June 8, 2021
The Other Side of COVID
As we pass the anniversary of the COVID shutdown, what will the future hold? The past year has left us with challenges that we would never have imagined. Although the future looks brighter, will we ever be “back to normal”?

The water and wastewater industry has weathered the storm in remarkable fashion. There was no rest and little praise for these essential workers. Although during the crisis, water was referred to incessantly. After all how can you wash your hands without soap and “water”! It makes us wonder if there had been a water incident rendering the population paralyzed by not being able to “turn on the tap”, would utility workers get the respect they deserved?

Instead, operators adapted to this new and unpredictable world. Plants could not be shut down until it was safe to venture out. Tests still had to be run and reports uploaded to the primacy agency to keep our drinking water safe and running freely.  

FRWA put in motion a plan to recruit retired operators to take the place of current operators in case they contracted or were quarantined due to exposure to the coronavirus. The substitute/volunteer operators were eager to step into the place of current operators reassuring systems that things “would go on” in case of an emergency.

When there was a shortage of masks for utility personnel, FRWA stepped up and secured masks that were sold to our members at cost. When those sold out, FEMA/EPA stepped in and provide cloth masks free of charge. FRWA once again took the reins and arranged with systems throughout the state to distribute the masks so that systems would not have to travel far to take advantage of the free masks.

With the pressure on due to the coronavirus, systems were forced to adopt a “no shut off” policy. This put many systems in a financial bind with the loss of revenue. Many systems are now offering water bill assistance to help those that are faced with unpaid bills. more
2021 FRWA Annual Conference
August 9-11, 2021
Hilton Daytona Beach
100 N Atlantic Ave
Daytona Beach FL 32118
Registration (386) 254-8200
Group Code: FRWA21
It's been way too long since we have been able to get together! Which makes this year's Florida Rural Water Association’s Annual Technical and Training Conference the most anticipated event of the year! The Conference will be held at the beautiful Hilton Daytona Beach/Ocean Walk Village in exciting Daytona Beach, Florida with the room rates starting at $115.00 (this rate does not include $9.00 self parking rate) plus tax. For reservations, please call 386.254.8200 or click here to reserve your room online. You will want to bring the entire family to take advantage of all the amenities that Daytona Beach has to offer. For those wishing to drive in for the day, there will be a reduced self parking fee of $6.00. Don't forget to pick up your pass in the Registration Area.
Things will kick off with the Twenty-Fourth Annual Carl Hongell Memorial Golf Tournament at the LPGA Golf Course! You will not want to forget to bring your water sample to the Registration booth before 2:00 pm on Tuesday to participate in this year’s Best Tasting Water Contest. The winner will be announced at the Exhibitor Social in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday evening and have a chance to participate in the “Great American Taste Test” in Washington DC in February.
Don't miss your chance to be in the Exhibit Hall when your name is picked for the door prizes that are given away! These and other activities will keep you informed, inspired, and motivated so that we can help you to make sure the future of the water and wastewater industry in Florida is bright.
We are still in the planning stages of the Conference and do not have an agenda available, but your can go ahead and register or reserve your booth by clicking here. More information will be posted on our website at this link as it becomes available.
Make your plans now! Don't miss out on the fun! See you in Daytona!

White House Memo on Critical Infrastructure and Threat of Ransomware The number and size of ransomware incidents have increased significantly, and strengthening our nation’s resilience from cyberattacks – both private and public sector – is a top priority of the President’s. more

Building the Capacity of Drinking Water Systems More than 97% of the nation’s 156,000 public water systems are small systems, meaning they serve 10,000 or fewer people. more

Regulation of PFAS in Wastewater Permits: Recent Guidance and Rulemaking Actions by EPA - JD Supra A recent rulemaking from EPA seeks the assistance of industry and the public in developing new effluent limitation guidelines to regulate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) in wastewater discharges from facilities manufacturing or formulating these compounds. more

Journey of PFAS in wastewater facilities highlights regulation challenges - Science Daily Researchers at the University of New Hampshire have conducted two of the first studies in New England to collectively show PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) end up in the environment differently after being processed through wastewater treatment facilities. more

