Upcoming Events
The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce that it will be hosting in-person luncheon events starting in September. We are grateful to be working with venues in West Winnipeg that are in compliance and respectful of the health and safety guidelines, and as each session approaches, we will be confirming the protocols needed to ensure the safety of all attendees. The luncheon series will be announced in the September 1st newsletter and registration will begin the same day.
Government of Canada, (July, 2020)
The CRA has further extended the payment due date for the 2019 and 2020 years corporation and trust income tax returns, as well as for instalment payments, from September 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020. Penalties and interest will not be charged if payments are made and returns are filed by the extended deadline of September 30, 2020.
At the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), we understand the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on Canadian businesses and tax preparers. To support them during this difficult time, we have extended some of the filing deadlines for corporations and trusts to September 1, 2020. Read More >>
Government of Manitoba, (July, 2020)
When the COVID-19 pandemic reached Manitoba in March 2020, all Manitobans made tremendous sacrifices to respond to the expanding reach of the virus and flatten the curve in our province. Immediate and urgent steps were taken to enhance public awareness and implement the best available public health advice across all sectors to limit contact and prevent the spread of COVID-19 while maintaining essential services.
Expert advice and public feedback has continued to guide the progressive stages of re-opening that began in early May. Phases one, two and three saw gradual increases in allowed indoor and outdoor gathering sizes and phased re-opening of restaurants, shops, personal services, schools, post-secondary facilities, child care, recreation facilities, community centres, parks, campgrounds and day camps. In addition, 14 day self-isolation requirements were eased for a wider area of travel within western provinces, northwest Ontario and northern territories. Further detail can be found in the appendix. Read More >>
Canadian Chamber of Commerce Contest
Canadian Chamber Of Commerce, Kick Start You Economic Recovery (July, 2020)
The economy is starting to reopen. You are wondering about the best ways to support members, they are stressed, money is tight, and everyone is being asked to do more with less.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce wants to help. They are launching a contest open to all chambers and their members that will give away 500 Riipen premium licenses valued at $2,500 for free. This contest is made possible thanks to the partnership between Riipen and The Business + Higher Education Roundtable with the support of The Government of Canada.
What does Riipen do?
● Riipen helps organizations get ahead by leveraging bright student talent from colleges and universities across the globe for short term projects.
● With your Riipen license, you can connect directly to classrooms and there are no additional fees. Read More >>
To apply just fill out this 5-minute application form. The contest will close on August 8th and successful participants will be notified the week of August 10th.
Our 90th Anniversary Edition of Membership Directory & Buyers Guide is Now Available!
Have you received your copy in the mail yet? If not, stop by the Chamber Office to pick one up, view the PDF or call (204) 774-4154 and we can arrange for you to get one.
You can always refer to its contents on our website 24/7/365:
In the middle of a once-in-a-century pandemic, it is difficult for Canadians, their families, businesses and governments to look beyond confronting the immediate effects of COVID-19. However, we must also begin looking over the horizon to the post-COVID-19 world to start planning how our country and economy can emerge stronger.
Recovery starts with resilience, which is why we have laid our key policy areas that our political leaders must consider to help ensure our businesses, and Canada, remain resilient.
Getting Canadians Back to Work - Employment may not return to pre-crisis levels at any point soon, which is why Canadians will need reskilling, upskilling and skills training programs to get them back to work. Education and training will also change, including a greater need for online learning and durable skills, with a focus on both work-integrated and lifelong learning. Ensuring all Canadians have opportunities to participate in the recovery will be essential for inclusive growth. Read More >>