Weekly Newsletter

November 20, 2022

Our Vision: A community living and growing in unity with God and all people through Christ.

Our Mission: To seek God in reverent worship, service to neighbors, gracious hospitality, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.

Trouble Finding Our Services Online?

Join us online Sundays at 10:30 am for Holy Eucharist. The service will be streamed to our YouTube page.

Make sure to click on "View Entire Message" at the bottom of the page to see the entire email.

Schedule for Worship

Nov 20 - Rev. Dennis Campbell

Nov 27 - Morning Prayer

Dec 4 - Morning Prayer

Wednesdays Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer will be on break for November 23 and December 28.

More Than Enough: Stewardship Update

Pledge Cards for 2023 are still available and can be turned in now until the end of the year. If you have a pledge that has not been turned in yet; please feel free bring to the office, put in the collection plate or drop it in the mail.

The 2023 pledges are 38, for a total of $184,688.

The 2022 pledges were 52 for a total of $243,189.

Out of Office

Melissa Simpson will be on vacation November 21 - November 26.

Our office will be closed on Thanksgiving.

There will be no newsletter for the week of November 27.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Join us Sunday at 5 pm in Sutherland as we remember all those lost due to anti-transgender violence this past several years. There will be a prayer service and then names will be available for those to hold close to their heart and pray for as we walk the Labyrinth together.

Vestry Notes

As our stewardship drive wraps up, work on next year’s budget has begun. We are off to a good start but there is still a distance to go!

There are many to thank for the work of the last month. The weekly writings and speakers were exceptional. The personal messages shared were moving and I have heard many positive comments about them. The last month has included mailings, sermons, special music and prayers. It ended with a great potluck in Sutherland Hall decorated pretty enough to host a wedding. Moss Eshelman provided music so it did seem as we were attending a gala party. Thank you, Travis Simpson for being our stewardship chair and to everyone else who contributed in any way!

This newsletter is filled with information about activities in the coming week. It is hard to believe that Advent is just about here. Melissa and Lukas are working to ensure that there are opportunities to prepare both young and old for the season of Christmas.

The new year is around the corner. It is generally the time that we are looking for candidates to run for vestry. In times of search for a new rector it is traditional to keep the existing vestry in place. The current vestry has agreed to freeze in place until next year. The thought is that it helps to provide stability. Father Dennis has supported this decision. There will be shifts in responsibilities.

Carol Lee

Senior Warden

Advent at All Saints'

Join us for Advent on Wednesday night! Adults and youth will eat together at 5:30 pm in Sutherland Hall, then older youth will go to their EYC class and adults will stay to Journey through the Way of Love with the theme of Advent. This is curriculum was created by Jenifer Gamber and Becky Zartman and will take place over 4 weeks.

Journeying the Way of Love:

Advent One: The Annunciation: Saying “Yes” to the Journey

Advent Two: Mary and Elizabeth: Journeying with Family and Friends

Advent Three: The Birth of John the Baptist: Journeying with Community

Advent Four: The Birth of Jesus: Journeying with the World

Each session will end with Evening Prayer. On December 21 we will do Advent: Compline service in the Sanctuary.

EYC Youth will cover:

Advent One: Symbolism in Faith and Life (They will make their own wreaths)

Advent Two: Divine Inspiration: The Written Word

Advent Three: Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

Advent Four: No gathering but youth are welcome to sit in with the Way of Love discussion.

Soup/bread signups are in Shoemaker Hall.

There's also 2 spots left for EYC food signup to correspond with the nights.

If childcare is needed in the nursery please let Melissa know and she will make arrangements for it to be open. mleasimpson@gmail.com

December Parish Activities

December 1 @ 6pm- We will have a spot in the Russellville Christmas Parade. Everyone is encouraged to come out and walk as we hold banners for our parish, singing carols and dress in festive attire. Kids are encouraged to wear costumes and we will have someone dressed as St. Nicholas waving to the crowd. If you'd like to participate contact Melissa.

December 5 @ 10 am to Noon - We will be handing out hot chocolate and cookies to ATU students doing their finals. Location will be Hindsman Bell Tower. Let Melissa or Lukas know if you want to help.

December 11 - Lessons and Carols at 5:30 pm. Join us for this festive event with our choir!

December 18 - Annual Christmas Pageant at the 10:30 am service

Blue Christmas at 5 pm

December 24 - Christmas Eve Service with Choir at 7:30 pm. Carols at 7 pm.

December 25 - No morning services. Compline TBD

YOGA at All Saints'

Yoga Classes will be held at their normal times Monday - Wednesday. Thursday classes are cancelled due to the holiday.

Youth Activities

Kid's Chapel

Join us November 20 at 10:30 am with a Melissa and Ricki on a lesson about Thankfulness and practice for our pageant. Youth will return to the service at the Peace. Ages 6-12.

EKC in November/December

Episcopal Kids Community will be focusing on the Christmas Pageant for the next few weeks. If your child is interested in being in the pageant please reach out to Melissa.

Pageant is December 18 at the 10:30 am service.

Episcopal Youth Community


11/30 Symbolism in Faith and Life

-The Christian tradition is overflowing with symbols, especially in this season. Together we will discover the meaning behind various symbols and how they apply to us in our life. Youth will get to make clay advent wreaths.

Location: All Saints’ EYC Room (Sutherland Hall)

Christian Formation

Wednesday Bible Study

On Break for Thanksgiving. Will gather again on November 30 at 11:15 am in the large conference room.

Faith and Reason

Faith & Reason class for November 20th :

We will listen to and discuss the second half of an episode of On Being with Krista Tippett and Eugene Peterson. Class will start at 9am.


Faith and Scripture

Class meets at 9:15 am with a discussion of the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Stan Lombardo.


Young Adult Gathering

We will not gather the week of Thanksgiving, 11/22.

Join us again on Tuesday November 29 at 6pm at All Saints' for our favorite new tradition of FriendsGiving!

Change to meal plan: Melissa is smoking a turkey and guests are asked to bring a vegetarian side. Please avoid yellow cheese too for allergy reasons. Bring a friend, spouse, and family!

If you have never made an advent wreath we will have supplies. If you have an advent wreath and want to decorate it again, bring that too!

Practicing Prayer

We’ll not meet this week so those who wish can join the labyrinth walk and prayers for

the Transgender Day of Remembrance, beginning at 5:00 pm in Sutherland Hall.

Church Ministry Updates

Neighbors Table Update

Last week’s Thanksgiving Dinner was a huge success! Thanks go to our New Prospect

partners whose traditional meal of roast turkey, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, green

beans, home-made yeast rolls, and cake has become a favorite among our guests. We

served 248 meals to 109 families. Heartfelt thanks also go to Central Presbyterian for purchasing the turkeys and to everyone who cooked a turkey so it would be ready for New Prospect’s magic touch in the kitchen.

Please stop by the raffle table on Sunday to see the beautiful quilts on display, and purchase tickets for a chance to win. The proceeds will be used to buy healthy protein for our Loaves and Fishes ministry. This week our menu is Beef Stroganoff, green pea salad, with fruit pastries for dessert.

Each meal will also have a piece of fresh fruit and granola bars. Food from the Arkansas Food Bank makes up a large part of the meals we serve. For this, maintaining our State certified kitchen is a legal requirement, and last week we passed our inspection. We are grateful to everyone who helps us keep in compliance with our State Laws which are posted in the kitchen. Thank you!

Please keep Neighbors Table in your prayers. We greatly appreciate the many helpers who pray for us and contribute their time, talent, and treasure! If you would like to know more, or volunteer, please contact Charlie Tyrone, (479) 857-0480, ctyrone_49@hotmail.com.

Readings for Christ the King Sunday November 20

Please click on the red scripture to link to the readings.

The Liturgy of the Word

The First Lesson

Jeremiah 23:1-6

The Response

Canticle 16

The Epistle

Colossians 1:11-20

The Gospel

Luke 23:33-43

We pray for those who have birthdays this week: Casey Anderson-Molina,

Destiny Kellner, and Lucas Lombardo.

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those celebrating an anniversary this week: Elizabeth & Steve Franks.

O gracious and everliving God, look mercifully upon your servants who come to renew the promises they have made to each other. Grant them your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their promises and vows; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please let the office know if your birthday or anniversary has been missed, so that we may add the date to our records.

Remembering in your Prayers

We pray for Miguel, Chris, Kristen, Ima Jean, Donna, Rudy Jr. and the people of Ukraine, Russia and Myanmar.


We pray for those in active military service, especially Brian, Sarah, Anthony, Cameron, Cody, Adam and Travis.

We pray for those expecting a child, especially Madison Van Horn & Cody Davenport, Sara Keech & Joseph Rainwater, Beth & Michael Jacobides, and Kyler & Hannah Lee.

We ask your prayers for those who have died, especially Opal Ray Crow.

Long Term Prayers:


Kaye Staggs, Jeni O'Dell, Inette, David Cleaver, Kaylynn and Kyle Taylor, Bryan, Katherine Combs, Jimmy McKnight, Barbara Johnson, Bryan Wilson, Marian Duffee, Larry Newton, Tony Lee, Cynthia, Sandy Vestal, Susan Price, Barbara Stoltz, Helen, Patsy, William Gillum, Susan Durham Shelton, Carina, Arcelia, and Bernice, Tom Munson, Isaac, Sarah Lee, the Kellner Family, The Sherman Family, Jeffrey & Jennifer Whitehead, Jordan Hein & family, Ellis, Yvonne, Antony, Eduardo Ezquerro, Betty LaGrone, Dorothy Daunhower, Rudy Jr, Molley Wiley, Tami Robinson, and Amber Beatty.

To request changes or updates to our weekly or long term prayer list, please contact our office at allsaints@allsaintsrussellville.net.

Communion is available:  If you are unable to attend or still uncomfortable with attending Holy Eucharist services in person, you may schedule communion to be brought to you by contacting the church office (479-968-3622; allsaints@allsaintsrussellville.net)

All Saints' Staff

The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield - Bishop of Arkansas

Tim and Kristin Smith - Music Ministers

Melissa Simpson - Family Ministry and Special Projects Coordinator 

Trevor Coats - A/V Director

KaDee McCormick - Parish Administrator

Sherrie Cotton - Administrative Assistant

Marcia Van Horn, Karen Davenport, Rhonda Hlass - Office Assistants

Lukas Turner - Youth Intern

Jada Potter - Childcare Provider


All Saints' Vestry & Officers


Carol Lee - Senior Warden, Stewardship, Outreach

Brandon Etzkorn - Junior Warden for Buildings, Stewardship

Candy Welcher - Junior Warden for Grounds

Rudy Delabra - Parish Life

Htee Hsee - Karen Community Liaison, Parish Life, Outreach

Tracy Cole - Parish Life

Bill Parton - Christian Formation

Bruce Moore - Parish Care

Lukas Turner - Evangelism, New Member Support

Lori Price – Treasurer

Sherrie Cotton - Secretary

Giving at All Saints'

Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to allsaintsrussellville.org and click on GIVE located on the bottom of the web page. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund.

Text "allsaintsgift" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.


More Than Enough: Stewardship Update

Pledge Cards are still available and can be turned in now until the end of the year. If you have a pledge that has not been turned in yet; please feel free bring to the office, put in the collection plate or drop it in the mail.

Total Received So Far:

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Join us as we remember all those lost due to anti-transgender violence this past several years. There will be a prayer service and then names will be available for those to hold close to their heart and pray for as we walk the Labyrinth together.

The Episcopal Church values all lives, including our LGBTQ siblings.

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) was founded by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor her memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed in 1998. The vigil commemorated all the transgender people lost to violence that year and began an important memorial that has become the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Volunteers needed as this has been opened up to the community and several statewide organizations were invited. If you can help please get with Melissa Simpson, Lukas Turner, or Catherine Crews.

Vestry Notes

As our stewardship drive wraps up, work on next year’s budget has begun. We are off to a good start but there is still a distance to go!

There are many to thank for the work of the last month. The weekly writings and speakers were exceptional. The personal messages shared were moving and I have heard many positive comments about them. The last month has included mailings, sermons, special music and prayers. It ended with a great potluck in Sutherland Hall decorated pretty enough to host a wedding. Moss Eshelman provided music so it did seem as we were attending a gala party. Thank you, Travis Simpson for being our stewardship chair and to everyone else who contributed in any way!

This newsletter is filled with information about activities in the coming week. It is hard to believe that Advent is just about here. Melissa and Lukas are working to ensure that there are opportunities to prepare both young and old for the season of Christmas.

The new year is around the corner. It is generally the time that we are looking for candidates to run for vestry. In times of search for a new rector it is traditional to keep the existing vestry in place. The current vestry has agreed to freeze in place until next year. The thought is that it helps to provide stability. Father Dennis has supported this decision. There will be shifts in responsibilities.

Advent at All Saints'

Join us for Advent on Wednesday night! Adults and youth will eat together at 5:30 pm in Sutherland Hall, then older youth will go to their EYC class and adults will stay to Journey through the Way of Love with the theme of Advent. This is curriculum was created by Jenifer Gamber and Becky Zartman and will take place over 4 weeks.

Journeying the Way of Love:

Advent One: The Annunciation: Saying “Yes” to the Journey

Advent Two: Mary and Elizabeth: Journeying with Family and Friends

Advent Three: The Birth of John the Baptist: Journeying with Community

Advent Four: The Birth of Jesus: Journeying with the World

Each session will end with Evening Prayer. On December 21 we will do Advent: Compline service in the Sanctuary.

EYC Youth will cover:

Advent One: Symbolism in Faith and Life (They will make their own wreaths)

Advent Two: Divine Inspiration: The Written Word

Advent Three: Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

Advent Four: No gathering but youth are welcome to sit in with the Way of Love discussion.

Soup signups are in Shoemaker Hall. There's also 3 spots left for EYC food signup to correspond with the nights. If childcare is needed in the nursery please let Melissa know and she will make arrangements for it to be open. mleasimpson@gmail.com

Advent Daily Devotions

This year we are going to order for those who would like a copy "Holy is His Name" by Elis Hiu-Mei Lui from Forward Movement.

"The first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke offer four songs, also known as canticles, as companions for the journey through Advent to Christ's birth. Starting with the beloved canticle, the Magnificat, these daily devotions explore the hope, peace, and liberation promised to us all. In this season of Advent, sing and pray these words of joy and proclaim that indeed, holy is his name."

About the Author: Elis Hiu-Mei Lui is a youth minister in the Episcopal Diocese of New York. She is a 1.5-generation Asian American; a lifelong Hongkonger, Floridian, and Southerner. She has an undergraduate degree in Classics and Religion from Florida State University. She routinely nerds out about liturgy, feminist pedagogy, and nuns.

Suggested donation is $5 but financial assistance can be provided. Please email Melissa Simpson if you'd like a copy by November 17. mleasimpson@gmail.com

December Parish Activities

December 1 @ 6pm- We will have a spot in the Russellville Christmas Parade. Everyone is encouraged to come out and walk as we hold banners for our parish, singing carols and dress in festive attire. Kids are encouraged to wear costumes and we will have someone dressed as St. Nicholas waving to the crowd. If you'd like to participate contact Melissa.

December 5 @ 10 am to Noon - We will be handing out hot chocolate and cookies to ATU students doing their finals. Location will be Hindsman Bell Tower. Let Melissa or Lukas know if you want to help.

December 11 - Lessons and Carols at 5:30 pm. Join us for this festive event with our choir!

December 18 - Annual Christmas Pageant at the 10:30 am service

Blue Christmas at 5 pm

December 24 - Christmas Eve Service with Choir at 7:30 pm

December 25 - Compline TBD

Youth Activities

Kid's Chapel

Join us November 6 at 10:30 am with a Melissa and Jeannie on a lesson about Abraham and Isaac. Youth will return to the service at the Peace. Ages 6-12.

EKC in October

Episcopal Kids Community for ages 5 to 12 years old will be on break until November 13th.

Instead, we will have a short gathering after the 10:30 am service on November 13th where the kids can practice 20-30 minutes with our choir directors for our Advent Lessons and Carols concert in December.

Episcopal Youth Community

11/16-This Thy Bounty: Meal of Thanks

-Together we will participate in an interactive cooking/baking session, followed by a discussion on community and giving thanks.

Location: All Saints’ (Sutherland Hall)

Christian Formation

Bible Study Resumes

Join us for Bible Study on Wednesday November 9th at 11:15 am. Bring a lunch and we will continue our study of the Gospel of Matthew in the large conference room.

Faith and Reason

Faith & Reason class for November 13th :

We will listen to and discuss the first half of an episode of On Being with Krista Tippett and Eugene Peterson. Class will start at 9am.


