Farewell - Dr. Scott J. Sherwood

NWIL Friends & Family,
With Dr. Scott Sherwood being appointed as the President of Nazarene Bible College we as a district would like to show him our gratitude in a couple of ways. Dr. Sherwood has championed a church planting movement on our district. We encourage a gift to the Northwestern Illinois District Church Multiplication Endowment established with the Church of the Nazarene.
Your gift would help our district continue our church planting movement.
With COVID restrictions being at different stages across our district, an in-person gathering will not take place. However, we as a district would like to honor Dr. Sherwood and say thank you for his leadership and dedication to the NWIL District. Please send a card with your well wishes and gratitude to the district office by June 20th, 2021. NWIL District c/o Dr. Scott Sherwood 3520 Broadway St. Pekin IL 61554. Scott, we want to say thank you for your willingness to say yes to Jesus by serving in ministry for 30 years with 24 of those years served on NWIL District, including nine as our District Superintendent. We are honored God allowed us to be under your leadership and are excited for the lives you will continually influence for Jesus as you lead, disciple and mentor. Those around you see your God given talents. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.
NWIL District Advisory Committee
*You can either click the link above or go to nwilnaz.org / Give / District Church Planting / Church Multiplication Endowment |
NWIL - District Superintendent
Pastor Lloyd Brock, lead pastor at Pekin First, has been appointed superintendent of the Northwestern Illinois District. The appointment was made by General Superintendent Dr. David Graves in consultation with the Northwestern Illinois District Advisory Committee, USA/Canada Regional Director Dr. Stan Reeder, and the Board of General Superintendents.
Pastor Brock says, "I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve Jesus Christ and this beloved district. I love this district, the ministers and all the people. The privilege to serve on this district as lead pastor at Pekin First for fifteen years has been remarkable. I am looking forward to how God will use our great team of ministers and layman to continue to build His Church across Northwestern Illinois. All glory to God."
Pastor Brock will replace Dr. Scott Sherwood, who has been district superintendent since 2012. Dr. Sherwood was just elected as President of Nazarene Bible College. Pastor Brock takes office on 1 July 2021.
Pastor Brock is originally from South Carolina, grew up in the Nazarene Church in Hartsville, SC, graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, and graduated with a Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary in 1986. He was ordained on the North Carolina District in 1988. He has served as a Lead Pastor for 35 years serving growing Churches in Shelby, NC (1986-1991), Hartsville, SC (1991-2000), Charlotte, NC (2000-2006) and Pekin, IL (2006-2021). Pastor Brock has served on District Advisory Boards in NC, SC, and NWIL, Board of Trustees at Trevecca and Olivet, and has been a champion for pastors and pastoral development. He has led Pastors on Purpose (POPS) for eight years in NWIL.
Pastor Brock and his wife Kim, also an ordained Nazarene elder, reside in Pekin, IL. They have three adult children, Faith (son-in-law Josh), Hope, and Will (daughter-in-law Chloe), and two fabulous grand-daughters, Allie and Audrey.
NWIL District Advisory Committee
NWIL - Important Information
Exciting plans are shaping up for the NMI Convention! Mark your calendar now so you won't miss it.
We are excited to see you and have so much planned for this special in-person meeting! Rachel and Jordan Thompson will be home this summer, and will be sharing what is happening in Papua New Guinea. Memorial Roll nominees from the churches will be recognized; a special Distinguished Service Award presentation will be made.
Everyone is invited...Pastors, NMI Presidents and council members, and anyone and everyone interested in missions. Interested teens and children are welcome, but please note, child care will not be provided.
Pastors, please announce this special event in your services so that all interested parties can participate. This in-person event will encourage you and your people.
Pekin First - 3514 Broadway St - Pekin, IL
We would like for you to RSVP so we can prepare the church for social distancing. Please RSVP at NWIL NMI 2021
Click & LIKE our NWIL social media pages
District Assembly 2021 August 6-7, 2021
Pekin First - 3514 Broadway St. - Pekin, IL
Dr. David W. Graves
General Superintendent
|  Rev. W. Lloyd Brock
District Superintendent |
Dr. Gregg Chenoweth
Olivet Nazarene University
Dr. Scott J. Sherwood
Nazarene Bible College
Hampton Inn & Suites $99 + tax
2445 Court St.
Pekin, IL 61554
Reservation deadline: July 23
Please tell them the block name to get the special rate of $99
Friday, August 6
6:30pm - Pre-service
7:00pm - District Assembly
Saturday, August 7
8:30am - District Assembly
11:00pm - Ordination Service
Registration deadline: August 2
Friday check-in: 6:30pm
Saturday check-in: 8:00am
NWIL - Funding the Mission & The Great Commission
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Working together, we accomplish so much as the Body of Christ. Become a part of missions work and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In the Funding the Mission plan, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives that mission.
The General Church has suspended reporting attendance numbers during the pandemic |
NMI - Nazarene Missions International

We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide.
Carole Eatock
District NMI President
We are Vision.
We are Action.
We are Impact.
The Thompsons will be home on Furlough June 15 through September 14, 2021. They would love to connect with as many churches as possible. They desire to share what God is doing in Paupa New Guinea. They want to be safe and keep everyone healthy. They are available to share in person or via video. Contact Rachel for available dates. rthompson@apnaz.org
The Senica Family - from Crossbridge to the Dominican Republic
We are preparing to serve as the Work and Witness Coordinators in the Dominican Republic.
We grew up attending Crossbridge Community Church of the Nazarene in North Central Illinois, where we met in youth group and were married in November of 2006. Sam has a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, and Kristi is currently studying for her Bachelor's degree in Religion - Global Studies. Both of us feel a call to serve in missions and have served through various Work & Witness trips both domestically and internationally. Together we have taken teams to Antigua and the Dominican Republic. These experiences and the influence of the people who have been a part of these trips with us, have affirmed our desire to serve and our call to take the next step of becoming full time sponsored missionaries. In 2018, our pastor asked us to oversee a new partnership between our church and missionaries in the Dominican Republic. We were excited at the thought of being able to continue to serve in missions through this role. At that time, we did not foresee what God was up to, but as the partnership progressed, God raised up an increasing desire within us, and we realized that He was calling us into missions full time. We had never considered becoming full time missionaries, but we were open to taking steps to learn more about it, even if it meant some tough, life-altering decisions. God's faithfulness is evident in this new season of our lives, and we are excited to share this journey with others! As we continue to follow God's call on our lives, we are so grateful and encouraged to know that we are serving with the support and prayers of our church family. Thank you for joining us in this mission as we serve in the Dominican Republic! May God Bless You!
If you would like to receive a newsletter and updates please click SENICA FAMILY
 Did you know if you shop on Amazon, a small portion of your purchase can go to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries?
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries - NCM
NYI - Nazarene Youth International
Youth 7th-12th
TIME 10am
COST $35
You don't want to miss this amazing event.
Join in on the fun and see your fellow NWIL ALLIES!
 What to expect:
Join us for a relaxing and fun time as we float down the Middle Fork River for a scenic tubing trip. Each individual will receive their own innertube as we enjoy a relaxing float with a number of sandbars to get out at, swim and stretch. Our float trip experience will last around 3 1/2 hours with a time where we will all get off the river and eat lunch together. We will provide coolers to store your lunch in as we float down the river along with plenty of drinks during our time on the water. |
-Clothes/footwear that can get wet on the river -Sunscreen -Extra change of clothes after the river -Towel -A packed lunch |
Youth 7th-12th
COST: $35
7820 Cherryvale N. Blvd.
Cherry Valley, IL 61016
What to expect:
Come experience Rockford, Illinois's most thrilling waterpark filled with over 11 rides and attractions! With towering exciting water slides, relaxing lazy river and wave pool! Hurricane Harbor Rockford has something for everyone!
What to bring: 
-Clothes/footwear that can get wet on the river
-Extra change of clothes
-Towel -$ for food/snack & souvenirs |
 AUGUST 13-14, 2021
NYI - Teen Bible Quizzing

Global Center Links
Shawn McLain, NYI Quiz Director
Bible Quizzing is about "guiding our youth into God's Word and the Word into their lives."
Schedule 2021-2022
05/12/22-05/14/22 - Celebrate Life ONU
SDMI - Sunday School Discipleship International
District SDMI Chair
Subscribe to SDMI Connections: SDMI
 The Board of General Superintendents has launched a new framework for Nazarene Discipleship: A Journey of Grace. Watch the video and visit
to learn more!
Discipleship is a journey of grace with Jesus as our guide and companion. Christian discipleship helps believers grow in the Lord Jesus Christ as they are equipped by His Holy Spirit, who resides within them, to overcome the pressures and trials of this present life and become more and more Christlike.
SDMI - Children's Ministry
 Brian Eatock
District Children's Ministry Chair
Children's Ministry Workers
If you're on Facebook, check out NWIL Children's Ministry and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, curriculum ideas, VBS, online meetings, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.
The Church of the Nazarene provides us with many resources to help our Children's Ministry be the best that it can be. Click below to find resources.
Date: July 10
Cost: $10
Camper: 2nd-6th grade
Location: Pekin First
Please contact Brian Eatock with any questions.
Deadline: July 5
Full details: nwilnaz.org |
NWIL Kids - looking for a fun event this summer? Join us for a district-wide KID'S event at Pekin First Church of the Nazarene. You will spend the day with your NWIL Friends while learning archery, fishing, and eating NACHOS! Then if that were not enough, let's add in a two-hour long Nerf War!
Bring your own eye protection (googles, glasses, sunglasses), a fishing pole, and a nerf gun that fires the universal nerf dart. NWIL will provide all fishing bait and Nerf darts
Parents, please drop off and pick up Pekin First Church of the Nazarene, 3514 East Broadway, Pekin, IL 61554 (Door K, Far East Side of church) after 9:30am and before 3:30pm. You MUST pre-register and pay online at NWILNaz.org and fill out and print the permission slip. Please bring permission slip to the event.
The cost is $10 for each child.
Schedule for the day:
9:30 - 10:00 - Parents drop off at Door K, Pekin First
10:00 - 12:00 - Archery and Fishing instruction (alternative activities in case of rain)
12:00 - 1:00 - Nachos in the Fellowship Hall
1:00 - 3:00 - Nerf Wars, Nerf Target Competitions, and other games
Have fun learning from two amazing guys!
Devoted Outdoorsman, Duane Wilson, ARCHERY
Professional Fisherman, Reagan Smith, FISHING |
SDMI - Children's Quizzing
Schedule 2021-2022
04/17/21 - Eureka Grace
Please join our Facebook group
Information will be posted regarding upcoming meets and events.
Follow Dr. Digalot and Canteen the Camel as they dig into the book of Exodus.
~NEWS from around the District~

At a revival service at Canton Eastside in 1979 Karen and I began our walk with Jesus. A few years later, after finishing studies at Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, we returned to the Northwestern Illinois District in 1983. Our risen Lord has opened many various ministry opportunities over the years, including 13 years as missionaries on the Asia-Pacific Region. We have worked as a preschool director, camp teen teacher, district secretary, tenured college professor, college business manager, compassionate ministries coordinator, academic dean, Education and Literature Coordinator for the Philippines, and probably a few other duties. I have also had the privilege to serve in some communities and businesses as a deputy, firefighter, industrial mechanic, production machine operator, carpenter, and janitor. It seems the journey has had substantial momentum. Somehow, in God's providence, we have been allowed the privilege to retire from fulltime ministry back at Canton Eastside.
From the first step, in all the challenges and setbacks, the grace and presence of our Lord Jesus has held us up and together. We do not have a ministry assignment for tomorrow. We will be moving to a home on a nine-acre track in the Mark Twain National Forrest in southeast Missouri. Karen is going back to childhood territory. I am looking forward to time in the woods and on the water. We are also sure and anxious to see what our Lord opens up for us in a local church on the Missouri District.
Our love and prayers will remain with the NWIL District family. A substantial portion of our hearts are planted here. -Randy Lingenfelter

Kevin Donoho has served as lead pastor at Crossbridge for 8 years. He will be serving as lead pastor at College Church in Olathe, Kansas. MidAmerica Nazarene University. Kevin has served on the District Advisory Board, Board of Ministry, Zone Facilitator & Mission Strategy Team.
John Pickens has served at Crossbridge for a little over 6 years as Pastor of Ministry Advancement. He will be joining the staff team at College Church starting August 1. John will be there to help lead the staff and the operations of the church. Olathe is home to both him and his wife. They are excited about the opportunity to serve in their home community.
Both Kevin and John have made a huge impact on our district. They and their families will be greatly missed. We wish you all the best in your new assignment and will be praying for you as you and your families transition.
Ethan & Casie Vidjecan
Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries
"Home is described as many things in many ways. I recently read a great definition of home is "a happy place, where your family can laugh and learn".
We've spent six incredible years laughing, learning and growing our family here in Galesburg. Though Galesburg will only be home for a short while longer, we are excited to announce our move to call First Nazarene Church in Lemont, IL our new home. I'm excited to join an awesome staff to serve the community as the new Recreation Pastor.
Thank you to so many who made Galesburg home for us. You will always have a special place in our hearts." Pastor Ethan
Thank you Ethan for your years of service on NWIL District. You were an incredible youth pastor, teen camp director and supporter of our youth. Our NWIL ALLIES are better because of your years of service and enthusiasm. Our prayers will be with you and your family as you start your new ministry.
"These are very exciting days for Havana Church of the Nazarene as we gear up for our building project. The steel has been ordered for our building and soon we are expecting the builders to come and begin work on the foundation/footings. We had our groundbreaking service on Sunday, June 6th. Our new property is located at 1170 E. Laurel Avenue. The new church will be a sanctuary/gymnasium. It will have areas for children, youth, adults, offices, kitchen and so much more. We were honored to have so many join us for this momentous occasion." Rev. Jim Buchanan
"Today is a glorious day! The Church is still alive, the church is not dead. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57 Barb Sawyer (Havana Christian Ministers Association)"
'As we prayed, God was working. He sold our building to a Christian daycare, helped us buy six acres of land, provided the funds to build a storage building. I am reminded of a scripture in Ephesians. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21. Mike Roat, Building Chair
"The church resides in me and you. We start the discipleship process. Plant new seed. We must turn the soil in our own hearts. Psalm 121 states: My help comes from the Lord. We are not alone." Rev. Jim Book, District Administrator
 June 13
5 - 8 pm
Pekin First
Fellowship Center
Pekin First cordially invites you to congratulate and celebrate Pastors Lloyd & Kim Brock. Pastor Lloyd Brock has been the lead Pastor and Rev. Kim Brock has been the worship pastor at Pekin First for fifteen years. Come join us in celebrating the Brocks and their years of service to Pekin First. Congratulate them in becoming the new Northwestern Illinois District Superintendent family.
Pekin First
3514 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL
Southside Community Center
 Join Peoria Southside Community for FREEDOM FEST. See the schedule below for the events that will be happening during the day. Activities for all ages. A revival service every night at 6:00pm. Special celebrity speaker Sunday night. You don't want to miss this exciting opportunity to worship with the Peoria Southside Community. |
CI Hero: Wyoming church members serve the community with weekly meals
WYOMING, Ill. (WMBD) - Members of Wyoming's First Church of the Nazarene say it's a divine calling to cook and deliver meals for those in the area. The more than 6,000 meals is a soul project of a group of six church members.
"No matter how small you are, you can make a big impact," said Alisha Lee, cook. "God calls us all to serve, and no matter what we do, no matter how little we think it is, I mean, we've served over 6,000 meals. It's just, it's been amazing. You can do it."
"It's a great opportunity to reach out to the people in the community and let them know that God loves them and through us doing this, hopefully, they can see that," said Peggy Gray.
The group started offering meals at the beginning of the pandemic to serve those in Wyoming and Toulon. The church offers delivery and drive-through on Wednesday nights from 4 to 6 p.m. or until all meals are served.
"Seeing the joy in their eyes, it just makes your heart feel so much better that you're doing what God called you to do," said Melissa Ramsay, Delivery Driver.
"It's awesome to see such a small town, where it's not just the church," said Marilyn Swearingen. "It's not just the businesses, it's everybody involved coming together for a great cause."
A recipient of the meals said the service shows the empathy of a small Stark County city.
"Living in a small town, people all pull together," said Vicki McGinnis. "I think this is just one of the things that show how a small town does pull together."
Children also lend a helping hand in preparation for the meals as salad sous chefs.
Here you will find the studies needed to pursue the Certificate of Lay Ministry. While anyone is welcome to take these studies, these studies are specifically designed for those who have gone through the steps as outlined by the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene and have already received the certificate to become a LayMinister. For more information, be sure and visit our Requirements For The Certificate of Lay Ministry page. Here you will find information on the process to become a Lay Minister.
John Comstock
Toll-Free: 888-243-2767
Direct: 913-577-2811
Check out our online groups at https://bit.ly/BeEngagedDPGroups. If your church would like embed codes to put any of these courses on your church website, let me know.
Download our app, receive daily Scripture-based on where you are on the spiritual journey, access our courses and content, receive updates about coming resources and webinars, and more!
Don't let social distancing stop you from worshipping. Click one of the links below to worship with one of the churches on our district. May God give you peace and hope during this time. Have a joyous worship time.
2021 Calendar
06/05 - All Auxiliary Meeting (NMI, NYI, SDMI) 06/26 - NYI POP-UP Camp #2 07/10 - KIDS POP-UP CAMP - Pekin First 07/12 - NYI POP-UP Camp #3 07/17 - NMI Convention - Pekin First 08/06-08/07 - District Assembly - Pekin First
08/14 - NYI POP-UP Camp #4
08/19 - MST/ZF online 9:20am-11:30am
During the pandemic, all events are subject to change to online, rescheduled or cancelled. Please check the district calendar for up to date event information. Print below for printable calendar.
9:45 am
Arrive and Gather with our District Team
10:00 am
POPS begins Worship - Word - Prayer - District Information
 09/16/21 10/14/21 11/18/21 12/09/21 01/13/22 02/10/22 03/10/22 04/14/22
 Encouragement for Ministers
each episode only 10 minutes
Daily Podcast for Pastors, Church Staff, Missionaries
NWIL District Prayer Force
Prayer Force Moving Forward!
The District Prayer Force Strategy to pray for every person living in Northwestern Illinois is moving forward. Six Prayer Force leaders have been identified allowing us to move forward in 18 of the 30 counties across the District. These leaders, their counties and contact information is as follows:
Chuck Cobb - Mason & Tazewell
(309) 642-0244
Judy Davenport - Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schyler & Warren (309) 259-9042 jdaven5@yahoo.com
Ronda Hollars - Bureau, Lee & Whiteside
Patrick Lovell - Woodford, Marshall & Putnam
Tammy Shane - Henry, Knox & Mercer
If you live in one of the above counties and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, please contact the above indicated Prayer Force leader.
2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Therefore, every person deserves and must be prayed for by name.
If you live in one of the remaining 13 counties (Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, LaSalle, Livingston, McLean, Ogle, Peoria, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson) and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, contact:
The Global Ministry Center has given us a great resource. Click on nazarene.org for Stories, Find a Church, Grow in Faith, News, Announcements, Resources, Region News, Global News and so much more.
Click for Global Ministry Center contact information: GMC
Reflections on the post-pandemic church
A little more than a year ago, the world was confronted with a global pandemic unlike any other in more than a century. There were many unknowns and uncertainties about how the virus would spread and affect people. It forced us to change the way we live, work, behave, and gather. We learned new terms such as "social distancing," "herd immunity," "super-spreader," and "shelter-in-place." We added practices to the life of the church such as quarantining, mask-wearing, disinfecting surfaces, sanitizing our hands, and learning to Zoom. Healthcare systems were strained, industries suffered, millions of jobs were terminated, and social unrest was heightened. Children were forced to attend classes online, families were isolated, and loved ones passed away.
