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Dr. Steve Martinez, Superintendent 
  Spanish / Hmong

To Staff and the Twin Rivers School Community,
Leadership during difficult times requires trust, stability and hope while also making difficult decisions. Trust comes from providing accurate information based on facts-our commitment to you. Hope is knowing and communicating that we will get through this, together.
We now face an estimated $27.6 million in reductions due to the Governor's recent 2020-21 budget proposal, which includes a 10 percent cut to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), the primary source of funding for K-12 education. Keep in mind that our projected deficit may change in June with the Governor's final adopted budget. We are also waiting to see if the federal government will provide additional funding beyond what it has to date.
Given this information, we have a tough road ahead. Like other K-12 districts around the state, we are identifying ways to manage revenue reductions with the changing information available from the state.

Click here to read the full letter.


Steve Martinez, Ed.D.
Superintendent, Twin Rivers Unified
Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day!