Faith and Scripture

Class meets at 9:15 am with a discussion of the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Stan Lombardo.

Young Adult Gathering

We will not gather the week of Thanksgiving.

Join us again on November 29 at 6pm at All Saints' for our favorite new tradition of FriendsGiving! This years meal theme is going to be Vegetarian!

Practicing Prayer

This week we will begin with 20 minutes of silent prayer, and then continue with Lectio

Divina with Neil Douglas Klotz’ translation of the Lord’s Prayer from Aramaic, the

language Jesus spoke.

All are welcome! To receive a copy of the translation for Lectio Divina, and a Zoom

invitation, please email Catherine Crews, catherine.crews@icloud.com, with your

contact information.

Church Ministry Updates

Neighbors Table Update

It’s Thanksgiving Dinner for Neighbors Table this week! Our New Prospect partners are cooking a traditional meal of roast turkey, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, home-made yeast rolls, and cake. This holiday meal is always a favorite with our guests,

so we’re preparing 225 meals in anticipation of a larger than usual crowd. Heartfelt thanks to New Prospect for preparing the meal, to Central Presbyterian for purchasing many of the turkeys, and to everyone who cooked a turkey so it would be ready for New Prospect’s magic touch in the kitchen.

Please stop by the raffle table on Sunday to see the beautiful quilts on display, and purchase tickets for a chance to win one. The proceeds will be used to buy healthy protein for our Loaves and Fishes ministry.

Last week 130 meals were served drive through and 45 delivered to families in the community and parish, for a total of 175. Food from the Arkansas Food Bank makes up a large part of the meals we serve. For this, maintaining our State certified kitchen is a legal requirement, and we are grateful to everyone who helps us keep in compliance with our State Laws which are posted in the kitchen. Thank you!

Please keep Neighbors Table in your prayers. We greatly appreciate the many helpers who pray for us and contribute their time, talent, and treasure! If you would like to know more, or volunteer, please contact Charlie Tyrone, (479) 857-0480, ctyrone_49@hotmail.com.

Readings for Christ the King Sunday November 20

Please click on the red scripture to link to the readings.

The Liturgy of the Word

The First Lesson

Isaiah 65:17-25

The Response

Canticle 9

The Epistle

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

The Gospel

Luke 21:5-19

We pray for those who have birthdays this week: Ricki Duffee, Fabricio

Duran, Anna Lay, Ella Lay and Greg Simpson.

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on

your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow

in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness

all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those celebrating an anniversary this week: Lori & Jeff Price and Mary & Hugh Silkensen.

O gracious and everliving God, look mercifully upon your servants who come to renew the promises they have made to each other. Grant them your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their promises and vows; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please let the office know if your birthday or anniversary has been missed, so that we may add the date to our records.

Remembering in your Prayers

We pray for Miguel, Brenda, Chris, Denise, KaDee, John, and the people of Ukraine, Russia and Myanmar.


We pray for those in active military service, especially Brian, Sarah, Anthony, Cameron, Cody, Adam and Travis.

We pray for those expecting a child, especially Madison Van Horn & Cody Davenport and Sara Keech & Justin Rainwater.

We ask your prayers for those who have died, especially Ruben Laurel, Frank Hilton, and Robert Harvel, and Trace Evans.

Long Term Prayers:


Kaye Staggs, Jeni O'Dell, Inette, David Cleaver, Kaylynn and Kyle Taylor, Bryan, Katherine Combs, Jimmy McKnight, Barbara Johnson, Bryan Wilson, Marian Duffee, Larry Newton, Tony Lee, Cynthia, Sandy Vestal, Susan Price, Barbara Stoltz, Helen, Patsy, William Gillum, Susan Durham Shelton, Carina, Arcelia, and Bernice, Tom Munson, Isaac, Sarah Lee, the Kellner Family, The Sherman Family, Jeffrey & Jennifer Whitehead, Jordan Hein & family, Ellis, Yvonne, Antony, Eduardo Ezquerro, Betty LaGrone, Dorothy Daunhower, Rudy Jr, Molley Wiley, Tami Robinson, and Amber Beatty.

To request changes or updates to our weekly or long term prayer list, please contact our office at allsaints@allsaintsrussellville.net.

