Volume 10, Issue 4 | April 2021
The theme of my life the past week or two has been letting go and letting God, letting Something greater than myself handle situations and relationships. I’ve been dismayed at how I’ve responded at times to the never-ending (and frustrating, to me) issues regarding landscaping on the property where I rent a house and in interacting with a particular work colleague. My negative energetic reactions sap my strength and my peace. I surrender!
I’ve being asking Spirit to help me and to make me aware of my role in how things play out. My defects of character have risen up, with my ego wanting to be right, perfectionistic, and controlling, while I’ve also wanted to be patient, kind, compassionate, and understanding. I can’t be in both states simultaneously, and I can’t get to the right space, i.e., peace, without help. I “simply” need to let go in order to be at peace, to be in fit spiritual condition, and to remain in sound health in general.
In reading the forgiveness prayer one recent morning (included in the "Inspiration and Contemplation" section below) I saw the connection between letting go and forgiveness. With forgiveness, the parties involved are released from the chains that bind them—yet another reason to surrender to Spirit. I think when you read that prayer, you will feel awe; I hope you will also feel the power of surrender and forgiveness and it will help you in your own life.
Writing my monthly newsletter is often a journey of learning and an opportunity to connect some dots in my life and grow spiritually. With what’s been going on for me lately, it seemed natural to use it as the theme for this month’s newsletter. I hope it will prove meaningful for you...
Enjoy The Agape International Choir singing Rickie Byars' "I Release."
Inspiration and Contemplation
Amazing Heart of Forgiveness
Liberators found the following prayer crumpled among the remains of the Ravensbruck concentration camp where Nazis exterminated nearly 50,000 women:
O Lord, remember not only the men and women of goodwill, but also those of ill will. But do not remember the suffering they have inflicted upon us. Remember the fruits we brought forth thanks to this suffering—our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of this. And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.
Based on what has been recorded, to some extent I can imagine the horrendous circumstances the women encountered. What a remarkable spirit and heart the author had to look at her situation and her captors in such a forgiving light, and release them.
If she could look at those who persecuted her in such a manner, then surely under less outrageous life situations, I can offer those who have harmed me (or I think have harmed me) such forgiveness. Freedom and release, for us both, will be the blessing.
I invite you too to reflect upon the idea of forgiveness, how it releases one from the bondage to others, sets us free, and lightens our heart.
That’s Spirituality!
“In spirituality, it isn’t effort that counts,” said the Master, “but surrender.
“When you fall into the water and don’t know how to swim, you become frightened and say, ‘I must not drown, I must not drown,’ and begin to thrash about with arms and legs and, in your anxiety, swallow more water and eventually drown. Whereas, if you would let go of your thoughts and efforts and allow yourself to go down to the bottom, your body would come back to the surface on its own. That’s spirituality!”
From Awakening: Conversations with the Master, Day 305 by Anthony de Mello
People Making a Difference
Spirit at Work
You may know that my company used to formally be named Spirit-Works Enterprises, Inc. I'd carefully chosen those two combined words, Spirit Works, and loved the double entendre. A number of years later, when I was co-facilitating the Gilbert Spirituality Meetup, I thought it pretty amazing to meet a couple whose husband’s company was so similarly named: SpiritWorks Software Inc. Way cool to me (and, the business was also computer-related like mine, to boot)! I continue to be drawn to that word combination.
So in reading the March 2021 issue of Guideposts, I resonated with an article not just because it was about an addiction recovery community on the East Coast… not just because the folks in it knew the importance hugs play in recovery… and not just because they came up with a way to comfort people during the pandemic who were missing physical touch. That was all very meaningful for sure. But the pièce de résistance is that the Serenity Shawl project is an initiative of the SpiritWorks Foundation!
The Serenity Shawls are named after the Serenity Prayer. The spiritual director says a blessing over each before they are sent out, and a copy of the Serenity Prayer is included as well. Read more...
From Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper Midweek, Wednesday, 04.21.2021:
"On this day, what is at stake in your world? Breathe. Settle into yourself. No matter what you're feeling, remind yourself that within your world, you are the one in charge. It’s true. You and you alone are responsible for yourself. You are responsible for your words, your actions, and your deeds. That’s daunting—terrifying, even—but it can also be empowering.
"So get good with who you are, what you think, and why you think what you do. Find your center—your home base—and spend a moment there today."
Blessings and cyber hugs,
Joyce S. Kaye, MSW
e-newsletter designed, developed, written, and published by Joyce S. Kaye
You, Me, and Spirit
I was a devout atheist until 31 years ago when I "came to believe" in a Power greater than myself. Thanks to hearing the novel idea (well, at least it was to me!) that one could choose their own concept of God--and name too (Spirit, The Great Mystery, All That Is, etc.)--and the workings of synchronicity, I embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. It impacted all aspects of my life and relationships.
Since that time of commencing my conscious spiritual journey, I have endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom I meet, and all that I do -- including working with clients in my own business and in the corporate world. I strive to be of service and to nurture the human spirit in all environments.