Message of the Moment

A Thanksgiving Break


Take some time over the Thanksgiving holiday to give some attention to the way you receive parish information or consider trying something new, like ringing in the bell choir. 


Just this Tuesday (before Thanksgiving) an e-mail invitation was sent to those who still need to sign on to use REALM (our new church software). Once you have clicked the link to accept your invitation to join REALM, you may use the tool in two ways. From your computer, you simply go to the website ( and log in. Or, on your mobile phone you can go to your app store and download the REALM Connect app. Once the app is installed on your phone and you open it, you will be asked to sign in with the account information you got when you accepted the REALM invitation in your e-mail. Many already have opened the e-mail, accepted the invitation, and begun to explore the information available. The more members who log on and use this new software, the better it will be, so give it a try!


Lots of us have noted again and again the dedicated service of our sexton, Jose Alonso. In spite of the ups and downs we experience in life, Jose has been with us for years. He stuck in there through the pandemic only working part-time. He cleans, gets our facility ready for every event, and maybe most importantly of all, provides security for all of us. He is truly irreplaceable. 


In an attempt to express our gratitude for everything he does, we invite you to contribute to an end-of-year bonus for him. You can write a check to St. James and put his name down on the memo line (like always). 


Very soon you will be able to use a new, super easy way to give online thanks to REALM. We are almost finished setting up ways to give towards your pledge, your church offering, or for special gifts such as the bonus for Jose. We will also have the option of contributing to the endowment (PMEF) on the giving form soon. Our purpose is to make supporting the ministries of St. James Church easy for you. Expect to learn more about giving with REALM next week. If you have any questions, please call the church office. 


There are many ways to give to the parish which don’t involve money. If you can keep time with music, you may be just the person we are looking for to join the St. James Bell Choir. We hear the voice of angels through the playing of the bells and invite all interested persons to let us know of your interest in participating. The bell choir will begin rehearsing thrice a month after the first of the year and contribute the music of the bells to our worship once each month. Rehearsal times will be established according to the schedules of those involved, so don’t hesitate to express your interest now. You can call the church office (316-683-5686) or send us an email at: Our new choirmaster, Warren Kim, will lead the bell choir, and Adrienne Edwards will help with coordination. 


As we count our blessings this time of year, let us not forget those who suffer due to injustice, hate, and violence. Our hearts go out to all victims of random violence including those in Idaho, Virginia, and Colorado. God, we know that you bring into existence that which does not exist. We trust that you can help us break the cycle of senseless killing and bring us into cooperation with peace. 


Please, don’t neglect gratitude for all that we have, and lift a prayer like this as well:


A prayer in times of violence

God of all humanity,

In times of violence

We see how inhuman we can be.


We pray for those who, today,

Are weighed down by grief.

We pray for those who, yesterday,

Were weighed down by grief.


And the day before,

And all the days before the day before.


We pray, too, for those who help us turn towards justice and peace.


Turn us all towards justice and peace

Because we need it. AMEN.


This prayer is one offered by the Corrymeela Community (


May your know your life full of blessing.

Yours in Christ, Mother Dawn+

First Things First

Advent begins this weekend: Sign up with friends or family to light the candles on the Advent Wreath.

If you haven't made a pledge yet for 2023, please sign up to do so. Your support of the ministries and community at St. James Church is vital to what we do and the love we share. 

The Readings this Week

Click here to go to the Lectionary Page

Click here for a free PDF download of the Book of Common Prayer

The Lessons appointed for the First Sunday of Advent, Year A

Isaiah 2:1-5

Romans 13:11-14

Matthew 24:36-44

Psalm 122


Parish News and Updates

Left to right: Jordan Weber, Paul Leeker, Allie Mutzke, Leia Pameticky, Bishop Cathleen, Mother Dawn, Tabitha Weber, Archdeacon Jeff.

2022 Bishop Vistation

When there are baptisms, confirmations, and receptions Bishop Cathleen brings one plant for each candidate - to be planted on church property. Here is a photo from Sunday showing the confirmands and the newly received parishioner with the Bishop and our clergy as they prepared to plant.

In this season of giving please consider giving the gift of life. Join us on December 4th for the final St. James blood drive of 2022. If you are unavailable or unable to give blood please consider asking someone to give on your behalf. Every donation potentially saves up to three lives. To register for an appointment please: 


  1. Sign-up online using your donor account at
  2. Call/text/email Dottie at 785-341-4532 or
  3. Catch Dottie at church on Sunday

Seasonal Shopping at St. James

Available to give as Christmas gifts:

  • Liturgical calendars: $5
  • St. James History Book: $20
  • Boxed notes of the Te Deum window: $10
  • Prints of Bill Goffrier paintings of the church: price varies depending on size. 

Available for purchase at the front desk until Christmas. 

December 4 is the last Adult Forum for 2022. Adult Forum will begin again in 2023 on January 15, with Fr. Andy Houltberg leading. He will lead Adult Forum once a month, walking us through the curriculum Bridges Out of Poverty. Father Andy is the CEO of Breakthrough/ESS.

