October 18, 2022
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

Replacement Heifer Synchronization and Cow Herd Management

Douglas Landblom
DREC Beef Cattle and Integrated Systems Specialist
Dickinson Research Extension Center
Office: 701-456-1109; Mobil: 701-690-8245

Thursday, November 10, 2022
Dickinson State University Agriculture Building Auditorium (104)
400 State Ave., Dickinson, ND

9:00 a.m. Registration

9:15 a.m.   Welcome and announcements
         Kirsten Kukla, Dunn County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent

9:30 a.m.   Female estrus cycle events and how it works and
       Estrus cycle modification and synchronized timed AI Protocols
         Nicky Oosthuizen, ABS Reproduction Specialist (Zoom)

10:15 a.m.   Replacement heifer nutrition and update on stair-step replacement heifer nutrition and physiology research at the University of Wyoming
         Shelby Rosasco, University of Wyoming, Beef Extension Specialist

11:00 a.m.   Our experience with heifer synchronization at the 7-Hat Ranch
         Hannah Nordby, Adams County Agent, Hettinger, ND

11:30 a.m.   Lunch

12:30 p.m.   Management decisions to improve reproductive performance in the cow herd: Calving to Rebreeding
         George Perry, Associate Professor, Texas A&M AgriLife, Overton, TX (Zoom)

1:30 p.m.   Effect of a single-TAI and delayed feedlot entry program on reproductive performance and profitability and Beef cattle producer heifer development survey results for 2021
         Douglas Landblom, Dickinson Research Extension Center, Dickinson, ND

2:15 p.m.   Wintering heifers for reproductive performance using a stair-step protocol in western North Dakota
         Dr. Chip Poland, Chairman, Dickinson State University, Dept. of Agriculture and Technical Studies

2:45 p.m.   Our experience with heifer synchronization: “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”
         Steve Brooks, Chalky Butte Angus Ranch, Bowman, ND
3:15 p.m.   Closing comments
         Kirsten Kukla, Dunn County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
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