News for Black Hills Early Learners
Early Childhood Connections is a weekly contributor to Early Learning Activities
At the end of each activity domain and goals for the activities are provided. For a copy of the Early Learning Guidelines click on the photo.

Infant Corner
Activities for children under 1

True visual recognition probably takes a few weeks. When your baby is born, at first she's only able to see clearly about 8 to 12 inches in front of her – the perfect distance for studying faces and getting to know you. Some studies suggest babies may be able to recognize their parents' faces within days of birth, but others say it could take up to two months. Studies have shown that by three months of age your baby can discriminate between their mother's face and the face of a stranger.
Your baby's vision will continue to improve throughout her first year. By the time she's 8 months old, she'll be able to recognize you from across the room.


Using adhesive paper, display a picture of each child's mother on the wall next to your changing table. Encourage children to identify their mother's picture when you change their diaper.
Developing Relationships Goal SED-2

If you have salt, flour, water, an oven and some paint, you can make these adorable footprint hearts. If your baby can hold and use a paintbrush, they can help with the painting.
Contruction of Knowledge: Thinking and Reasoning Goal CD-1

Did you know your baby has to learn to see? As a parent, there are many things you can do to help your baby's vision develop. 
Contruction of Knowledge: Thinking and Reasoning Goal CD-1
Busy Toddlers
Activities for children 1-3

With some painter’s or masking tape you can simply tape lines onto the floor and challenge your kiddo to walk the line.
Motor Development Goal HPD-4

Do you have a collections of buttons? They are great for Creating patterns, swirls, squiggles and zig-zags with buttons, with this fine motor work station or learning center activity.
Motor Development HPD-5

Here is a two ingredient slime that is taste safe for toddlers.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-8

Gravity is a force that attracts things. Gravity is why objects fall to the ground. The strength of the attraction depends on the mass of the two objects and the distance between them. The greater the mass, the greater the attraction. Explore gravity with your toddler.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-8

A simple twist on the traditional listening game “Simon Says” turns it into a fun Mother’s Day game, by saying “Mama Says”. Child can only follow the directions when you say "Mama Says".
Communication and Oral Language Development Goal CLL-1

You and your child can read and count along with Allie and Curious George.
Mathematical Thinking and Expression Goal CD-4
Social Emotional

When a calm down bottle has items such as glitter in it that move slowly, children (and adults) are often mesmerized by watching their slow descent and this calms their breathing and helps them regulate themselves and their emotions.
Self-Regulation and Pro-Social Behaviors Goal SED-4
Hands-On Preschoolers
Activities for children 4-5

This game is a watered down version of Mother, May I?, that removes the competition for younger players.
Motor Development Goal HPD-4

Coloring books can be a great tool for practicing cutting skills.
Motor Development Goal HPD-5

Make plastic beads out of milk and vinegar for a STEM activity that can be used to make a necklace for mom.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Gaol CD-8
Pair your LEGO basic blocks with a cool kitchen science chemical reaction.
Scienfitic Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-9

Teach your preschoolers a Mother's Day Song to the tune fo Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:
Mommy, mommy, I love you.
Yes I, yes I, yes I do!
You are sweet and oh, so fine.
I’m so glad that you are mine.
Mommy, mommy, I love you.
Yes I, yes I, yes I do!
Communication and Oral Language Development Goal CLL-1
Here’s a counting math game for kids perfect for practicing one-to-one correspondence. It’s super easy to make and lots of fun for the kids!
Mathematical Thinking and Expression Goal CD-4
Creative Arts

A paper mache bowl is a really creative and inexpensive gift for kids to make and give to someone special in their lives. The process does require a bit of time because of the drying time, but the results are stunning!
Creative Arts and Expression Goal CD-12

Printmaking with preschoolers is super fun, slightly crazy and a fantastic hands on art process for kids. 
Creative Arts and Expression Goal CD-12