7 Little Things That Will Impress Your Boss While Working Remotely
by Kaitlyn McInnis
The new world of working from home is so fresh for many employees across the country-and trying to navigate proper work from home etiquette can be challenging, even for the most overachieving employees. When your office doubles as your bedroom or dining room, your boss isn't there to see if you're taking a two-hour Facebook break or if you're only getting to your computer at 11 a.m. That said, being accountable for your actions like you would in the office and developing healthy habits while working from home is only half the battle. How do you continue to show your boss your worth when they can't see you on a daily basis? ClickHEREto learn.
Digital Heists Are Playing Off the Global Pandemic
by Zack Allen
Financial services is among the industries most targeted for digital attacks.
Public platforms like social media, websites and mobile apps are providing new vectors on which to host attacks. Attackers are preying on the panic surrounding the coronavirus using both new and time-honored techniques of fraud and impersonation. Phishing has notably surged during the global pandemic. With unemployment and economic anxiety rising, criminals impersonating banks are offering false-hearted help with bills or credit card debt. By posing as an authorized institution, attackers trick victims into clicking on a malicious link or attachment, or willfully disclosing confidential information. ClickHEREto learn more about protecting consumers and their financial information, which in turn protects your financial institution's revenue and reputation.
How to Create a Workplace that Actually Inspires Passion
by John Hagel III and John Seely Brown
Passion provides powerful motivation for learning, yet our 2017 survey of U.S. workers found just 13% of all employees exhibiting the type of passion in their work environments that helps them truly improve in their professions. There's an untapped opportunity to cultivate passion in the workforce. People with the passion of the explorer are motivated to learn faster and that can play a significant role in accelerating performance improvement. Taking specific steps to cultivate passion is rewarding for both employees and companies.ClickHEREto learn how to create passion in your workplace.
When the Paycheck Protection Program was conceived, the prevailing expectation was that the economy would be shut down for a few months at most. The PPP's mission was to avert layoffs by covering small businesses' payroll costs for that short time, and once the coronavirus was contained, the economy would reopen, employees would return to work and businesses would bounce back.
Although well-intentioned and supported by tireless efforts on the part of bankers and the SBA, the PPP faced inherent limitations.
Creative ideas are now emerging for the next round of support for small businesses, but careful consideration of unintended consequences and strategic alternatives is needed to address the continuing crises our small businesses face. ClickHEREto learn more.
Irrefutable Principles of High-Performance Mortgage and Real Estate Practices
by Todd Duncan
Note: This is part one of a multi-part series. Todd Duncan, sales entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author, showcases five principles for mortgage and real estate professionals to embrace for success.
What if success, massive success, all came down to one simple concept? What if I told you there is only one word you need to understand, and apply, to have all the success you've ever dreamed of?
Would you want to know the word? Sure, you would. Who wouldn't? ClickHEREto read Duncan's first installment and learn about the one word that changed everything for him.
"The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by
holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself."
~ George Bernard Shaw~
**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**
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Integrity. Security. Excellence.
Bankers Title Shenandoah is committed to maintaining customer satisfaction by delivering quality title insurance products and closing services in an accurate and timely manner.
Our professionalism, technical knowledge and experience provide security as we insure protection for your most valued investment.
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