Town of Orangetown Weekly E-Newsletter
Your weekly news & updates
Dear Residents -
It has been 409 days since we went into COVID lockdown and this week we heard some good news, Governor Cuomo is lifting curfews on outdoor dining beginning May 17 and indoor dining beginning May 31. In addition, the Governor announced that starting May 15, capacities would be increased throughout several industries, including gyms, fitness centers and casinos. It looks like we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
With the re-opening rolling out, we are seeing more organizations hosting events. The Nyack Chamber of Commerce has their weekly Farmer's Market and the Spring Fling continuing to June 2021, the Town of Orangetown Parks and Recreation is having Movies in the Park, and tomorrow is BridgeMusik’s Restart Rockland Arts Opening – the launch of an outdoor concert series – just to name a few.
With Memorial Day coming fast upon us, we want to know about any American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars that will be hosting a Memorial Day parade and/or other commemoration. Please e-mail us the details as I will be posting a listing of all the events so that our residents will have an opportunity to attend.
Be well and I hope to see many of you at some of the upcoming events around Orangetown.
Teresa M. Kenny
Town of Orangetown
26 Orangeburg Road
Orangeburg, New York 10962
(845) 359-5100 x 2293
Shed the Meds at Town Hall, Thursday, April 29, 2021
Supervisor Kenny hosted a drive through “Shed the Meds” event, in partnership with District Attorney Tom Walsh, Assemblyman Mike Lawler and the Orangetown Police Department.
Many thanks to all who came out and disposed of old and unused medications. The event was a success, with thousands of pills taken out of cabinets and potentially off the streets and destroyed in an environmentally safe manner. 
Upcoming Events
Just one week away!
Orangetown Parks and Recs are just one week from the opening of their Friday Family Movie Series. They are happy to welcome GoGo Squeez as their corporate partner this year. They will be providing some handouts at many of the movie nights! The movies at Veteran’s Memorial Park are shown on a new 16’ X 10’ outdoor movie screen with a surround sound system. The May 7th movie is Dreamwork's The Croods: A New Age.

Movies will begin at 8:00pm in May and will run approximately 90 minutes. Tickets are $3.00 per person with a max of $15.00 per family. (same household only) Space will be limited and social distancing rules will be in place. In case of rain, the movies will be shown at a later date. Non-residents are invited to attend at a cost of $4.00 per person 2 days prior to each movie if space allows. For more information, please email or to register please visit here.
Looking to explore your child's artistic abilities? Why not go to a painting party
sponsored by Orangetown Parks and Recs?
Doing our part to help stock out the local food pantries in Orangetown.
Register today and join us!
Join Solace House on Saturday, June 12th for the Solace Sunrise Walk at Rockland GAA. Check in begins at 4 AM and the walk will start at 5 AM. The 5K helps to support Solace House and create awareness for suicide and self-harm prevention.

To register, please click here.