Hello Sunshine,

Taking time to make time this week. Coming back from vacation this week refreshed and rejuvenated. We spend so much time going and doing we forget how important it is to unplug, ground into nature, and remember what is important. In the studio this week we will talk about slowing down and making time for self, family, and getting the most out of life.

There was drama in the studio the week before last when an individual came into the studio as a walk-in to take a class. She did not come for yoga and stole from us. Please leave your valuables at home or take them to your spot with you. We will no longer accept anyone who walks into the studio for any reason. We will be installing cameras as well.

Flying into Summer this week as some schools have dismissed for the season and others are finishing up this week. What do you have planned? We have so many things in store for you at the studio we hope you make time for your yoga practice.

Now is the time to plan Yoga Teacher Training for this coming fall as our weekend sessions are filling up. We have a one weekend a month option that will run from August 2021 through May 2022, with just a few more spaces available.

We have a summer of fun and exciting events happening this summer. If you are interested please sign up now. There are two spots left for the Fall Yoga Teacher Training.

Our Teacher Training has a second track to certification on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4, beginning August and running through December 2021. These are completely separate groups with both completing 200 hours and a Yoga Alliance Approved Certification. We have payment plans available and your Sunshine Yoga and Aerial Membership are included with your registration.

Reiki Level one has only two spots left as well. July 10th, I will be hosting my first Reiki Level One Attunement and Certification at the studio. Reiki Level one attunes you to Reiki energy to heal your energetic body. Reiki is energy work for the subtle body. If you are interested in this training sign up now as there are only a few spots left. If you would like to schedule a Reiki private with me reach out to me anytime for an hour or half-hour session.

Easy Aerial with Andy has 2 spots available and will be a fun time aimed at anyone interested in Aerial. Andy will show you the beauty and ease of aerial yoga.

Sometimes we need to make time in our yoga practice as well as in life and we can make time by putting your knee down. This week's Sunshine Pose of the Week is Kneeling Crescent Lunge or Anjaneyasana the mother of Hanuman the Monkey God. We can have one knee up or down during this pose. There are a million variations to this posture as well. In the picture above I am doing a kneeling exalted variation. Please do any variation you like and post to social media.
Kneeling Crescent lunge is a great posture to open the hips and release the thigh muscles as well as open the heart.

 Find the best version of your Kneeling Crescent Lunge pose for your body and show us and post on social media. Use the hashtags
 #sunshineposeoftheweek #sunshinetribe and @sunshineyogashack. Without the hashtag and studio tag, I may not see your entry. Every post you make is an entry. There are four weeks and four poses before we draw the winner. The winner will be able to choose a new Manduka yoga mat or bolster from Manduka.com. 

Love and Light!

Try Easy Aerial with Andy on June 22nd at 2:00. Andy will take you through an aerial practice to show you the beautify and benefits of this practice for those a little afraid to come to class.

A word from one of our Business Partners
If you have roof or storm damage please visit our construction partner Viridian Construction Group. They do so much for us behind the scenes when we need it. Give them a call or check out their web address here.