Wednesday, August 25, 2021

weekly e-news from Central United Methodist Church

From Pastor Cam

One of the omnipresent realities of life in the modern world is the 24 hour news cycle; something that can easily be accessed through cable or internet TV, as well as on any of our smartphones and tablets. I suppose there is some blessing to this, at least in terms of our ability to know what is going on in our wider world, and therefore giving us an opportunity to pray for those who are suffering, and in some cases, the ability to assist in the alleviation of this suffering. However, there is also a curse to this; the curse of being overwhelmed by it. Right now, these news cycles are treating us to scenes of desperate Afghan citizens, survivors of flash flooding and tropical storms, those ravaged by wildfires, and the victims of the ongoing COVID-19 virus and its variants. Other than praying, there is often little we can do to help people suffering through these events, which in turn, can make us feel overwhelmed, depressed, and anxious.

One solution I have found to help me in moments when my soul feels “cast down,” as the Psalmist puts it, is to expose myself to beauty. Beauty is also a facet of reality and is something God makes readily available to us everyday. Beauty is truly a salve for the soul. It is one of the reasons why we send flowers to people in the hospital or during a time of death. It is one of the reasons why many hospice houses are built with patios outside every room, often overlooking a garden. For me, it usually means going out to a state park or finding a woodland trail. Few things inspire my soul like a gorgeous waterfall, flower-filled meadow, or an expansive view of the Blue Ridge mountains. It’s not just the sight that inspires my soul, but also the smells and sounds as well. For me, it is an immersive experience. Of course, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and therefore, can come in many shapes and sizes. The good news is that beauty is everywhere; being intentional to encounter it is the key. 

Sometimes the very best thing we can do is to turn off the TV, lay aside our phones and tablets, and take a walk through God’s amazing creation. It is a way for us to experience the present moment and find ourselves grounded in immediate reality once again. Spartanburg has so many gardens, parks and trails. I invite you to explore one today and experience the soothing balm of one of God’s most abundant remedies. 

Grace and Peace,
Nursery Worker
Sunday, August 29
Barbie Bordogna
Join Us for Worship
Sunday, August 29

Epistle Lesson: James 1:17-27
Gospel Lesson: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Hymns: Holy, Holy, Holy (UMH) #64
The Gift of Love (UMH) # 408

Memorial Service for Jan Francis
Saturday, September 25
11:00 AM (Sanctuary)
Friends and Family following the service
in the Fellowship Hall
To Ken Eledge by Phyllis Eledge
Upper Room Sunday School Class
You are invited to join the Upper Room Sunday school class on Sunday mornings at 9:45-10:45 AM on Zoom. If you want to join, click the link below and enter the meeting ID and password!

August 29 Jim Badger- Law Enforcement Agencies - some possible problems

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: UpperRoom8/22
Volunteers Needed
in the Church Office

Central's Administrative Assistant, Gina Hamer needs volunteers on certain days of the work week to answer the church office telephone, transfer calls, take messages, and open the courtyard door for members and visitors entering the church office.

If you would like to become more familiar with the "ins and outs" of the church office for times when she needs to be out of the office, please contact Gina . . .

(864) 582-7263 ext. 101

Wednesday Night Dinners will resume on Wednesday, September 8, at 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The menu will feature BBQ pork with sauces, macaroni & cheese, slaw, green beans, buns and dessert.
Please make your reservations by Wednesday, September 1, with Gina Hamer, Church Secretary.

Central's Kitchen Coordinator, Kim Kalb, will begin her duties and preparations of our delicious dinners on September 15th.
The Altar Guild has openings in the month of September and October for altar flowers. If you would like to place flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call our Memorial Secretary, Kathy Worley.
(864) 978-0294
Over 25 Central members toured the Northside on the Central Church bus with Tony Thomas, of the Northside Development Group, (NDG), giving us an in depth view of the transformation into a safe, strong, viable neighborhood spearheaded by former Mayor Bill Barnet 15 years ago. Funding for this transformation was accomplished by Federal Housing grants, State and local agencies, the private sector, private grants and many, many agencies in Spartanburg collaborating to turn a vision into reality. To learn more about the Northside area and the opportunities Central may have, go to the Northside Development Group website;
a short video will give you a virtual tour. Ride through the area and view the transformation yourself. 
-Patsy Simmons
Church Announcements for
Central Time or Sunday bulletin
If you have an announcement that you would like to appear in the Central Time, Sunday bulletins, on social media, or on the church's website, please submit that information to: before noon on Mondays. Thank you!
Ways to Give to Central

We continue to be deeply grateful for continued support of the mission and ministry of Central Church. There are a few ways to continue to make offerings extremely easy.

  1. The US mail always works. We are at 233 North Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29306.
  2. Contact Ann Darby to set up a recurring gift through an automatic bank draft.
  3. On the homepage on the church's website there is a "Give" link. Once you set up that app any additional gifts are as easy as one or two clicks.

25 Dee Goforth
27 Elaine Crosland
30 Kim Kalb, Paul Wood, and Tyler Wyatt

2 Betsy Bragg, Monnie Cannon
3 Robert Monson
4 Mary Grace Brown
5 Elaine Cabaniss, Emily Rawlinson
6 Sarah Harrelson, Jack Lawrence, Edith Rowell, Molly Wilkes
7 Doris Green, Jack Williams
9 John Harrelson
10 Sheri Johnson, Kevin Parris
12 Deb Morrow
13 Erin Hurlbert
16 Joy Spencer
17 Robby Crocker, Julie DiMarco
18 Jack Williams
19 Helen Sloan Fitch
26 Sue Lowe
27 Robert Morrow, Rosa Senn

Our Giving
Financial Statements are available in the hallway outside of the church office.

The work of Central continues and would not be possible without the prayers, generosity and support of our leaders and laity.
Cannon's Memorial Chapel
Palmetto Moravian Fellowship
Worship Service

August 29, 2021, 9am
beginning September 13-November 5
Coming Up!

Lifelong Learning
Fall Schedule
September 13-November 5
For more information: Contact Lucy Woodhouse, Director (864) 597-5304


Central (864) 582-7263

Central United Methodist
founded 1837

Central Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday
8:15 AM-4:15 PM
and Friday
8:15 AM - 12 Noon

Mission Statement:
"Our purpose is making and nurturing
disciples of Jesus Christ."

Get text notifications from Central
To sign up, text the word "Central" to 864-661-4726. After texting the keyword to this phone number, you will receive a reply asking for some simple info. Please click the link, include your name, and submit the form. You will be signed up! Any questions, contact Rev. Paige Wolfe.