Like so many others, the Church of the Nazarene has felt the impact of COVID-19 in significant ways. However, amid great challenges we are reminded again of the words of Jesus, "I will build my church" (Matt 16:18). Protestant reformer Theodore Beza once said, "It belongs to the church of God to receive blows rather than to inflict them-but, she is an anvil that has worn out many hammers." Even as the Church received the blows of the virus, we have been reminded that God is faithful and the Church is resilient.
In light of these realities, the Board of General Superintendents has prayerfully reflected on the characteristics of a post-pandemic Church. While some things have clearly changed and will likely never be the same again, we also recognize things that were first perceived as obstacles, by God's grace, have become opportunities and open doors for our mission to be refined and renewed. Whatever else may be true, this year has reaffirmed the eternal truth that the Church is not a building-the Church is a people. The Church is wherever the people of God are, individually and collectively.
The question has been raised regarding the Church's "reengagement" in a post-pandemic world. We believe it is important to preface any discussion of reengagement by saying that while the pandemic may have restricted our gatherings, it has not "closed the Church." We are not "reopening the Church" because the Church has not been closed in any sense. Indeed, the Church has creatively adapted in many ways to accomplish our mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations. The Holy Spirit has faithfully led our pastors, superintendents, mission leaders, and laity to innovation and adaption that have catapulted many Nazarene congregations to clarify their core values and ministries by looking beyond "traditional" ministries that are tied to physical buildings. What was first seen as disruptions have been turned into dispersions for the glory of God.
As COVID-19 restrictions are relaxing in various places, we believe the questions of reengagement pertain primarily to the koinonia of person-to-person worship, discipleship, and fellowship. The indicators for when to regather person-to-person activities should be based on a balance of the local church context, respective health department guidelines, and the directives of local legalities. When assessing how to regather in person-to-person worship, discipleship, and fellowship, the following considerations may serve as helpful guidelines rather than prescriptive approaches.
To view the rest of the letter from the Board of General Superintendents, click here.
Olivet Nazarene University

Who doesn't like FREE stuff? Get all of these gifts and more by recommending high school students to Olivet. | |
With more than 140 areas of study, 3500 enrolled students, and a stunning campus, Olivet Nazarene University stands tall as one of the nation's premier hubs of learning and faith. Our nationally recognized academic programs, title-winning athletics, vibrant, energized social climate and countless ministry opportunities make this place unique. Olivet seamlessly integrates passion and calling with career preparedness.
We offer several different ways for you to visit our beautiful campus! Whether you visit in person or online, choose a personalized visit or energetic event day, we want to show you all that Olivet has to offer. Choose from one of the several visit styles below.
Personalized Campus Visit
It's all about your dreams and goals! We want to plan a personalized visit just for you. We will schedule a time for you to take a campus tour, meet your admissions counselor, and visit with a professor.
Online Campus Visit
Explore campus with an online tour and set-up a virtual meeting with your admissions counselor. Of course, you will want to come to campus as soon as possible, but our online visit should help you in the meantime.
Purple & Gold Days
Specifically for high school seniors, we invite you to experience Life at Olivet when you visit campus on a high-energy, event-packed Purple and Gold Day!
Just for Juniors
Specifically for high school juniors and their parents, we invite you on campus to get a taste of what Olivet is all about.
Holidays @ Olivet
We are open many holidays that you might have off school. Take advantage of your day off and invest in your future by visiting Olivet's beautiful campus.
THURSDAY-FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 - August 6, 2021
On Thursday & Friday, August 5-6, 2021, the largest leadership event known today will kick off its 26th year of providing inspiration and encouragement to leaders around the world. Although Olivet Nazarene University will not be hosting an on-site experience this year, your organization can still benefit from the Summit.
The GLS Online Experience, available through Olivet, can be an opportunity for you to convene your team at your location and still provide a chance for team-building with access to all of the amazing and influential speakers. We appreciate the personal and professional growth that comes from participating in the Summit, so we want to continue to offer the discount associated with registering through Olivet. We want to provide a discount for you and your team, if you are available and interested in participating!
