PLEASE NOTE: This is an In-Person Service
10:30 am @ Shannon Beach
"The Habit of Community"
Last week in worship, Rev. Wendy talked about the joy and the power of community. This week, we'll explore some of the pitfalls community.

More importantly, we'll discover why being in community it beneficial even when it's not always easy.

We hope you'll join us this Sunday at Shannon Beach!

Join us this Sunday, August 29th, for an in-person, outdoor worship service at Upper Mystic Lake.

PLEASE NOTE: Worship links will be sent out Sunday morning for those who wish to join via Zoom.

Here's Some of What You Missed
SERMON (22:12)
Please Hold These Joys and Concerns in Your Prayers This Week
For Shelley S.'s aunt, Shirley

For Boy Scout camp and the Daniel Webster Campaign

For Shawn S. as eighth grade is beginning soon

For all those special people who are able to join us from afar - the joy of Alex Shea Will being able to attend our worship service this week

For the pains of scheduling tech issue appointments - that the issues get resolved quickly

For the Ramos family welcoming Julian's little sister, Louisa Hazel

For Jeff S. as he continues to heal from his recent surgeries

For John S. as he travels home to deliver a eulogy for a dear friend - that he takes the space to properly mourn and celebrate the life of his friend

For Don P. on his "90-something"th birthday

For Jessica S. as she continues to look for new ways to bring in income

For the people of Haiti and Afghanistan

For Becky J.'s cousin as he prepares for cataract surgery

For Stephanie H. as she and Luke get ready to move into the next chapter of their life as Stephanie begins her
time at Harvard Divinity

For Mary A.'s safe travels back from California

For the dangerous weather and the difficulties it causes 

For all those who are traveling

For Lisa P. and all her healing time with her family

For all the transition and uncertainty that people are facing

For Aaron O. as he begins his new journey at Boston College

For Anita N. and her family as they grieve the loss of a dear loved one

For the peace and compassion we find in the warm embrace of God's love

ο»ΏFor all the prayers in our hearts and those that go unspoken, we pray in God's name
Sanctuary United Church of Christ 

458 High Street, Medford, MA 02155 β€’ (781) 395–3360