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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Have You Responded Yet?

The countdown is on, so have you responded to the 2020 Census yet? Residents have until September 30 to #becounted. Responses help our state and local communities receive federal funding for education, public transportation, emergency food and shelter, and health services.

If you haven't submitted your census yet, you can do so online, over the phone or through mailed self-responses. For more information, visit 2020census.gov.
Bus Stop Improvements

Continuing the ongoing process of updating and improving public transportation in St. Joseph, the city and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) are investing in some new bus stops. The Public Works and Transportation Department, St. Joseph Transit and the MPO have been working this year with Auxier Construction, Inc., giving 17 of the city’s bus stops a much-deserved makeover. The rehabilitated bus stops include a new concrete pad, bench and a solar-powered light. Cast iron truncated dome assemblies, or warning strips, have been installed as required by the ADA whenever a bus stop has an ADA ramp connection to the road/pad/sidewalk. 

These are not the only upgrades the bus stops will be undergoing. An effort to enhance the shelters at 11 different bus stop locations across the city is already underway as well as an improvement project to replace old signage. Further, older bus shelters are scheduled to be removed and replaced with newer structures that can better meet the needs of local commuters, with the replacement activities of these old shelters beginning as early as next month. The new bus stop signage is soon to be revealed as well. All of these projects have been funded by grants.
Keeping Your Child Safe

As we start to look forward to the cooler temperatures of the fall, it's important to keep in mind the summer heat is still here for a little while longer. With the heat comes the danger of children being left in hot cars. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there have been 19 children who have died from heatstroke this year. In 2019, there were 52 hot car deaths and a record 53 deaths in 2018. The leading cause of hot car deaths at 54% is children forgotten in the car. The second leading cause at 25% is from children getting into unattended vehicles.

The temperature inside a car can reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit, even when the outside temperature is as low as 57 degrees Fahrenheit. It only takes 10 minutes for a car’s interior temperature to increase by 20 degrees. A child’s major organs begin to shut down when their temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit and the child can die when their temperature reaches 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Many safety groups are pushing for legislature requiring auto manufacturers to install audio and visual reminder warning systems in new vehicles reminding drivers to check the rear seat for children when the vehicle is shut off. Some auto makers already have such safety reminders in place on their vehicles.

Here are some safety reminders from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
  • Always check the back seat and make sure all children are out of the car before locking it and walking away.
  • Avoid distractions while driving, especially cell phone use.
  • Be extra alert when there is a change in your routine, like when someone else is driving your child or you take a different route to work or child care.
  • Have your child care provider call if your child is more than 10 minutes late.
  • Put your cell phone, bag or purse in the back seat so you check the back seat when you arrive at your destination.
  • If someone else is driving your child, always check to make sure they have arrived safely.
  • Keep your car locked when it is parked to prevent a curious child from entering when no one is around. Many hot car deaths have occurred when a child mistakenly locks themselves inside.
  • Make sure children do not have easy access to your car keys. Store them out of a child’s reach.
  • Teach children cars are not safe places to play.
  • Keep rear fold-down seats closed to prevent a child from crawling into the trunk from inside the car.
  • Remind children cars, especially car trunks, should not be used for games like hide-and-seek.

Important tip: If a child is missing, always check the pool first and then the car, including the trunk.
Coronavirus Sewershed Surveillance

The city’s water protection division is collaborating with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Department of Natural Resources and...read more
Labor Day

In observance of Labor Day, Monday, September 7, city buses will not be in service and city offices will be closed with the exception of: 
  • Remington Nature Center - open 10am-5pm
(816) 271-5300