FEBRUARY 7-11, 2022
Our skating program begins on Wednesday and Friday this week. Please ensure your child has a bag packed with their skates, helmets, gloves and snowpants on their scheduled skating day. If you signed up to help tie skates please be at the rink 15min before your child's scheduled ice time.

Group 1 - Wed Feb 9, Wed Feb 16, Wed Feb 23
9:00-9:45 - Div 10 (Corbett) & Div 7 (Larmand)
9:45-10:30 - Div 14 (Sudbury) & Div 6 (Housden/Lawson)
10:30-11:15 - Div 11 (Boyd) & Div 12 (Kehl)

Group 2 - Fri Feb 11, Fri Feb 25, and Wed Mar 2
9:00-9:45 - Div 8 (Boyce) & Div 13 (Porter)
9:45-10:30 - Div 5 (M Smith) & Div 9 (Meerza)
10:30-11:15 - Div 1 (Menzies), Div 2 (Tyssen/Perkins), Div 3 (C Smith) & Div 4 (Gecse)

Family Literacy Night
All K to 5 families are invited to participate in a virtual Family Literacy Games Night on Wednesday March 9th! Participating families will receive a free Family Literacy Kit (includes letter tiles, word cards, dice, and game boards) to use during the session, as families learn fun ways to support literacy skills at home. Interested families must register by Tuesday, February 15th so the kits can be ordered and sent home with students prior to the March 9th session. Don't miss out on this great opportunity!

Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is coming up on Monday Feb 14. It can be a wonderful opportunity to send messages of caring and support for each other. If your child is planning on bringing Valentines to school to share with their class please refrain from including any sort of food or treats.

A few years ago we made a decision as a school to try to keep our Valentine's Day celebrations healthy end environmentally friendly by requesting that all prepacked treats be left at home. As per the SD83 Valentines Suggestions email that was sent out last week, homemade treats are also not allowed this year due to COVID-19.

Thank you for your support as we try to keep the focus of the day on celebrating friendship and kindness.
Pink Shirt Day
Don’t forget to wear PINK on Wednesday February 23 in recognition of Pink Shirt Day. The theme this year is “Lift each other up”; a simple but powerful message encouraging us to look beyond our differences as we celebrate diversity and encourage acceptance, respect and inclusion for everyone. Let's focus on taking our kindness to new heights!
COVID Exposure Notices
As a school community we have become accustomed to receiving a COVID-19 exposure notice when there was a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a class. Please note that as a school we are no longer providing these updates as this practice is not sustainable, accurate, or meaningful for families.

Completing the Daily Health Check, keeping your child home when they have any symptoms of illness, and following the Heath Guidlines currently in place, is still our best strategy to ensuring in-class instruction can continue.

We will still be sending home notices from Interior Heath if/when we receive then.
Report Cards
With the delayed start after winter vacation and high absenteeism, School District No. 83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap) has decided to delay K-8 report cards by one week. K-8 report cards will now be available on February 25. Thank you for your understanding and support.