Registering yourself and/or your team through Olivet allows you to take advantage of special $79 pricing. To register:
2. Click Register Now and fill out the pre-registration form.
3. Complete your registration by visiting register.globalleadership.org, searching for Olivet Nazarene University (site #200), and using the priority code that you received in your email to receive Olivet's specially discounted price.
Click for full details: GLS21
Olivet Presents its First Ever Original Musical: Still
Click for full details: STILL
Inspired by the life and work of Fanny Crosby, ONU Theatre launches their Creation of New Works program with this original musical. Told through a modern lens, the cast explores the relevance and timeless truth of Fanny Crosby's journey to become a hymn writer.
Streaming for this production will premiere on April 9, 2021 at 7pm and will be available on-demand April 10 - December 25, 2021. Virtual tickets are available for purchase at olivet.edu/tickets.
Church Multiplication Endowment Fund
Give a GIFT that doesn't stop Giving!
Would you give $1.00 a month if it never stopped giving, never wore out, never changed its usefulness or purpose and transformed lives?
How many times do we give a gift to someone only to see it discarded at a later date or discover it was never used as intended? Have you ever wanted to give a gift that would never grow old or wear out, that would always be used for good and made a difference for eternity? NOW you can!
Jesus said "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Would you partner with your Northwestern Illinois District's vision to plant churches? You might wonder how you can make a difference or even be a part. Everyone can. We need some to plant, we need everyone to pray and we need many to invest.
The Church Multiplication Endowment Fund is designed to reach unreached people living on the NWIL District for Christ. Every dollar given will continue to give in perpetuity. An endowment fund uses the interest from the principle to do kingdom work. Will you help fund this goal?
Currently, our district property funds have been invested in planting 22 new churches these past three years and the district is in need of capital to continue to plant more! We need your help. Presently, there are 36 more potential church plants in various stages of planning which will require additional funding support.
Help us reach our GOAL of planting 300 churches by 2030. We see 300 churches as 3,000 disciplemakers who disciple 15,000 disciples gathering with 30,000 worshippers. Every dollar you give will continue to reach people for Christ your whole lifetime and beyond.
Would you consider a GIFT of $1.00 a month? We are not trying to take money from your local ministry where you give your tithes and offerings. We are asking for many to give a little. Our initial goal is 5,000 giving at least $1.00 a month. Would you be one of those 5,000 making a commitment to create a movement to plant churches that change lives? Here are ways to give:
1. You can give to your local church by marking your check or cash gift "NWIL CM Endowment" and your church treasurer will take it from there.
2. You can also choose to give online if you want to set up one time or reoccurring payments using debit/credit/Electronic Check on the district website at nwilnaz.org/GIVE/ On District Church Planting or direct CM Endowment Giving LINK. Or scan this QR code at the bottom of this article.
3. You can send a check or cash to NWIL District, 3520 Broadway St., Pekin, IL 61554 (please indicate CM Endowment on check memo)
We are also looking for those who might like to make greater kingdom investments!
You can give cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, livestock, grain, or other personal property. Basically, any asset of marketable value can be used to help fund this endowment. There are also charitable gift annuity options that allow you to specify the endowment fund or another ministry of your choice while allowing you to receive income for your lifetime and when you pass, your gift goes to the endowment fund or specified ministry. CLICK HERE to see other ways to model generosity. Gifts can be given in memory or in honor of someone.
Large or small: Why not leave a lasting legacy that lasts more than your lifetime.
For more information or confidential consultation please contact NWIL District Administrator, Jim Book 309-678-2357; NWIL District Treasurer, Ray Barker
309-645-7716; or the Nazarene Foundation directly at 913-577-2983.
Every gift is tax deductible
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Ken Roat
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Lloyd Brock Keith Peachey
Rev. Kevin Donoho Kevin Singletary
Rev. Mark McCall
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
Zone Facilitators
District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book
District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker
NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith
Board Of Ministry
Course of Study
Rev. Karin Orwig
District Assembly Handbook 2020
(please click below)
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