• "Terrific, valuable info. Thanks, everyone!" - JDK
  • "Excellent presentation! I'm new to the field ... This conversation gave me a great overview." - JF
  • "Great info!" - BG

Advice-Packed Discussion Led By
J. Michael Collins
J. Michael Collins
Top Voice Talent, VO Coach & Demo Producer
Rosemary Anderson
On-Camera & Voice Over Director, MDT Agency
Vince LeBica
Top Voice Over Agent, DPN Talent Agency
Voice over agents are your gateway to top tier voice over jobs and clients
- and more steady income.

So are you ready to step into the agent world ... or wondering why your attempts at obtaining agents fall flat ... or simply want a peek into the next level of your voice over career?

In this info-packed webinar recording, VO pro/coach J. Michael Collins leads a discussion with West Coast power agents Vince LeBica of DPN and Rosemary Anderson of MDT on what it takes to land representation with an in-demand voice over talent agency.
In this information-packed recording you will learn:

  • skills you need to attract the attention of top agencies,
  • what your credentials need to look like,
  • what makes a compelling demo,
  • which demo genres are important to agents,
  • best practices to follow, and
  • mistakes to avoid when submitting.
J. Michael Collins is a multi-award-winning and accomplished voice actor, coach and voice over demo producer, who in more than 20 years as a voice actor has worked with many of the world's largest companies, brands, sports leagues and organizations. 

A leading voice over industry authority, J. Michael is a multi-time Voice Arts Award winner as a voice actor, demo producer, script writer, and casting director. 

His students have booked thousands of voice over jobs by applying his techniques.

J. Michael is also a frequent speaker at voice over conferences and events, as well as trainer in numerous VoiceOverXtra webinars on all aspects of voice over.
Rosemary Anderson is the On-Camera and Voice Over Director at MDT Agency, one of the top agencies in Northern CA. Her vast knowledge of the entertainment industry has helped Rosemary grow her divisions during her five years with the agency.

With past experience in casting and acting, she’s able to offer a unique perspective to her talent and offer support and feedback in a way that not only encourages their development, but also keeps clients and Casting Directors coming back for more.

She’s in love with this industry and all it has to offer. Her free time is taken up by her dog, her sweetheart and musical theatre.
Vince LeBica joined the team at DPN Talent Agency - known as a top-tier voice agency in the U.S. - in Beverly Hills, CA eight years ago.

He established DPN's first commercial youth voice over department, which is now considered a powerhouse of children’s voice over divisions for the West Coast.

Along with kids, Vince’s focus is on general market Commercials, Promo, Narration and occasionally Celebrity business. His insight in the business of VO is deep and wide.

He lives with his wife in a coastal community of Los Angeles where you'll often find him surfing the early morning waves and loving the beach life
Presented by VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry's leading online resource for voice over success - your trusted daily source for industry news, training and resources.

Questions? Please contact:
John Florian @ 203-218-8981