Staying Connected
We made it! We had a successful trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area(BWCA). The weather was great, no one swamped a canoe, everybody had plenty of food to eat and a place to sleep. Just to have all that is a great accomplishment. New friends were made, fish were caught, firewood was gathered and new connections were made with God. Those things helped really make the trip even better.

Next Sunday I'll be giving the message for worship and I'm excited to share with you some of the things that went on with the trip. Along with sharing with you all how we were able to "Connect with God" on the trip. One of the best places to sense God is in the Boundary waters and hopefully though some stories from the trip you all will get to see how that happened last week.

I look forward to sharing with you that message. I'll share some pictures below to tide you over until then.


Grace Lutheran Virtual VBS
If you're interested in participating in our Grace Lutheran Virtual VBS you can still sign up below. Everyday next week new material will be sent out that you can follow along with at home. No need to be a kid or even have kids to join in.

Craft materials can be picked up from Grace or even brought to your home. Hope many will want to participate in this week of fun.
Worship Opportunity!!!
Thank you all who took time to fill out the in-person worship survey. The council met this week to discuss the possibility of in-person worship opportunities. Considering the results of the survey we sent out, the council believes that the majority of people in our congregation feel that doing our part to keep everyone safe and healthy is an important starting point for us. It is also important that we not diminish the quality of worship we are providing to a large number of people in order to offer an in person option at this time for the smaller number of people who are ready to return, and yet we understand how important some aspects of in-person worship are. Taking all of this into consideration, the council has asked that we begin the process of hosting in-person worship for small groups. Our goal is to have people sign up to host a driveway worship service, where a group of 10 people or so can worship and celebrate communion together. We are working on planning a service format that uses best practices for health and safety, while also being meaningful. You can invite a few neighbors, some church members, and we will make it available for others to sign up to attend each service while keeping the numbers at each one small enough to maintain social distancing. More information will be available over the next week as we put together a plan on how to move forward. If you would like to host, you can contact the church office or click the link below and fill out a google form and let us know to help us as we make this happen. Our hope is that we will be able to continue to provide a great worship experience online, while also offering an opportunity to worship together and celebrate communion in a way that is accessible to all.
Fundraising Opportunity Youth BWCA Trip
Very big Thank You yo all who donated money towards the Youth Boundary Waters Trip this year. And thank you to all the prayers and support from everyone.
Connecting with you at Home
***Bible Study***
No Thursday Night Bible study
We'll return next Thursday
August 13th.

It has been great to see so many people joining in for bible study on a weekly basis. If you're interested, all are welcomed and I encourage you to join in. We've had great discussions and it's good to see each other and connect for a little while.

As a community of Christ we share in each others joys and pains as we share using the Rose Analogy.

  • We look for the Rose in our lives - A highlight, success, small win or something positive that's happening.

  • We look for a Thorn in our lives - A challenge you are experiencing or something you can use more support with.

  • And we look for the Bud in our lives - A new Idea that has bloomed or something you are looking forward to knowing more about or experiencing

We then jump into the bible where we get to study the word together.


Thursday Bible Study

Zoom Meeting ID 857 5766 8823

Time 8:00 pm Thursday
Every week will have the same meeting ID
Education & Fellowship Opportunities for Youth
Good Earth Village
Virtual Village Camp at home
While we will be having our own Virtual VBS in August through Grace there is still an opportunity for youth to get involved in summer camp in a neat way. Good Earth Village will be releasing a series of videos weekly that will help kids get engaged with not only with God but with the outdoors. Good Earth Village made the tough decision to not do summer programming this year. Instead they are doing Virtual Village. We here at Grace will be doing a similar program in August(more information will be coming out about this very soon). In fact one of the summer staff that helped create these videos for GEV will be helping us out at Grace. If you want more information about Virtual Village you can check it out on their website or click the link below.

Below is a bit about what to expect from Virtual Village
Below you can access Good Earth Village's Virtual Village.

Week 1 Virtual Village

Week 2 Virtual Village

Week 3 Virtual Village

Week 5 Virtual Village

Stay Tuned for Week #6 coming out Monday August 10th
Connect with us
Zoom can seem like it might be tricky to use but it's really not that bad. If you have a Smart Phone or Tablet you can download the Zoom app for free. If you have a laptop with a camera you can easily join in too by going to the Zoom website. On the website there is a spot towards the top where you can click "join a meeting." That takes you to a spot where you can enter a meeting ID number. If you are using the App there is a there is a spot where you can Join too and then asked for the Meeting ID number.

To access the conversation by phone only call 1-312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID followed by # you will then need to hit # again to enter the meeting.

If you have any questions about getting connected with Zoom you can contact Ben at 507-524-3254.
Worshiping Together
I hope all have been able to continue to worship with us at Grace. It has been great to see people join into the Facebook Watch Parties Sunday mornings at 9:55am. Our goal is to ways make worship enjoyable and accessibly to everyone in their homes whether it be though Facebook, YouTube, Radio or KTV. There are many ways you can join in and we hope that you're able to find the way that best fits for you right now until we all can once again meet together for worship at Grace. If you are having troubles getting connected to any of that please reach out and we'd love to help you out getting connected.

Every Sunday we will be hosting a Facebook Watch Party Sunday mornings starting at 9:55am so we can all participate in worship together at the same time if you have Facebook

If you don't have Facebook the worships will still be available on KTOE Sunday mornings at 10:00 and the rebroadcast on KTV. We will also continue to share the link to where they can be found on YouTube. Our goal is that everyone will still have an opportunity to worship with Grace.
August 2nd, 2020 Worship
Zoom Coffee Hour
Every Sunday after the worship is done on Facebook (approx 10:50) we will be having a Zoom Coffee Hour. It's been fantastic to be able to see some familiar faces from Grace and chat a bit. Even if you weren't able to be with everyone while worship was streamed on Facebook you are more than welcomed to join for the coffee hour.

MEETING ID 886 4204 9605
There is a new and easy way to continue to give to Grace. You can now text the amount you want to give to 507-607-7337. After a few very easy steps you can submit giving right from your phone. We thank you for your support to the mission and ministry of Grace Lutheran Church.
Christ in our Home
Many of you may be unable to get a copy of Christ In Our Home from the church as you normally would.

During this time we are making it available to you digitally, paper copies are still available at Grace and can be picked up. If you stop to pick one up please do wear a mask while in the church building.
Pray Together
Lord God,

We thank you for keeping the group that traveled to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area safe. We thank you that they were able to have a great time. We thank you for being that guiding hand in our life and that you are with us always through the sunshine and through the storms you do now leave us.
Check out this Video!
I've posted videos by David Crowder before. I love his unique soulful sound.
Hundred Miles by Crowder