June 9, 2021
Our hearts and thoughts are with the 215 children found at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, their families, loved ones and all survivors of the atrocities of residential schools and colonial systems. Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation has shed light on what First Nations people across Canada have been saying for generations. It is time for us all to deeply listen and learn from First Nations people across Canada. PIBC, through the Indigenous Planning Working Group, will prioritise our commitment to decolonising this institution and the planning practice in BC and the Yukon.

For now, the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation and other Nations throughout Canada have asked that people respect their protocols in grieiving for the loss of their children. As we grieve for these children, their families, loved ones and for all survivors of colonial systems and practices we must do so respectfully and with knowledge of traditional protocols.

May this knowing shed light on the harm that colonialism has had on First Nations people, culture, language and traditions. May we all take our own time to reflect on our individual roles on the path towards reconciliation and decolonization.


In This Issue ...

Save the Date for National Indigenous Peoples Day Webinar - July 14 | #PIBC2021 Starts Next Tuesday June 15 | PIBC Board Elections - Reminder to Vote Online | PIBC 2021 AGM - June 18 | PIBC & PSB Exit Presentation for Recent Graduates - June 29 | Chapter News & Events | National News | Employment Opportunities | Other News & Upcoming Events
Save the Date - PIBC's Annual Webinar
in Recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day
2021 National Indigenous Peoples Day
Save the date & join us on July 14 for our annual webinar in recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21). This year's free webinar will focus on Indigenous placemaking. Join our distinguished panel to learn how we can genuinely and creatively plan and incorporate Indigenous identity, culture, history and art into our built environments. Registration opens in early July.
PIBC 2021 Annual Conference Starts Next Week!
June 15 - 18, 2021
Registration deadline: Monday, June 14, 2021
Already Registered? Check for Your "Know Before You Go" Email
For attendees who have already registered for this year's online annual conference, please check your email inbox for your "Know Before You Go" email outlining important information for logging in and participating in the conference next week.

Haven't received the email? Be sure to check your spam or junk mail folder.

PIBC 2021 Annual Conference - North of Normal
This conference is about planning North of Normal; it’s about planning in wilderness communities, storytelling, First Nations-led planning, and building resilient & healthy communities. Here's what you can look forward to at #PIBC2021:

  • 2 keynote speakers 
  • 2 pre-conference sessions
  • Up to 26 live sessions & pre-recorded sessions
  • 3 pre-recorded "mini-mobile workshops” & unique Yukon content
  • Local hosting from Whitehorse with creative virtual networking & prizes!

*All sessions & activities are eligible for PIBC CPL units. Click here to learn more about PIBC continuous professional learning & reporting .
#PIBC2021 keynote speakers Jessie Hemphill, Indigenous planner, facilitator, and teacher and Charles L. Marohn, Jr., founder & President of Strong Towns.
Register Today & Join Us Online June 15 - 18!
Registration includes access to all keynote speaker presentations, online conference sessions, virtual mini-mobile workshops, online networking, and on-demand recordings of all program elements after the conference. For complete conference information, click below for:

Registration deadline: Monday, June 14, 2021
We Look Forward to Seeing You Online at #PIBC2021!
Follow #PIBC2021 for the latest PIBC 2021 Annual Conference updates or 
visit the PIBC Annual Conference registration page.
Thank You to #PIBC2021 Partners!

The PIBC 2021 Annual Conference - North of Normal would not be possible without the generous support of the following conference partners - thank you!
Premier Title Partner
Platinum Partner
Gold Partners
Silver Partner
Bronze Partners
Partnership Opportunities
Interested in becoming a #PIBC2021 partner? Please contact Sophie King at or click here to learn more about this unique opportunity to support the conference while highlighting your organization and reaching out to professional planners across BC and Yukon.
PIBC 2021 Board Elections
Online Voting Closes Friday, June 18
A reminder that all eligible voting members have been individually emailed instructions and a unique link to cast their ballot(s) electronically online for this year’s PIBC Board elections. Additionally, information about the nominated candidates for the various positions is available online. If you are an eligible voting member and you did not receive your election ballot email, please be sure to double-check your email junk and spam folders. Otherwise, please contact us for assistance.

Online voting is now open and will close at the commencement of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, June 18th, 2021. Members are encouraged to carefully review the online voting instructions sent by separate email and review the applicable candidate information available online prior to casting their online ballot.
PIBC Board Voting
For complete information about the election and the candidates, click here.

