If we don't teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.

Because GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING, His plan for my life is perfect.

Preparation: Have you ever felt misunderstood by someone? What happened?

Read the Bible Memory Verse below.

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart,
and knoweth all things. (1 John 3:20)
There are times when those around you will misunderstand your feelings and experiences in life; there will be times when you misunderstand them. We are all human. However, there is One who always knows what you are going through.

God was speaking to Jeremiah, the prophet, in Jeremiah 1:5, when He said:

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou
camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I
ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

For how long has God known Jeremiah? ( Since before he was in his mother's womb)
When did God know what Jeremiah would become one day? ( Before he was born)

If you apply those thoughts to yourself, how long has God known you? When did God prepare His plan for your life?

Before you were even born, God knew you. No one can know you better that He does! He understands you perfectly because He knows you perfectly!

Read what David said about God's knowledge of him in Psalm 119:13-14:

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well.

How devastating to realize almost no one knows what you are like on the inside or the dreams you wish to become reality one day. Take heart. God knows how you are formed. As your Creator, He custom-designed you for a unique purpose: His Perfect Purpose.

Amy Carmichael was one of the most beloved missionaries. She served God in India for 55 years. When she was growing up in Ireland, she desperately wanted blue eyes. With the faith of a child, she truly believed that God would change her brown eyes to blue if she asked Him. One night she prayed fervently for blue eyes, then confidently went to bed. When she awoke the next morning, she ran to the mirror. Her same brown eyes were looking back at her. How disappointed she was!

Later during her years in India, she became aware of the tragic plight of many girls from poor families who were sold to Hindu temples. Amy began rescuing these young girls and
bringing them to her home to raise them and teach them how much God loves them. She would stain her white skin with coffee grounds and dress in Indian clothing so she could
sneak into the temples unnoticed. One day as she dressed, she realized her disguise worked only because she had ... brown eyes. Blue eyes would have been a dead giveaway! At that moment, she realized God said no to her prayer as a child because He had a plan for her future that involved saving the lives of hundreds of other precious little ones. God had known her future—even when she was a little girl half a world away.

There isn't anything God doesn't know about you. Since God knows you this well, He understands you perfectly and has a plan that fits you perfectly.

Have you ever thought about what His plan for you might be? Remember, God knew what you would be like before you were born and He still sent His Son to die for you because He loves you so much and wants you to be with Him forever! He knows everything about you, the good and the bad, and He still loves you that much!

Because God Knows Everything, He knows you perfectly and has a plan that perfectly fits you.

Talk with God about any areas of your life that you feel misunderstood, or are frustrated with and ask Him to help you in those areas. Thank Him for loving you so much, and for His perfect plan for you. Try solving the Puzzle below!

Read Isaiah 46:10 for the clue to solving this puzzle. Click on the puzzle image below for a larger and printable version. Do the addition and subtraction problems, and use the "KEY" to find the letter for each number to solve the puzzle!

A=1 C=2 E=3 G=4 H=5 I=6 L=7 N=8 O=9
P=10 R=11 S=12 T= 13 V=14 W=15 Y=16 M=17

adapted from Discover God 4 Kids
A Sample Prayer to Conclude Your Time
Dear God,
No one can comprehend what You know. Your knowledge surprises the brightest created mind there is. Thank you for preserving in Your Word the knowledge of Who You are. We praise You for your complete understanding of things past, present and future. You even examine our hearts to know all that we think, say and do. Thank You that through Your grace we can be forgiven of all the sinful things You know about us. We praise You for being the Only One we can trust with our future. You see what is ahead and your love and mercy guides us to wisdom that helps us. We have great peace and hope about the future because of You. Remind us to share Your hope with others.
In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.