April Newsletter
Join our Greenleaf rep, Ben Brown, to see featured product! 
Special on select Greenleaf plants - more details to come!
Kid friendly projects! More details to come!
Kelly Marcum will be talking about the history of this beautiful ground cover and how it came to be!  Patented in 2014 by Kelly Marcum, this sweet potato vine's showy heart-shaped 'Ace of Spades' like foliage starts out lime green. As the foliage matures, it showcases a marbled purplish-black and vibrant lime green. 

Used for bedding plants, window boxes, hanging baskets, and planters. They are fast-growing and like well-drained fertile soil. Pinch back to encourage branching and deadhead regularly. They thrive in the Oklahoma sun! 

A favorite summer annual that begins blooming in spring and continues through the summer. Dead head regularly to encourage continued blooming all season long! Shop all of our spectacular colors! 

Partners in Education
Marcum's Nursery proudly supports Oklahoma schools with our Partners in Education program. When you shop at any of our four locations, you can dedicate your receipt to any school of your choice and Marcum's Nursery will give back 10% of your total toward your school's projects! 
*Valid toward full price receipts. Not valid on landscaping, irrigation or installation work order*
    Gardening in Clay Soil? 
Let us Help!

Heavy clay drains slowly, meaning it stays saturated longer after rain or irrigation. Then, when the sun finally comes out and the soil dries, it forms a hard, cracked surface.
Here are some tips for making clay soil more manageable and easier to work.

1. Test your soil's pH and adjust if necessary
2. Add Marcum's Nursery's Organic Redbud Compost
3. Garden in a raised bed to improve drainage
4. Mulch beds over the winter
5. Additional info about gardening in clay soils can be found  here
  • After danger of frost begin planting vegetables, herbs, summer flowering bulbs and annuals.
  • Add Marcum's Nursery organic Redbud Compost to revitalize your nutrients while planting new plants.
  • Apply ferti-lome Systemic Insecticide Drench to trees and shrubs to protect them from wood boring insects.
  • Apply ferti-lome Rose & Flower Food with Systemic Insecticide once a month through our growing seasons.
  • Apply ferti-lome Systemic Fungicide to prevent mildew and leaf spot diseases for roses, photinias, etc.
  • Over seed fescue lawns. Ask a Marcum expert for more details!
  • Fertilize warm-season grasses three to five times per season. We will help you select the best blend that suits your needs!
  • Begin mowing warm-season lawns. Cutting height for bermuda and zoysia should be 1 - 1 1/2 inches high.
  • Treat cedar-apple rust with fungicide as soon as the orange jelly galls are visible on junipers.
  • Plant spring bulbs for summer blooms! Come shop our amazing variety!
  • Apply ferti-lome Weed Free Zone , a post-emergent broad leaf herbicide, to cool and warm-season lawns to control broad leaf weeds. It kills over 80 different weeds, even poison ivy! 
      Kid's Corner with Chump    
  Chump wants to help get your family involved in gardening! Look 
  here for fun activities the whole family will enjoy!

The perfect indoor or outdoor activity for all ages! 

What you'll need:
Panty Hose
Potting Soil
Grass Seed
Craft Supplies
Craft Glue

Goldsby Location | 405-288-2368 | 169 N Main Ave
OKC Location | 405-691-9100  | 2121 SW 119th
Norman Location | 405-447-3100 | 17550 S Sooner Rd
Ardmore Location | 580-223-1846 | 25 S Rockford Rd

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