Communion is available:  If you are unable to attend or still uncomfortable with attending Holy Eucharist services in person, you may schedule communion to be brought to you by contacting the church office (479-968-3622; allsaints@allsaintsrussellville.net)

All Saints' Staff

The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield - Bishop of Arkansas

Tim and Kristin Smith - Music Ministers

Melissa Simpson - Family Ministry and Special Projects Coordinator 

Trevor Coats - A/V Director

KaDee McCormick - Parish Administrator

Sherrie Cotton - Administrative Assistant

Marcia Van Horn, Karen Davenport, Rhonda Hlass - Office Assistants

Lukas Turner - Youth Intern

Jada Potter - Childcare Provider


All Saints' Vestry & Officers


Carol Lee - Senior Warden, Stewardship, Outreach

Brandon Etzkorn - Junior Warden for Buildings, Stewardship

Candy Welcher - Junior Warden for Grounds

Rudy Delabra - Parish Life

Htee Hsee - Karen Community Liaison, Parish Life, Outreach

Tracy Cole - Parish Life

Bill Parton - Christian Formation

Bruce Moore - Parish Care

Lukas Turner - Evangelism, New Member Support

Lori Price – Treasurer

Sherrie Cotton - Secretary

Giving at All Saints'

Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to allsaintsrussellville.org and click on GIVE located on the bottom of the web page. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund.

Text "allsaintsgift" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.


More Than Enough: Stewardship Update

Pledge Cards are still available and can be turned in now until the end of the year. If you have a pledge that has not been turned in yet; please feel free bring to the office, put in the collection plate or drop it in the mail.

Total Received So Far:

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Join us as we remember all those lost due to anti-transgender violence this past several years. There will be a prayer service and then names will be available for those to hold close to their heart and pray for as we walk the Labyrinth together.

The Episcopal Church values all lives, including our LGBTQ siblings.

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) was founded by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor her memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed in 1998. The vigil commemorated all the transgender people lost to violence that year and began an important memorial that has become the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Volunteers needed as this has been opened up to the community and several statewide organizations were invited. If you can help please get with Melissa Simpson, Lukas Turner, or Catherine Crews.

Vestry Notes

As our stewardship drive wraps up, work on next year’s budget has begun. We are off to a good start but there is still a distance to go!

There are many to thank for the work of the last month. The weekly writings and speakers were exceptional. The personal messages shared were moving and I have heard many positive comments about them. The last month has included mailings, sermons, special music and prayers. It ended with a great potluck in Sutherland Hall decorated pretty enough to host a wedding. Moss Eshelman provided music so it did seem as we were attending a gala party. Thank you, Travis Simpson for being our stewardship chair and to everyone else who contributed in any way!

This newsletter is filled with information about activities in the coming week. It is hard to believe that Advent is just about here. Melissa and Lukas are working to ensure that there are opportunities to prepare both young and old for the season of Christmas.

The new year is around the corner. It is generally the time that we are looking for candidates to run for vestry. In times of search for a new rector it is traditional to keep the existing vestry in place. The current vestry has agreed to freeze in place until next year. The thought is that it helps to provide stability. Father Dennis has supported this decision. There will be shifts in responsibilities.

Advent at All Saints'

Join us for Advent on Wednesday night! Adults and youth will eat together at 5:30 pm in Sutherland Hall, then older youth will go to their EYC class and adults will stay to Journey through the Way of Love with the theme of Advent. This is curriculum was created by Jenifer Gamber and Becky Zartman and will take place over 4 weeks.

Journeying the Way of Love:

Advent One: The Annunciation: Saying “Yes” to the Journey

Advent Two: Mary and Elizabeth: Journeying with Family and Friends

Advent Three: The Birth of John the Baptist: Journeying with Community

Advent Four: The Birth of Jesus: Journeying with the World

Each session will end with Evening Prayer. On December 21 we will do Advent: Compline service in the Sanctuary.

EYC Youth will cover:

Advent One: Symbolism in Faith and Life (They will make their own wreaths)

Advent Two: Divine Inspiration: The Written Word

Advent Three: Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

Advent Four: No gathering but youth are welcome to sit in with the Way of Love discussion.

