A Prayer for The Gambia
Lord, grant our leaders the qualities of leadership they need
to stride securely through our times,
and on the hard-fought path of life
give them a generous portion of the grace they need
to lead us with a sincere heart and with wisdom.
May the difficult sacrifices
we joyfully make for the development of our country
reach up to you as a living plea
to lavish kindness, faithfulness and power
and keep watch over our land.
Lord, let us believe in your power
to bring all people together
and let no one deprive us of this song of unity.
Let us form the great image of the human person and community
among us which fulfills your will.
We pray for peace and unity in our homeland,
that we may be able to live as one family
working for the betterment of our nation and her people.
We pray for all those who have to witness to their faith
in situations where they are ridiculed, threatened and persecuted:
that they may find in you, Lord, the courage they need.
(© Rev. Michael J. Cleary, The Gambia)