Please contact PIBC Executive Director Dave Crossley at
Thank you!
PIBC 2021 Annual General Meeting (Online)
PIBC 2021 AGM June 18
Date: Friday, June 18, 2021
Time: 1:30 PM (Pacific)
Location: Online Webcast 
The agenda for the PIBC 2021 AGM will be as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introduction of Board Members & Guests
  3. Board Elections - Appointment of Scrutineers
  4. Minutes of Previous General Meetings - Annual General Meeting (November 6, 2020)
  5. Report of the Board & Committees (2020 Annual Report)
  6. 2020 Audited Financial Statements
  7. Appointment of Auditors (2021 Fiscal Year)
  8. Board Elections - Report of Election Results & Introduction of 2021-2023 Board
  9. Adjournment

Copies of the 2020 Annual Report, including copies of the 2020 Audited Financial Statements, will be available online prior to the meeting.

RSVP / Register to Attend
In order to attend the online AGM, members will need to RSVP / register. As the AGM will be happening virtually at the end of the online 2021 Annual Conference - North of Normal, there are two ways for members to RSVP / register to attend the AGM:

  • If you are attending the online Annual Conference, you only need to select the AGM during your normal online conference registration process and you will be registered to attend, along with the other sessions and elements of the conference. You need not separately RSVP or register. If you haven’t already done so and wish to register now for the online Annual Conference and the AGM, click here.

  • If you are not attending the online Annual Conference but do wish to attend just the AGM, you can RSVP to register by sending an email RSVP with your full name, membership type (Certified, Candidate, etc.) and email address to:

Please be sure to RSVP/ register by no later than Monday, June 14 to ensure we are able to send you the appropriate access / login information for the AGM prior to the meeting.

Thank you! We look forward to your attendance!
PIBC / PSB Exit Presentation for New Graduates
PSB banner
This online session on June 29 (12 pm - 12:45 pm PST) is geared towards new graduates of the planning programs at UBC, UNBC, Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island University. The session will offer participants:

  • An introduction to both the Planning Institute of British Columbia and the Professional Standards Board (PSB) for the planning profession in Canada
  • A recap of the "Road to your RPP" as students of an Accredited Degree program
  • An overview of the PSB's RPP application process
  • An opportunity for Q&A with both organizations

PIBC Vancouver Island North Chapter
Lunch & Learn Series Continues on June 10
PIBC’s Vancouver Island North Chapter is excited to bring to you the second session of the 2021 Lunch and Learn Webinar Series on Zoom!

The Vancouver Island North Chapter Committee is excited to bring you a presentation by seasoned development planner Andy Gaylor RPP, MCIP.

From the Trenches: A Planner’s Guide to Dealing with Difficult Councils
Thursday, June 10, 2021
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (Q&A to follow)

One of the most daunting challenges in a planning career is making the jump to presenting planning recommendations to a City Council or Regional Board. There is an art in explaining often complex policy and technical matters to a Council whose members are likely not well versed in the subject matter. Andy Gaylor will share his insights and recommendations in dealing with difficult Councils. For full webinar and speaker details, please click here.

In order to attend the virtual event, please click here to RSVP and register. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to those registered.
PIBC Kootenay Rocky Mountain Chapter
BC Housing & Community Development Institute Webinar
Housing Knowledge Webinar May 28
Building Housing Knowledge - Kootenay Rocky Mountain Session
July 8, 12 pm - 2 pm

Presented by BC HOUSING & the Community Development Institute (UNBC), this webinar is for the Kootenay Rocky Mountain region of the province with detailed information about population trends, housing stock, and the housing market.

Join us for this webinar to learn how housing demand will be impacted in the coming years for Vancouver Island. A discussion will follow about the challenges of responding to trends and meeting demands, as well as strategies that can result in more housing on the ground. Based on research conducted by the Canadian Development Institute at UNBC, this presentation provides data that can be used by planners and local governments.

  • Marleen Morris, BA, MSc is the Co-Director of the Community Development Institute and an Adjunct Professor of Geography at UNBC
  • Julia Good, BA, MA, Research Associate with the Community Development Institute
PIBC Central North Chapter
Sticky Planning Topics Dialogue #2
PIBC's Central North Chapter is hosting a virtual event for planning students and professional planners across north-central BC on Wednesday, September 15, 2021!

