The SPIRIT Newsletter welcomes you to our January / February 2022View as Webpage
Vision: We connect people and communities to resources to achieve and support whole person health in mind, body and spirit
Good Day!
The Co-Chairs of the Places of Worship Advisory Board invite you to our monthly POWAB Zoom meeting. POWAB hosts monthly General Body meetings that are open to the public on the second Friday of each month. At each meeting we will have a Community Wellness Check-In where you can also win prizes!
We want to partner
with your place of worship
POWAB Honors
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Day (official birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and sometimes referred to as MLK Day) is a federal holiday in the United States marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., It is observed on the third Monday of January each year. Born in 1929, King's actual birthday is January 15 (which in 1929 fell on a Tuesday).
Little Known Facts About
Martin Luther King, Jr.
POWAB Theme 2022
POWAB: United Through Faith -- Building Equity and Promoting Health and Wellness
POWAB General Body Meeting
02/11/22 12:00pm
02/11/22 2:00pm
POWAB monthly meetings are open to the general public. We welcome you to join us. Let's change lives together.
POWAB welcomes
a special guest at the
General Body meeting
Friday, February 11, 2022
Black Leaves Project
"The Hill"
View Video Below
We Need You!
Interested in a partnership or membership?
For partnership, email Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell your business information or bio and recent photo.
For membership, fill out the application and we'll be in touch!
POWAB Spotlights Our
Executive Leadership Committee for 2022
Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell
Community Co-Lead, Membership In-Reach and Outreach Committee. Co-Host
" SPEAK On It "Podcast, POWAB Materials Editor, Associate Pastor, Imani Temple AACC,
Executive Director, Akoma Ntoaso Ministries, Inc. - Email
Rev. Reginald Hart
Chaplain, Community Co-Lead, Social Justice Committee, Senior Pastor, Pleasing The Lord Christian Center - Email
Bernadette Bailey
Editor, The SPIRIT Newsletter, President, United Methodist Women and Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Ministry, Ebenezer
United Methodist Church - Email
Michael D. Shankle, MPH
Senior Director, Capacity Building, HealthHIV, POWAB
Technical Assistance and Capacity Building - Email
Henry Fuller
Senior Director, Capacity Building Manager, HealthHIV,
POWAB Technical Assistance, Events Coordinator, Community Day Health and Wellness Fair - Email
Jasmine Anthony
Capacity Building HealthHIV,
POWAB Technical Assistance,
Assistant Coordinator, Membership Committee - Email
Donna R. Gayles
Community Co-Lead, Senior Outreach, Producer of "SPEAK On It" Podcast, Director, Client Relations, Associate Director, Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, Capital Caring Health - Email
Valerie Bloomfield
Community Co-Lead, Senior Outreach, Member of Events and Logistics Committee,
Director, Senior Programs, Trinity AME Zion Church - Email
Baron Bell
Outreach Co-Lead, Community Day Health and Wellness Fair, Co-Host" SPEAK On It" Podcast, Co-Lead, Social Justice Committee and Outreach, African American Community Activist - Email
T’Wana L. Holmes
Goverment Co-lead, Events and Logistics Committee, Program Coordinator, Care & Treatment Division, DC Health - Email
Terrell K. Powell
Goverment Co-Lead, Senior Outreach, Memebership, Events and Logistics Committee, Disease Intervention Specialist, DC Health - Email
Deontrinese Henderson
Government Co-Lead, Senior Outreach, Investigator,
Gertie Williams
Community- Co-Lead, Events and Logistics Committee, POWAB Fiduciary Business partner, CEO, Heavenly Works, LLC - Email
Tasha B. Moses, MPA
Technical Assistance, Capacity Buliding and Logistics, Community Day Health Wellness Fair, POWAB Fiduciary Business partner, Wellness Fair, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Management Services, LLC - Email
DMV Faith in Action - Community Connection
Maryland and Virginia Government Partnerships
Veronica Cosby
Virginia Partners In Prayer & Prevention, Virginia Initiative to Address COVID-19 and Health Disparities, Office of Health Equity, Virginia Department of Health - Email
Rev. Carmi Washington-Flood
Chief, Office of Faith Based, and Community Partnerships, Maryland Department of Health Prevention and Health Promotion Administration - Email
POWAB Congratulates Elder Reginald Hart, Sr. as the newly elected Chaplain. If you're in need of prayer. Email Rev. Hart
Foxtrappe Documentary by DC native Don Baker. A historical account of African Americans in Washington, DC featuring our very own Elder Reginald Hart.
January 5, 2022 - Gay USA
- We begin the year mourning all the LGBTQ pioneers and allies who died over the holidays.
- Orlando is creating safe spaces for LGBTQ people under attack.
- Trans activists in NYC win the right to dedicated beds in the shelter system.
- A SC man sues to get off the sex offenses registry for having consensual sex 20 years ago.
- The community rallies behind transgender activist Gavin Grimm as he recovers from health problems.
- China and Qatar continue their government assaults on LGBTQ rights
Fight against HIV severely affected by COVID-19 pandemic. View Video
January 14
Hindus celebrate Makar Sankranti, a festival to honor Lord Surya, the sun god. View Video
Muslim Mindful Moment
[2.41] And believe in what I have revealed, verifying what you have which was revealed before, and be not the first to deny it, neither sell my signs for a small price, and me alone, should be your concern.
Verse 41 is saying believe in the revelation of the Qur'aan and believe in the scriptures which the people in Arabia already had before the Qur'aan. Muhammad did not claim to be the first Prophet, but one of the Prophets of the same Lord as the Lord of the Children of Isra'eel. So for all the wrong that exists in the world, don't despair. Do something about it! Get involved! And know that your reward will be with the Creator!
