Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Mon-Thurs 6am-7pm
Fri.-Sun. 6am-8pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 08-12-20 at Sea Hag Marina
Folks are finding scallops left & right! Limit is 2 gal per person with a max of 10 gal per boat.
Folks are still finding scallops! South by Rocky Creek & north by Piney Point & the Birdrack have been good areas lately!
Andy Phillip's grandson reeled in a nice redfish in shallow water the other day!
Even Stern and his crew slammed the board full of lionfish, gag grouper, hogfish & mangrove snapper!
This guy had his hands full of bags of scallops he & his crew collected!

Such a yummy way to prepare scallops for a filling meal!

Capt. Rassel's crew caught a nice limit of redfish & trout and Spanish mackerel!
The Newman family are holding up a bag of scallops they scooped up with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Kelli Spivey caught a nice trout on the flats!
Jeremy & Keaton King went scalloping this weekend! Keaton is definitely the scallop king at just 3 years old!
Jadon Bray is holding up a nice mangrove snapper from their trip!
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The Meer family had fun scalloping this weekend!
Marli Nipper caught a trout!
Capt. Max Leatherwood and his crew slammed the board with speckled trout & sand trout!
Deanna Deese is holding up some scallops she found!
 Mary Beth & Earnest Cox along with Kim & Steve Stepp filled the board with vermillion snapper, amberjack & lane snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood and firstmate, Jadon Bray!
Dave Watson and his daughter, Michelle Hudson, landed a nice redfish in a Steinhatchee creek!
Jamie Driggers caught a very spotted redfish one evening this week!
The King twins, Keaton & Emersyn, are holding up some scallops they collected with their parents!

Trey Killingsworth landed this beautiful 28 1/2 inch SAILFISH in Steinhatchee, FL! In about 80ft of water!
The Bogart, Recicar,  Castleberry & Zaharias families got TWO LIMITS of SCALLOPS on their boats & speared some flounder! How awesome!
Jimmy Maples from Valdosta, GA, reeled in a HUGE cobia!
How cute are the Garrett girls with their bags of scallops they collected with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Scott Davis, Philip Wright, Ronnie Ray, Brett Oglesby & Michael Heinzer went fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood & firstmates, Eli & Jadon Bray, where they tore up the mangrove snapper & caught a couple amberjacks!
Dawn, Adrienne, Haidyn, Blake & Bonnie are holding up huge bags of scallops they collected with deckhand, Chastity Griffin & Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Ormond Mayer & Chase Mayer caught their limit of spotted seatrout & sand trout with Capt. Max Leatherwood!
The Burchfields had a blast scalloping with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
This lady angler caught a perfect dinner-sized redfish with Capt. Steve Rassel!
Abigail & Robert Tomlison, along with their crew, came back with buckets full of scallops!
The Lopez family had so much fun scalloping out of Sea Hag!
Carl Dragsted and his crew brought back a board (and them some) of vermillion snapper, mangrove snapper & Florida snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood & firstmate, Zach Bunkley!
The Deese family got 10 gallons of scallops!
The Blythe family are holding up some of the scallops they found!
Dawn, Adrienne, Haidyn, Blake, Bonnie, & Mike collected a bucket full of scallops with deckhand, Chastity & Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Hawkar, Derin, Merr & Billy Collins had a great day of catching trout, Spanish mackerel & bluefish with Capt. Max Leatherwood!
Marissa & Joshua Gavin got married this past Friday in Steinhatchee at sunset!
Lane Peavy, Logan Dawkins, Trey Kilinsworth & Mark Hoen caught a nice board of lionfish, scamp grouper, lane snapper, mangrove snapper & a couple other species!

How cute! Capt. Leslie Hernandez & his crew found a baby scallop resting in an empty scallop shell! They safely released him to grow up! 
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2020 Tournament List:

July 1  - October 4 - CCA Star Fishing Tournament

September 12 - Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19 - Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 - Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10 ***CANCELED**** Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
Available in kids & adults!

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
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This information will help FWC scientists determine accurate regulations for our area!