Please plan to join us for the Regional Evening DWM Meeting
Thursday, June 24th at 6:30 pm at First Christian Church of Independence 
(125 S. Pleasant, Independence, MO 64050)

If you are unable to join us in person, you can join via Zoom at this link: 

The meeting will be in the sanctuary so you can park across the street or in the small lot just north of the church. There is a ramp on the north side so you can avoid using those beautiful but imposing steps to the front door. Come early (6 pm) to browse a new selection of books for sale with the proceeds going to the Fellowship of John. Masks will be available but are not required if you are fully vaccinated. The sanctuary should be cool and fans will be on but you are welcome to bring your own drink. Please sit near the front of the sanctuary as we will use our cart-mounted screens to view the presentation by our speaker from Woodhaven.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link:  
Meeting ID: 912 1434 2797
Passcode: 860074

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We do plan to record the meeting (assuming the technology behaves) and will figure out how to make the video available at a future date. Take care and we look forward to welcoming you to our church.
Librarian, First Christian Church of Independence
125 S. Pleasant
Independence, MO 64050

This email has been distributed by GKC (DOC) Regional Office