From Al-Qur'aan Al-Kareem (The Qur'aan, Generous) Surah Al Imran Ayat 2.41
POWAB/ Famous Quote and Trivia
I like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free and wanted other people to be free.
--Rosa Parks
American Freedom Fighter
What U.S. city is the oldest continuously inhabited city?
Answer: St. Augustine FL
POWAB Social Media Committee and The SPIRIT Newsletter Team needs your help to grow our presence and achieve our goal to connect people to resources for whole person health in mind, body, and spirit. Please consider volunteering as a writer or reporter on our dynamic team.
Community Resources
Community Activities & Health Education and Outreach
Women, Infants, & Children Services
Food, nutrition counseling, and access to health services are provided under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, popularly known as WIC.
DC Health
LinkU is the free online resource and referral guide for DC, Maryland, and Virginia, available for consumers, faith-based organizations (FBOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs). If your organization would like to become a LinkU staff member, please contact Ashley Coleman via email.
Maryland Department of Health
Carmi Washington-Flood
Chief, Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships, Maryland Department of Health
Prevention and Health Promotion Administration
Maryland Community for LifeSM is an innovative program developed by the Maryland Department of Aging to support older adults as they age at home. View Video
Virginia Department of Health
Hope Campaign - With the hopes of returning to a sense of normalcy, the Hope Campaign was created to encourage vaccinations as a route to return to things we miss the most in life. View Video
Veronica Cosby, MAHS, MS
Virginia Partners In Prayer & Prevention, Office of Health Equity, Virginia Department of Health
Omicron: What we know about the latest coronavirus variant. View Video
DC reinstates indoor mask mandate, declares State of Emergency as COVID-19 Omicron variant surges
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Update on the COVID-19 situation in the District.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser provides an update as COVID-19 cases surge nationwide due to the highly contagious omicron variant. View Video (when viewing this video move it to 28:01 on Fox 5)
POWAB has FREE masks and hand sanitizers for your family or your place of worship while supplies last! Email Us
Walking by Faith and Wearing a Mask in your Faith Communities! Visit Website
Residents who received the Pfizer vaccine earlier this year should start making plans to receive their booster shot. Find your vaccine card or access your vaccine record by visiting, call your healthcare provider to discuss your options for a booster, or visit to find a location near you. Residents who need support can call 855-363-0333. Eligible residents can go to one of the 153 locations around the city that offer the safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccines. Learn more here.
Holistic Videos
for whole person health in mind, body and spirit
Humor Therapy
with Larry Daugherty
What is Holistic Healthcare?
Meditation Monday
Brother Hamani Wilson
Kelontae Gavin
No Ordinary Worship
The Baha'i faith commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Passing of Abdul Baha
The Rock Shows Stoic Mindset Dealing with his Father's Death
Mr. Stephen Reese and Evangelist Stephanie Smith are the voices for the official POWAB Partnership Public Service Announcement
Video created by
Never Give Up, Traditional
Cheese Shop
POWAB DMV Community Activities from 2021
Shi Heng Yi - Enjoy Your Life As Quick As Possible
and extend this feeling
Meet the Talented Women Behind
the Monthly Spirit Newsletter
POWAB The SPIRIT Newsletter Editor, Bernadette Bailey
POWAB General Editor,
Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell
POWAB Spotlights Our New Government
and Community Co-Chairs
Evangelist Regina Jefferson
Government Co-Chair, Co-Lead, "SPEAK On It" Podcast, Co- Lead, Community Health and Wellness Fair, Co-Lead, Funding and Community Partnership, Public Health Analyst, Coordinator, Faith Initiative, DC Health - Email
Dr. Rev. E. Gail Anderson-Holness
Government Co-Chair, Director, Faith Based Outreach, District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health - Email
Rev. Darryl! Moch
Community Co-Chair, Producer, "SPEAK on it" Podcast, POWAB Fiduciary Business partner, Co-Lead, Community Day Health and Wellness Fair (Entertainment), Senior Associate Minister, Inner Light Ministries UCC, Dean, Communities Practice, Central Atlantic Conference, United Church of Christ - Email
Rev. Dr. Barbara Q. Rainey
Community Co-Chair, Co-Lead, Data and Survey Evaluation, Pastor, New Jerusaleum African Union Methodist Protestant Church, Organizer, CEO, Family Recovery Services - Email
POWAB is still here, still connected, still one in the spirit!
Message From The SPIRIT Newsletter Bernadette Bailey
POWAB has been publishing a monthly e-newsletter, The SPIRIT, since 2019. Although we have received very positive feedback on its quality and content, we strive to increase our readership. In our effort to appeal to everyone, please provide some feedback by responding to the comments using the email below.
- I would like to submit an article and/or video.
- It's a wonderful publication and I enjoy the videos and articles.
- It's a great learning experience.
- My schedule does not allow me time to read it.
We welcome your business, organization and/or faith community to join us. If you are interested in becoming a partner or would like more information about how your business can benefit through promotion in The SPIRIT Newsletter. Contact: Bernadette Bailey, Editor Click to email
POWAB Disclaimer
The information and suggestions presented in The SPIRIT newsletter are not intended to be taken as advice by an individual reader or viewer. It should not be used as a substitute for consulting your physician. Matters regarding your health may require medical supervision. The DC Health Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB) shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions. You, as the reader, responsible for your own healthcare.
Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB)
899 North Capitol St. NE, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 671-5063