Soup signups are in Shoemaker Hall. There's also 3 spots left for EYC food signup to correspond with the nights. If childcare is needed in the nursery please let Melissa know and she will make arrangements for it to be open. mleasimpson@gmail.com

Advent Daily Devotions

This year we are going to order for those who would like a copy "Holy is His Name" by Elis Hiu-Mei Lui from Forward Movement.

"The first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke offer four songs, also known as canticles, as companions for the journey through Advent to Christ's birth. Starting with the beloved canticle, the Magnificat, these daily devotions explore the hope, peace, and liberation promised to us all. In this season of Advent, sing and pray these words of joy and proclaim that indeed, holy is his name."

About the Author: Elis Hiu-Mei Lui is a youth minister in the Episcopal Diocese of New York. She is a 1.5-generation Asian American; a lifelong Hongkonger, Floridian, and Southerner. She has an undergraduate degree in Classics and Religion from Florida State University. She routinely nerds out about liturgy, feminist pedagogy, and nuns.

Suggested donation is $5 but financial assistance can be provided. Please email Melissa Simpson if you'd like a copy by November 17. mleasimpson@gmail.com

December Parish Activities

December 1 @ 6pm- We will have a spot in the Russellville Christmas Parade. Everyone is encouraged to come out and walk as we hold banners for our parish, singing carols and dress in festive attire. Kids are encouraged to wear costumes and we will have someone dressed as St. Nicholas waving to the crowd. If you'd like to participate contact Melissa.

December 5 @ 10 am to Noon - We will be handing out hot chocolate and cookies to ATU students doing their finals. Location will be Hindsman Bell Tower. Let Melissa or Lukas know if you want to help.

December 11 - Lessons and Carols at 5:30 pm. Join us for this festive event with our choir!

December 18 - Annual Christmas Pageant at the 10:30 am service

Blue Christmas at 5 pm

December 24 - Christmas Eve Service with Choir at 7:30 pm

December 25 - Compline TBD

Youth Activities

Kid's Chapel

Join us November 6 at 10:30 am with a Melissa and Jeannie on a lesson about Abraham and Isaac. Youth will return to the service at the Peace. Ages 6-12.

EKC in October

Episcopal Kids Community for ages 5 to 12 years old will be on break until November 13th.

Instead, we will have a short gathering after the 10:30 am service on November 13th where the kids can practice 20-30 minutes with our choir directors for our Advent Lessons and Carols concert in December.

Episcopal Youth Community

11/16-This Thy Bounty: Meal of Thanks

-Together we will participate in an interactive cooking/baking session, followed by a discussion on community and giving thanks.

Location: All Saints’ (Sutherland Hall)

Christian Formation

Bible Study Resumes

Join us for Bible Study on Wednesday November 9th at 11:15 am. Bring a lunch and we will continue our study of the Gospel of Matthew in the large conference room.

Faith and Reason

Faith & Reason class for November 13th :

We will listen to and discuss the first half of an episode of On Being with Krista Tippett and Eugene Peterson. Class will start at 9am.


Faith and Scripture

Class meets at 9:15 am with a discussion of the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Stan Lombardo.

Young Adult Gathering

We will not gather the week of Thanksgiving.

Join us again on November 29 at 6pm at All Saints' for our favorite new tradition of FriendsGiving! This years meal theme is going to be Vegetarian!

Practicing Prayer

This week we will begin with 20 minutes of silent prayer, and then continue with Lectio

Divina with Neil Douglas Klotz’ translation of the Lord’s Prayer from Aramaic, the

language Jesus spoke.

All are welcome! To receive a copy of the translation for Lectio Divina, and a Zoom

invitation, please email Catherine Crews, catherine.crews@icloud.com, with your

contact information.

Church Ministry Updates

Neighbors Table Update

It’s Thanksgiving Dinner for Neighbors Table this week! Our New Prospect partners are cooking a traditional meal of roast turkey, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, home-made yeast rolls, and cake. This holiday meal is always a favorite with our guests,

so we’re preparing 225 meals in anticipation of a larger than usual crowd. Heartfelt thanks to New Prospect for preparing the meal, to Central Presbyterian for purchasing many of the turkeys, and to everyone who cooked a turkey so it would be ready for New Prospect’s magic touch in the kitchen.

Please stop by the raffle table on Sunday to see the beautiful quilts on display, and purchase tickets for a chance to win one. The proceeds will be used to buy healthy protein for our Loaves and Fishes ministry.

