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Foam Fact #4
New HFO blowing agents for closed-cell SPF do make a difference
Since at least the early 1990s many customers and design professionals have had concerns about the contributions of SPF blowing agents to ozone depletion (ozone depletion potential or ODP) and global warming (global warming potential or GWP). When CFC and HCFC blowing agents were replaced by zero-ODP HFC blowing agents by 2003 (USA), the concern about ODP was eliminated. However, the HFC blowing agents still contributed to GWP. During the past few years, blowing agent suppliers have introduced low global warming blowing HFO agents into the market and now nearly every foam supplier offers HFO-based closed-cell foams.
The low GWP blowing agents make a difference when included in closed-cell foam formulations. HFOs significantly reduce the GWP impact to 1/6 that of HFC foams according to a 2018 environmental product declaration for SPF products. The GWP impact of HFO foams is comparable to that of open-cell foam on a pound-for-pound basis while providing substantially better R-values per inch.
Besides GWP reduction, SPF products based on these HFO blowing agents can spray better, provide higher R-values and enable yield improvements compared with HFC SPF products. HFO-based closed-cell foams have been made and used in the field for many years. They have a proven track record. Not only is the HFO technology environmentally preferable but contractors are reporting better yield, and less gun clogging.
HFO-based closed-cell foam systems are not only available, but as of today (December 2020) foam applied in CA, WA and NJ cannot contain HFC’s. Next month, foam systems manufactured after 1/1/2021 and applied in CO, NY, WY and MD can no longer contain HFC’s. Eleven more states are developing similar regulations. Keep up-to-date with these changes at this link: State Phase-Down of HFCs in the Polyurethanes Industry (americanchemistry.com) The transition to HFO technology in closed cell foams is underway. Understand the regulations and not only the phase out dates but how it impacts your business. SPFA is here to help.