:

For our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link on top of this newsletter. Be sure to sign up for your student's graduating classes. You may also unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter. 

The Blast will be delivered once a week on Tuesday mornings. The deadlines for submitting articles are as follows:
  • School news and PTSA articles - Friday deadline
  • Athletics and Activities articles - Sunday deadline
  • Submissions should be in plain text in the body of your email message or in a Word document.
  • Items submitted may be accepted, rejected, or edited at our discretion.
  • Please use a separate email for each article submitted.
  • Titles should be included in the Subject line.
  • Images may be included as JPEG or PNG files.
  • Submissions received after Friday/Sunday will NOT be in the Tuesday issue, but will be in the following week's issue.
COMMENTS: Thank you for your articles. The newsletter is edited by Jia Ling(Janet) Liu and Rebekah Brown. Please submit all comments and questions to us at

Thank you for staying informed!
PTSA Presidents
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications
BHS Administration
Principal:   Vic Anderson
Asst. Prin: Katie Klug

PTSA Vice President Fundraising
PTSA  Secretary
BHS Athletics/Activities
Director:  John Hill
Athletic Trainer:  Ashley Lopez
PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Treasurers
BHS Main Office
Bellevue HS PTSA | Bellevue Way | Bellevue | WA | 98004