The Epistle
August 5, 2020
Dear St. Aidan’s family,

Sheets of water poured from the sky as I met with the women’s reading circle this week to talk about Ta-Nehisi Coates’ The Water Dancer. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias was making his wild way northward, while the creek in the gully below my apartment complex became a raging stream and the trees waved frantically in the wind. Then, suddenly, the storm ended. By 11:00 a.m., the sun was out, and the clouds had rolled on toward Canada. 

If only the storms we are living through in this season, nationally and personally, could come to such a swift end! This Sunday, our gospel will remind us that smooth sailing is never guaranteed, but that even in the storm, God is with us. Just as we are, even in our doubts and fears - especially in our doubts and fears - God is with us. That is the guarantee. That is the blessing.

A few of you have asked about the blessing I used at the end of the service on August 2. I found it in a set of prayers compiled by the deacons our diocese for a prayer vigil back in June. We used it also on July 30 when we rang our church bell, in solidarity with many communities across the land, on the day of U.S. Rep. John Lewis’ funeral. May you find strength in these words, and know that together, with God’s help, we will weather whatever storms we face.

A Franciscan Blessing
  • May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships so that we may live deep within our hearts. Amen.
  • May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that we may work for justice, freedom, and peace. Amen.
  • May God bless us with tears for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and turn their sorrow into joy. Amen.
  • May God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in the world, to do what others claim cannot be done: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
Copied from the 12-hour prayer vigil for justice, reconciliation, and peace organized by the deacons of the Diocese of Virginia, 6/6/20


The Rev. Dr. Rosemary Beales
Interim Rector
St Aidan's
St. Aidan's has been serving the Stratford Landing area since 1963.
We worship virtually on Sunday at 9:30 am & every evening at 7pm. You are always welcome at St. Aidan's, wherever you may be on your faith journey.
Some Helpful Links:
The Center for Spiritual Deepening at St. Aidan's supports the soul and heart work of those seeking a deeper sense of God's presence in their lives. Check out the Center and it offering's Here.
Virtual Coffee Hour this Sunday
Please join us this Sunday, Aug 9th after Church for a Virtual Coffee hour. We'll start out all together, giving Rosemary a chance to know us better, and then break into groups for fellowship with one another. Plan on about 20 minutes. And, of course, bring your own beverage! 
Parish Survey
Thank you to over 80 parishioners who have submitted their replies to our
Parish Wide survey.
We wanted to point out that the survey is anonymous unless you add your name in the last question box. If you filled it out but didn't record your name but noted you would like a call from one of our Vestry members , please reach out to Eileen in the office so she can help coordinate that connection. 

If you have yet to fill out the Survey, please use this direct link below and fill it out now. It only takes 5 mins to do so and would be greatly appreciated as the information is key to knowing where the parish stands currently.
Deadline is this Fri, Aug 7th

Register Now for the First-Ever
LGBTQ+ Diocesan Retreat
Saturday, August 22 | 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. via zoom
Join us for a virtual retreat and deepen your walk with Christ in a spiritual space designed by our community, for our community, sponsored by the Diocese of Virginia. Yes, we are having a virtual retreat following the need to care for the most vulnerable among us. Our keynote speaker will be the Rev. Elizabeth Edman, Episcopal priest and author of Queer Virtue: What LGBTQ People Know About Life and Love and How It Can Revitalize Christianity. Edman will focus on an introduction to Queer Theology. Our program of prayer, conversation and reflection will be from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., with a chance for virtual lunch and sharing until about 2:00 p.m. Come and share your whole self with God and the Church without pretenses, start new friendships with people across our Diocese, deepen existing relationships, be at peace in the presence of God and your fellow siblings.

Click here to register. Don’t wait – registration ends on Thursday, August 20, as we will need your email information for the virtual invitation. Questions? Contact 
St. Aidan’s Day School Alumni!
We need your help! The Day School is creating a database of alumni for occasional information. If you, your child(ren) or someone you know attended the day school, send us their information. Please include the name(s) of students and the years they attended. Please send all emails or questions to Viju Dilley, Thank you! 
The Domestic Violence House in our Area that
St. Aidan's Supports is ARTEMIS House.  
They are in need of School Supplies for the children who are living there.
There are 3 ways to donate:  AMAZON see address below; Direct Deliver from You, see email address listed below;  Monetary Donations, see below.
As we are not able to be at Church to collect Donations or Money, we are posting here to alert you to this Need. Thank you for anything you can do to help these families. The Outreach Committee

For your convenience, you can view our full supply list by visiting our 
Amazon Back-to-School Wish List. When completing your purchase, please be sure to select the appropriate shipping address for the program you would like your gift to benefit. *For all donations to Artemis House, please address delivery to: Shelter House, Inc., 12310 Pinecrest Road, Suite 304, Reston, VA 20191.
If you would like to make arrangements to donate supplies directly, please contact Jerome Beaner, Volunteer Engagement Manager, at to arrange further logistics. 
If you would prefer to make a monetary donation directly on our website,
please click here and select Back-to-School Assistance under Donation Designation.

Calling all Cooks!
Route One Corridor Kitchen (ROCK) serves free hot lunches to people living on the Route One Corridor. Saint Aidan’s has supported ROCK by providing casseroles on the second Monday of every month. The program was suspended during the first part of the pandemic but is starting up again this month. We need volunteers to prepare and deliver heated casseroles to the Elks Lodge (7120 Richmond Highway, back door, where the kitchen is located). Casseroles should be big enough to serve 20-25 and, ideally, contained in large, catering-sized aluminum pans. This is a great Scout or family project and a good way to help those most at risk during these trying times. Contact Kathy Seikel if you need more info or go directly to our signup Genius at:

Helping Those in Need
We continue to collect food for Rising Hope and United Community Food Pantries in the box outside the church office. The box is checked regularly. Here is the most current list of items they are in need of:
Canned Meats, Canned Vegetables, Flour, Rice, Cereal, Coffee, Cooking oil, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Salt, Sugar, Taco shell kits, Kids pull-ups
Both agencies are also in need of paper bags (please, no plastic) for their distribution of goods to clients.  Thank You!
Building and Grounds
Update on White Hall
White Hall is closed to all during our shut down for safety and health reasons. We currently have suspended our cleaning contract to save money so there is a real need to strictly limit access to the facility. It is important that everyone abide by these rules for the safety of the few of us that do need to use the space. 
We ask that if you do happen to go in for some reason please be sure to:
1. Wear a mask
2. Clean whatever you use (bathroom, door handles, light switches, etc). We will have some wipes available. 
3. Extremely important.......Double check that the door is locked on your way out. You must use the code to lock the panel door upon exit. It does not lock on its own. 
If you have any questions or need assistance with any of this or the door & lock please email Eileen at Thank you. 
Service Links
If you are not receiving a separate mailing each week with links for worship gatherings and would like to be added to that list, simply reach out to the office and let us know. Those links are sent out on Saturday.