From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, we will get to know each other and have group discussions about “sticky topics” that planners are facing.

Sticky topics include any challenging planning dilemmas that are making you feel stuck. If you have ideas for topics to discuss, please email them to Ashley Murphey, Central North Chapter member, at

This free event will be held over Zoom. A link will be emailed before the event. To register, please contact Ashley at
2021 National Indigenous History Month
Highlighting Indigenous Perspectives

Every June, Canada celebrates National Indigenous History Month to honour the history, heritage, and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada. This occasion also provides an opportunity to recognize the strength of present-day Indigenous communities.

In keeping with the commitments made in CIP’s Policy on Planning Practice and Reconciliation, CIP will highlight Indigenous perspectives through its Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) core webinar program and partnered events.

Join CIP for a journey of learning and reflection. For more details, visit CIP's website & social media for topics, speaker bios, partner events, and updates.

Click here to view the 2021 National Indigenous History Month eMailer.

CIP 2021 National Indigenous History Month
Webinar Series
Community-Based Decision Making Through
Land Use Planning Under Land Code
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT

This webinar will highlight the perspectives, tools, and techniques of Land Use Planning under Land Codes and demonstrate how it provides an opportunity for rebuilding trust, confidence, and the capacity for collaboration and consensus building in communities through community-based decision making frameworks.

  • Stephen McGlenn - Specialist, Land Use Planning & Curriculum Delivery
  • Adam Wright RPP, MCIP - Planner, Land Governance Code

Metro Vancouver
Park Planner I
Apply by June 11, 2021

Our Parks and Environment Department is seeking a Park Planner I who will lead specialized park planning assignments involving research, zoning, land acquisition and development, landscape architectural design, and general park and recreational planning activities. The position will oversee cultural resource information, biophysical data, & more within Metro Vancouver Regional Parks.
City of Coquitlam
Manager Policy & Business Services
Apply by June 14, 2021

Reporting to the General Manager, Parks, Recreation Culture and Facilities, this position is responsible for providing leadership and management to the Policy and Business Services division with a focus on business services and policy development. This division supports functions across the entire department in an effort to align goals to the strategic direction of the City.
Peace River Regional District
Planning Services Manager
Apply by June 17, 2021

Reporting to the General Manager of Development Services, the primary duties of the Planning Services Manager will be day-to-day planning staff oversight and guidance on technical matters related to the processing of development applications. They are responsible for leading and managing the efforts in developing policy & more.
City of Terrace
Planner III
Apply by June 18, 2021

The City of Terrace is currently looking for a qualified applicant to the fill the position of Planner III with the Development Services Department. Under the direction of Director of Development Services and Planning Manager, the Planner III performs skilled professional planning work of a complex nature.
City of Vancouver
Senior Stakeholder Relations & Promotional Lead
Apply by June 18, 2021

Reporting to the Manager of Transportation Planning, this role manages the Stakeholder Relations & Promotions section and is responsible for the strategic communications and promotion of sustainable transport modes as well as managing key stakeholder relations.
City of Port Moody
Planning Assistant II
Apply by June 20, 2021

This is an exciting opportunity for a Planning Assistant II to join the Planning Division for a temporary, full-time assignment up to one year in duration. Reporting to the Manager of Policy Planning, the Planning Assistant II will provide administrative and process support to the Planning Division.
V3 Companies of Canada
Planning Techician
Apply by June 26, 2021

Working within V3’s Planning Group and reporting to its Director, the Planning Technician executes critical support functions to produce plans, graphics, renderings, documents, reports and exhibits that are essential to the successful completion of projects.

Town of Gibsons
Planner I
Apply by June 26, 2021

This position requires an individual capable of processing development applications, land use permits and minor policy matters at an intermediate level of complexity. The Planner l will also review complex applications and policy matters in collaboration with the Director of Planning.
Visit PIBC's website for all current job postings.
HCI logo
Join a Community Mobilization Session!
Canada Healthy Community Initiatives is hosting a series of community mobilization sessions where you can learn more about the program themes, get inspired by project examples, and ask for advice on starting your project. All sessions will take place with simultaneous interpretation in French and English.

