One of the most important dimensions of yoga is the understanding of your body’s energy. This week we journey through the chakras, which house your body’s vital energy.
The Sanskrit word chakra translates to a wheel or disk. In yoga, this term refers to vortices of energy throughout the body. Yoga recognizes seven main chakras that align along the spine, starting from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Kundalini Yoga recognizes an eighth chakra: the electromagnetic field which surrounds the body.
While the chakras are subtle and invisible to the naked eye, each of them corresponds to a bundle of nerves that communicate with neighboring major organs. The chakras impact every aspect of our physical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual well-being. Yoga helps to keep the chakras open, aligned, and in balance. Anytime there’s a blockage, our vital energy flow is restricted.
Let’s explore various practices to keep you empowered as we journey into the chakras.