Poop to power? New research puts wastewater to work, as a source of both water and electricity - Tech Xplore Washington University researchers have developed a filter that treats wastewater and also generates electricity—an advance that could reshape energy use at treatment plants. more

2021 WaterPro Conference Registration is Open! Attendee Registration and Official Sleeping Room Block Open May 3, 2021. The prices below are for Early Bird Registration. These prices will be in place until August 3, 2021. more

Stakeholder Announcement: USDA Seeks Applicants to Improve Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Rural Areas The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has funds available through the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program.  more

Rust Is A Slow Poison With the escalating call for water wells across the globe, much of it driven by the increasing use of water-well water in agriculture and construction, water-well drilling is now an $85-billion industry. more

EPA Announces $6.5 Billion In New Funding For Water Infrastructure Projects Today, at an address to water associations, utilities, and their workers to mark Water Week, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the 2021 notice of funding availability under the agency’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program and state infrastructure financing authority WIFIA (SWIFIA) program. more

EPA Approves New Methods for Analyses under the Safe Drinking Water Act This week, EPA approved seventeen alternate test methods for drinking water analyses under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). more

House Subcommittee Held Hearing on Key Water Infrastructure Bills Yesterday, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change held a hearing on several bills to address drinking water issues. more

EPA Webinars: Advancing Water Reuse in Small and Disadvantaged Communities These outreach and listening webcasts will introduce water recycling opportunities that make sense for smaller communities. more

DarkSide Ransomware: Best Practices for Preventing Business Disruption from Ransomware Attacks The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are aware of a ransomware attack affecting a critical infrastructure (CI) entity—a pipeline company—in the United States. more

House Safe Drinking Water Act Committee Holds Hearing on “Legislation to Ensure Drinking Water Is Safe and Clean" The May 25, 2021 hearing featured a comprehensive review of House SDWA legislation.  more

Water Funding in American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 The Treasury Department recently said it has distributed $105.3 billion of a $350 billion pool of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that is available for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments.  more

EPA Approves 17 Alternate Test Methods for Drinking Water Analyses under the Safe Drinking Water Act  Expedited Approval of Alternative Test Procedures for the Analysis of Contaminants Under the Safe Drinking Water Act; Analysis and Sampling Procedures. more


Hurricanes and Florida's wetlands: The surprising benefits of a storm | WESH When many hear the word hurricane, they think of the aftermath. However, University of Central Florida assistant professor Kelly Kibler says there is a flip-side to the storms. more

Lawmakers send bill to Governor expediting reservoir project north of Lake O | Florida Politics Gov. Ron DeSantis has received a measure to speed up progress on the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Project (LOWRP) north of Lake Okeechobee. more

Tampa Bay Water, An Environmental Success Story Tampa Bay Water and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) are excited to announce the successful environmental recovery efforts in northern Tampa Bay. more

Florida’s top environmental official, Noah Valenstein, is resigning | Tampa Bay Times He has led the Department of Environmental Protection for four years. He is stepping down as of June 4. more
This Week in Water History
June 2, 1909: Municipal Journal and Engineer article. Guards to Stop Water Company. “Jersey City, N. J.-Engineer J. W. Griffin, of the Jersey City Water Department, has received word that the East Jersey Water Company or its allied interests are trying to lay a pipe line along the Arlington road at the northern end of Hudson County to connect with North Arlington in Bergen County. To prevent the laying of this pipe without permission two deputy sheriffs have been stationed at the Arlington road to keep tabs on the water company employees and guard against surprises. Jersey City and the Suburban Water Company are both trying to make a contract with Borough of North Arlington. Jersey City has offered to supply Boonton water at $6o a million gallons. The Suburban Water Company, which is allied with the East Jersey, has offered to supply water from the Passaic River shed at $82.50 per million gallons. The North Arlington officials have the two offers under consideration.”

Commentary: This dust up was happening at the same time as the second trial of the lawsuit filed by Jersey City against the private water company, Jersey City Water Supply Company (also related to the East Jersey Water Company—see my book The Chlorine Revolution for more details). Many of the water disputes during this period can be understood if one inspects the business relationships between companies and between cities. Jersey City selling excess water at a profit from the Boonton Reservoir was one of the reasons why they had the water supply created in the first place.

To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.