June 10, 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET:
Canadian Urban Institute - CityTalk Canada Series
Indigenous Practitioner Perspectives on City Building

2021 marks the 25th annual National Indigenous Peoples Day, first declared in 1996 by then Governor General of Canada Roméo LeBlanc to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

This year, join us for an exploration of urbanism with Indigenous leaders at the fore of their professions. Click here to register.
BC Healthy Communities
BC Healty Communities - Creating Healthy Public Policy
June 23, 11 am - 12 pm

Healthy public policy is a powerful tool for local governments to meaningfully improve the lives of their constituents. The Creating Healthy Public Policy - Local Government Leaders Speaker Series kicks off on June 23 with Living Wage Policies, a session exploring the City of Victoria’s experience in adopting a Living Wage policy in 2020. Living Wage policies have been enacted by 10 governments across the province, ranging from major metropolitan cities to smaller rural and Indigenous governments. These policies align minimum wages in an organization with the actual costs of living in a specific community. 

Designed for staff in decision-making roles as well as elected officials, each event in the series provides participants with the opportunity to explore whether a similar policy fits their community's needs. Following the presentation, attendees are invited to stay for an optional virtual networking session to meet with other local government leaders.

Learn more and register for this free event at
PLACE21 Keynote Speaker Announcement

We are honoured to welcome Larry Beasley RPP, FCIP to PLACE21 as our keynote speaker.

Larry Beasley is a Canadian city planner, urban designer, teacher and author. He is the ‘Distinguished Practice’ Professor of Planning at the University of British Columbia. He is also the founding principal of Beasley and Associates and was the Chief Planner for the City of Vancouver for many years.

Click here to learn more Larry about PLACE21 taking placing virtually November 4-5, 2021.
Nominations Now Open for 2021 Climate & Energy Action Awards
Nominate your community today to showcase your local government’s commitment to creating low carbon, resilient communities. All applicants will receive recognition in a promotional video celebrating the Awards Nominees. The deadline to apply is Monday, July 12th at 5:00 pm.

For any questions, please email
Capilano University
Registration Opens Early July!

Looking to improve your understanding of how local government works, gain practical skills, network with local government professionals from across BC and advance your career? Join the hundreds of local government employees who have done just that, by taking Capilano University's courses designed specifically for working professionals.

Courses start September 2021 and fill quickly, so register today!

  • PADM 200-01 Local Government Administration in BC (North Vancouver)
  • PADM 200-02  Local Government Administration in BC (Kelowna)
  • PADM 202 Local Government Finance in BC (North Vancouver) 
  • PADM 203   Municipal Law in BC (Online) 
  • PADM 305   Problem Solving & Policy Writing Skills for LG Professionals (Online)
  • PADM 307   Ethics & the Responsible LG Professional (North Vancouver)

For further details on dates and delivery FAQs see: Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 Courses and Fall FAQ’s.

To register or for more information contact Anna Delaney at and see

Capilano U’s PADM 305 Policy Skills course provides local government professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to find effective solutions to complex problems they face in their work. In this course, students learn to apply a systematic approach to analyzing complex public policy issues and options, and writing effective policy. This popular course will be offered online over 10 weeks: September 27 to December 3, 2021. This course fulfills the elective course requirement in the Local Government Administration Certificate program and is a required course for the Local Government Certificate (Advanced) and Diploma programs. For further information see our PADM 305 Brochure.

Capilano U’s PADM 307 Ethics course examines the role of local government professionals in establishing, applying and maintaining ethical standards, integrity, civility and decorum in public institutional processes and relationships. Current and emerging issues that impact the working environment of the responsible public servant will be discussed. Students will develop approaches and strategies for resolving common ethical challenges in their workplace. Offered at the Cap U North Vancouver campus over six days: September 30, October 1, 2 and November 4, 5, 6 2021. It fulfills the elective course requirement in the Local Government Administration Certificate program and is a required course for the Local Government Diploma program and the Local Government Leadership Development Certificate program. For further information see our PADM 307 Brochure.
Contact Us
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The Planning Institute of British Columbia recognizes, acknowledges, and appreciates that we are able to live, work, and learn on the traditional territories of the First Nations and Indigenous peoples of BC and Yukon. Acknowledging the principles of truth and reconciliation, we recognize and respect the history, languages, and cultures of the First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and all Indigenous peoples of Canada whose presence continues to enrich our lives and our country.
©2021 Planning Institute of British Columbia
All rights reserved.