Jay is the Director of Sales and a Partner at Rentacrate Enterprises, LLC.

Jay has been serving in the commercial real estate space since 1994 starting with a local commercial office moving company, where he first joined IFMA. Jay has been a member of IFMA since 1998 (isn’t that just 2 years ago?). After selling office moves, he spent 2 years opening the Seattle branch of Rentacrate in 2006, before taking a seven-year detour into commercial janitorial with SBM as a partner. After selling the janitorial company, Jay once again returned to Rentacrate, but now as a partner (fun fact: Rentacrate now has 3 “re-treads” in leadership roles).

Graduating Cum Laude from Shepherd University in 1989, Jay earned his Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication. He moved to the Seattle area after a stint working for Pfizer, selling drugs and several years in Boulder, CO selling caulking for a manufacturer. 

IFMA (and BOMA) were crucial in his early sales development and credits both organizations with giving him the opportunity to serve in the Associate Committee role. He feels that the relationships started and nurtured here are the basis of his 25-year career in serving the community of commercial real estate. “I wouldn’t bee here if it weren’t for IFMA”.