Moms Receive a Free 4" Annual for Mother's Day This Sunday!
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: OKC at the gazebo
Workshop Teacher: Julia Hornbeck
For all ages but catered to adults. Bring your mom and
plant a beautiful pot! Prices range $15-$25.
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: OKC at the gazebo
Workshop Teacher: Julia Hornbeck
A fun activity for moms with little ones! Plant a pot with your little one at this workshop. Price ranges from $15-$25.
*RSVP requested but not required*
Dwarf Burning Bush A compact deciduous shrub with vibrant red fall color. Takes full sun to partial shade.
Strawberry Smoothie Althea Deciduous shrub that attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees with its gorgeous blooms.
Goldmound Spiraea Low growing shrub covered in pink blooms during the summer. Works as a great accent shrub!
It's the perfect time to plant new shrubs and perennials!
Don't forget to use Marcum's Redbud Compost with root stimulator for best results.
Mulch your plants to aid in moisture control as summer is quickly approaching.
Apply Hi-Yield's Grub Free Zone II to control grubs and avoid armidillos in your yard!
Plant annual bedding plants for summer color.
In mid-May, treat pine needle diseases with copper fungicide.
Seed warm-season lawns mid-May through the end of June.
Fertilize cool-season lawns with Marcum's 18-6-12 fertilizer if you did not fertilize in March and April.
Fertilize warm-season lawns with B. R.'s lawn tonic (28-6-12) or Nitro Green (31-0-0) in May.
Dollar spot disease can first become visible on lawns in mid-May. Apply ferti-lome Liquid Systemic Fungicide or ferti-lome F-Stop. Make certain fertilizer applications have been adequate before ever applying a fungicide.
Nut sedge plants become visible during May. Post-emergent treatments (Sedgehammer) are best applied for the first time this month. Make certain warm-season grasses have completed green-up.
The second application of pre-emergent, Hi-Yield Ornamental Weed Preventer with Dimension or orzulyn herbicides, can be applied in May to early-June depending upon timing of first application. Check label for details.
Soak new transplants and newly planted trees unless rainfall is abundant. See Marcum's Nursery watering guidelines for details.
Chump wants to help get your family involved in gardening! Look
here for fun activities the whole family will enjoy!
Make a Fairy Garden This Month!
What You'll Need:
a shallow wooden box or pot does nicely!
small pot plants (make sure you include some flowers, fairies love flowers!)
shells and pebbles
soil from the garden (or potting mix)
small packet of decorative pebbles
make your fairy garden unique by adding some touches! Add a fairy bench or a small decorative frog! We carry all kinds of cute additions to your fairy garden.
Goldsby Location | 405-288-2368 | 169 N Main Ave
OKC Location | 405-691-9100 | 2121 SW 119th
Norman Location | 405-447-3100 | 17550 S Sooner Rd
Ardmore Location | 580-223-1846 | 25 S Rockford Rd