"Always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you the reason for the hope you have" (1 Peter 3:15)
Primetime Weekly Podcast
featuring Dr. Richard Freeman
During this difficult time, we feature podcasts to encourage you. Our team of Pastors, w/ Dr. Richard Freeman this week, will walk you through the book of Ecclesiastes. INFO

FYI - North County in-person
mtgs have re-started , join us!
Gathering Highlights
As we continue through this challenging season, let's try to remember our good God and the opportunities in-front of us.

Here are some recent highlights:
  • Primetime Marketplace Study has re-started w/ in-person meetings @ Schumacher Auto off Northlake & I-95. Before work Bible study led by local Pastors. Continuing Majoring In The Minors, our study of the books of the minor prophets. Join us 7:30am Wed. Mornings. DETAILS
  • "Hey, I have COVID. Found out 2 hours ago, Please pray my wife does not catch it from me. She can't get this!! Thank you!" Message from a friend and co-laborer. #stay strong
  • "What are you reading this week?" When you are sitting in coffee shop and in walks regular customer asking about your bible reading. We talked last week, I've got a devotional for him this week!! #1 Peter 3:15
  • The summer is here and it is also the middle of the year. As with all of us, this year has been "different" BUT God has continued to be faithful. If you find yourself in a position to financially help a ministry that continues to impact men and the community for Christ, please prayerfully consider doing so. We've helped many, seen lives impacted personally/professionally, families strengthened, men have come to know Christ, and we have many plans for the 2nd half of the year. We can impact many but only with help . . . DONATE

Thank you to our faithful participants and generous supporters, we couldn't do it with out your help. As you think about how God would have you walk through this season, please prayerfully consider supporting us. Our margins are SLIM but our TRUST in God's provision is great!
Rescheduled: Men's Breakfast
featuring Dr. Damon Friedman

Join us for The Gathering's Fall Outreach Breakfast on Wed., Nov. 4. Our speaker is Dr. Damon Friedman, a decorated combat Veteran, Author, Movie Producer and Pres. of SOF Missions. This event is live and in-person, so reserve your seats! Hosted @ Palm Beach Airport Hilton.
New Group: A Man & His Traps
Series 33 Authentic Manhood

In these 7 sessions you will identify the deep idols of your heart and develop a "Battleplan" built on God's grace. This video series & discussions present timeless truths based upon Jesus' 33 years on earth. Join us for in-person on 7pm Tues. nights after work off PGA Blvd/I-95. DETAILS
POSTPONED Aug. - County-wide Gathering affiliated groups!
Some groups are mtg. in-person but not all, so contact them first. INFO
Engaging and Encouraging Men to be fully Alive in the Marketplace and beyond since 1989