West Valley Christian Preschool
Summer Program 2020
WVCP Families,
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be able to get back to being together again starting June 15 th . As you know, we are (at this point) able to serve families of essential workers as well as those who have been cleared to return to work. If you are unsure, please see the following articles:
We have been working very hard to instill guidelines from the Department of Social Services, the Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other sources to ensure that we are doing our very best to provide a safe environment for the children in our care.
June 15th
Things will look a bit different when you arrive back to school on the 15 th . We ask that when you come to school that you wear a mask and practice social distancing. The staff will be wearing masks as well. Children will not be required to wear masks. 
When you walk inside the gate, you will need to sign your child in. We encourage you to bring your own pen, but will have clean pens for use if needed. By signing your child in you are agreeing that your child is free from symptoms of illness.  You will be met by one of our staff who will take your child’s temperature using a touch less thermometer, and do a visual health check. A staff member will then walk your child inside to wash their hands and take them to their classroom. For pick-up, a staff member will bring your child outside to you and you will sign them out. Parents will not enter the facility unless necessary to minimize contamination. Class sizes will be smaller and classes will be kept separate during activities, such as outside play time. We have taken measures beyond our regular cleaning and sanitizing, to include more hand washing times, additional disinfecting rounds, disinfecting of used toys, etc.
Please be sure to keep all toys and other unnecessary items at home. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or blankie, they may bring it for nap time, but it must fit into their zippered nap bag and be taken out only for nap time. Please be sure to bring a thermos for water and label it clearly with your child’s name.
We expect that some children will have some difficulty with separation, or be fearful of our changes with drop off and the staff wearing masks. The best thing you can start doing now is talk about it with your children. Show your excitement of being able to go to school again. Explain what will happen at drop off time. Tell them that the teachers will be wearing masks to keep them healthy.
If you have not already, please notify us of your intentions regarding attendance during the summer months. I am also including the calendar and some information about the summer months.
We cannot wait to get back to loving and caring for your kids.
Waiting expectantly,
Karleen Kroeker
WEST VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL | westvalleychristianschool.com