Last week 130 meals were served drive through and 45 delivered to families in the community and parish, for a total of 175. Food from the Arkansas Food Bank makes up a large part of the meals we serve. For this, maintaining our State certified kitchen is a legal requirement, and we are grateful to everyone who helps us keep in compliance with our State Laws which are posted in the kitchen. Thank you!

Please keep Neighbors Table in your prayers. We greatly appreciate the many helpers who pray for us and contribute their time, talent, and treasure! If you would like to know more, or volunteer, please contact Charlie Tyrone, (479) 857-0480, ctyrone_49@hotmail.com.

Readings for Christ the King Sunday November 20

Please click on the red scripture to link to the readings.

The Liturgy of the Word

The First Lesson

Isaiah 65:17-25

The Response

Canticle 9

The Epistle

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

The Gospel

Luke 21:5-19

We pray for those who have birthdays this week: Ricki Duffee, Fabricio

Duran, Anna Lay, Ella Lay and Greg Simpson.

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on

your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow

in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness

all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those celebrating an anniversary this week: Lori & Jeff Price and Mary & Hugh Silkensen.

O gracious and everliving God, look mercifully upon your servants who come to renew the promises they have made to each other. Grant them your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their promises and vows; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please let the office know if your birthday or anniversary has been missed, so that we may add the date to our records.

Remembering in your Prayers

We pray for Miguel, Brenda, Chris, Denise, KaDee, John, and the people of Ukraine, Russia and Myanmar.


We pray for those in active military service, especially Brian, Sarah, Anthony, Cameron, Cody, Adam and Travis.

We pray for those expecting a child, especially Madison Van Horn & Cody Davenport and Sara Keech & Justin Rainwater.

We ask your prayers for those who have died, especially Ruben Laurel, Frank Hilton, and Robert Harvel, and Trace Evans.

Long Term Prayers:


Kaye Staggs, Jeni O'Dell, Inette, David Cleaver, Kaylynn and Kyle Taylor, Bryan, Katherine Combs, Jimmy McKnight, Barbara Johnson, Bryan Wilson, Marian Duffee, Larry Newton, Tony Lee, Cynthia, Sandy Vestal, Susan Price, Barbara Stoltz, Helen, Patsy, William Gillum, Susan Durham Shelton, Carina, Arcelia, and Bernice, Tom Munson, Isaac, Sarah Lee, the Kellner Family, The Sherman Family, Jeffrey & Jennifer Whitehead, Jordan Hein & family, Ellis, Yvonne, Antony, Eduardo Ezquerro, Betty LaGrone, Dorothy Daunhower, Rudy Jr, Molley Wiley, Tami Robinson, and Amber Beatty.

To request changes or updates to our weekly or long term prayer list, please contact our office at allsaints@allsaintsrussellville.net.

Communion is available:  If you are unable to attend or still uncomfortable with attending Holy Eucharist services in person, you may schedule communion to be brought to you by contacting the church office (479-968-3622; allsaints@allsaintsrussellville.net)

All Saints' Staff

The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield - Bishop of Arkansas

Tim and Kristin Smith - Music Ministers

Melissa Simpson - Family Ministry and Special Projects Coordinator 

Trevor Coats - A/V Director

KaDee McCormick - Parish Administrator

Sherrie Cotton - Administrative Assistant

Marcia Van Horn, Karen Davenport, Rhonda Hlass - Office Assistants

Lukas Turner - Youth Intern

Jada Potter - Childcare Provider


All Saints' Vestry & Officers


Carol Lee - Senior Warden, Stewardship, Outreach

Brandon Etzkorn - Junior Warden for Buildings, Stewardship

Candy Welcher - Junior Warden for Grounds

Rudy Delabra - Parish Life

Htee Hsee - Karen Community Liaison, Parish Life, Outreach

Tracy Cole - Parish Life

Bill Parton - Christian Formation

Bruce Moore - Parish Care

Lukas Turner - Evangelism, New Member Support

Lori Price – Treasurer

Sherrie Cotton - Secretary

Giving at All Saints'

Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to allsaintsrussellville.org and click on GIVE located on the bottom of the web page. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund.

Text "allsaintsgift" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.


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