
Early Learning Update Week of November 7th

Items Covered:
·      Early Learning Roundtable: Thursday, November 10th at 4:00pm – Topic: Conferences
·      Butterfly Pediatric Session: Friday, November 18th at 11:30am
·      Kaymbu Online Screening and Assessment Tool
·      Licensed Program Webinar: Thursday, November 17th at 4:15pm – Topic: Job Education Role in MERIT
Please see this week’s professional development opportunities and news. An additional reminder for licensed programs:  Staff must complete 10 hours of STARS in-service between January 1st, 2022 – December 31st, 2022:


1.)   Early Learning Roundtable: Thursday, November 10th at 4:00pm – Topic: Conferences
Please join us at the next Early Learning Roundtable on Thursday, November 10th at 4:00pm. During this Roundtable we will discuss Preschool Conferences. As a reminder the way our roundtables work is that each program that joins shares how they deal with the topic in their school and then everyone is able to hear and grab ideas from how other schools deal with the topic. Looking forward to the conversation and please join at the link below:

Join Zoom Meeting

2.)   Butterfly Pediatric Session: Friday, November 18th at 11:30am
Mark your Calendars! On Friday, November 18th from 11:30am – 12:30pm we will be joined by Butterfly Pediatrics for their monthly conversations with us this school year to discuss student behavior. Experts from Butterfly Pediatrics will join us virtually to answer your questions and give resources/ideas about situations your programs are dealing with.  

To make the most of our hour can you please email me at  by Wednesday, November 16th any situation/example you are dealing with that you would like the experts from Butterfly Pediatrics to discuss during the virtual meeting. I will be sending these case studies in advance to the Butterfly team so they can be prepared to give you as much information as possible during our time together. Even if you are not able to join the meeting, you can still submit situations and we will record the conversations and send a recording link to all.

Join Zoom Meeting

3.)   Kaymbu Online Screening and Assessment Tool
I have had conversations with multiple early learning programs in the last couple of years that are interested in an online Screening and Assessment Tool for their participants. We have connected with the Kaymbu platform, through Highscope to give you a potential option if your program is interested. The cost for this tool will be completely funded for your school by the Early Childhood Education fund started by Dick Abrams. It can be a great way to assess and track students, communicate with parents, use in PLC’s with the kindergarten teacher, prepare for conferences, ect. Please see below for the following to learn more and let Dave know by November 23rd if you are interested in the platform.

Watch/listen to this 37 minute overview of the program and how it works
Here is the recording link and passcode: 

Passcode: seattlearch22!!

4.)   Licensed Program ONLY: Licensed Program Webinar: Thursday, November 17th at 4:15pm – Topic: Job Education Role in MERIT
Please join us on Thursday, November 17th at 4:15pm to learn more about the Job Education Role selection on the MERIT dashboard. This webinar will give you the ability to walk through this selection with each person on your staff team so everyone is in compliance. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Have a great week! 

Dave Mayer | Director of Early Childhood Education
Office for Catholic Schools | Archdiocese of Seattle
O: 206-264-2080 | C: 206-512-4336           
710 Ninth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104