Click HERE for a list of the 2023 nominations for elective offices to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in January. To add a nominee to the slate, a group of 20 members must present their nominee(s) in writing to the church office. The nominations must include the signature of each elector involved to indicate their consent to be on the ballot. All nominees must be submitted by December 31, 2022.All nominees must be submitted by December 31, 2022.

St. James/St. Stephen’s Book Club meets in person at St Stephen’s every Thursday at noon. New reading fans are always welcome. Questions, contact Mary Sloan.

A few people have received fraudulent emails/text messages claiming to be Mother Dawn. Please know that she would never ask someone to make a purchase on her behalf, and neither would any member of staff at St. James. If a message seems out of the ordinary, you should always look to see what email/number it was sent from. If you receive one of these, it doesn’t mean the person has been hacked; people are able to get a lot of information from the church website. You can delete and ignore the message.

Children and Youth

Children's Sunday school & Children's Chapel is Sunday, Dec 4th starting at 9:30 am. We will talk about the mystery of Advent and the coming birth of Christ. Kids aged preschool - 5th grade are welcome! Questions? Contact Chelsea,

Lauren Schmeidler, a long-time member, is our new Nursery Coordinator! She is trained in CPR and Safeguarding God's Children. As a long-time volunteer in the Nursery, she is excited about this new opportunity. The nursery is open each Sunday from 8:15 am - 12:00 pm and special events for newborns to five years of age. We are still looking for volunteers to assist Lauren, contact Chelsea.

Outreach News & Updates

The St. James Outreach Committee will meet after Thanksgiving on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 4:00 p.m. in the lounge. Our speaker, Joan Moore, will explain the important work done by Hunter Health. Also, a photographer from St. Francis Ministries will come to take a group picture for their website. We love visitors, so join us if you can   


Pocket Change Ministry: The Kansas Children’s Service League (KCSL) will be the next recipient of our Pocket Change gift check of $500. KCSL plans to use our gift to assist with their Kinship Navigator program which provides groceries, cleaning supplies, and WalMart gift cards for clients in need. (Note that the Walmart gift cards cannot be used for alcohol, tobacco, or fire arms.) Our gift will reach deserving clients selected by knowledgeable social workers.

This Thanksgiving and all year round, the Outreach Committee is extremely grateful for the generosity of the St. James congregation. We would never be successful without your ongoing, faithful support. Ours is a compassionate congregation seeking and finding ways to serve the community. Thank you St. James! Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Parish Prayers for the Week of November 27

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: 

Pray for the Nippon Sei Ko Kai  


In the World Council of Churches Cycle of Prayer: 

In the Kansas Cycle of Prayer: 

Pray for St. Andrew’s, Derby 

St. James Church prays for these individuals as well:


Our seminarian, Maddy Bishop


Those serving in the military:

J. David Anderson-Lusk, Will Corkins, Maureen Tanner

Those who have recently died: Gloria Jean Davis; Dan Dye; Astrid Ankenbrand

And those who have died in Novembers pastRoberta Adams; George Armantrout; Hugh Auchterlonie; Helen M. Canzoneri; Christine Clawson; Charles Daily; Dallas Elliott; Shannon Faure; Arlene Grey; Marilyn Groves; Bob Hall; Rod Hansen; Lea Jordan; Frances P. Linde; Myrl Martin; Wayne Mason; Martie McClure; Jayne Milburn; Marilyn Milligan; Lee Osmond; Tom Tatlock; James Thomas; Jeanette Thornton; Dave Utermark; Mary Louise Webster; Richard Williams


Those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness or any other adversity:

Drew H.; Josh; Monica; Rhys; Kai; Tammy; Ken; Ron D.; John R.; Marge Rine & family; Janet R.; Phil S., Celia B.; Sylvester; Darwin P.; Sharon & Jerry; Jan. M., Edna & James; Janet R.; Wes R.; Andy S.; Pat; Peggy S.; Gary; Deb H.; Bill and Jeri; Jayne P.; Barbara H.; Suzy R.; Helen B., Bill and Carolyn, Dave W.; Carole; Bob and Sue; Pam M.; Dal; Gus; Joan J.; Martha L.; Betty; Sage; Joseph B.; Jerry M.; Joy J.


For the sake of privacy, we do not list the last names of those who are on our prayer list because of trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or adversity. We do our best to include last name initials in the event that two parishioners with the same first name exist.


If your prayers have been answered, let us rejoice with you. Please contact the office to let us know we can remove your prayer request. If you have prayers you would like added to the prayer list, please contact the office at or 316-683-5686.


Loving, Liberating and Life-Giving

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Diocesan News

Spiritual Life: 2022 Calendar of Retreats

Advent Quiet Day: Let it Be, the spirituality of Mary of Nazareth

Saturday, December 3, 2022, 9 am - 2 pm

Grace Cathedral and Bethany Garden

The Canon for Spiritual Life and Clergy Care is offering quiet days and retreats around the diocese throughout the year. A complete list is kept on their website. If you would like to invite her to create something for your parish, minster or convocation please reach out. 

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