Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
May / 2021
There are some great inexpensive gifts that moms out there will appreciate come Mother’s Day. In this blog post, we’ll show you some amazing ideas that really should be considered. Not only will each of these ideas be thoroughly enjoyed by moms everywhere, but they also do not cost a lot of money!
In This Issue:

Mother's Day Gift Ideas
Sticking To Your 2021 Goals
Turn Skills Into A Side-Hustle
What Is A Good Credit Score
Clients Speak Out (Reviews)
News & Events
Saving money isn’t always an easy process. This is especially true for those who aren’t accustomed to managing their money well. Thankfully, you can reach your 2021 savings goals with a few easy tips. Consider the following tips and advice to help you get.... Read more!
Regardless of your field of interest, you can turn your skills into a side hustle that will earn you extra income. This is an option many people are looking for in their lives to help them keep up with bills or build up a growing savings account. Whatever your reason.... Read more!
A credit score is a numerical value between 300-850 that someone is assigned to show a potential lender how likely one is to honor their debts. The higher the credit score is, the more trustworthy they appear to the lender. This is also called Creditworthiness in the lending.... Read more!
"The company was willing to help us make and set a budget and pay off our credit card debt in a timely fashion. We were able to get email correspondences back really quickly in a matter of minutes it seemed. Thank you." ~ Robert S.
“I am very thankful for being able to use this service. I was able to pay off debt and not have to worry about doing it myself. Thank you all so much!”  ~ Ashley B.
"Spent 4 years with Advantage to pay off debt and it was a total pleasure working with them. I was contacted quickly if a problem rose, but they were few. The entire staff is very qualified and ready to help. It was easy to stay with them for so long. Thank you!”  ~ Barbara S.

Watch Out For COVID-19 Frauds and Scams!

Due to the COVID-19 national emergency, as well as other disasters and emergencies, scams and frauds are now surfacing that target individuals in vulnerable situations.

This guide will assist you in cautiously navigating suspicious circumstances and how you can handle them: