Growing in faith, serving with love
Order for Worship - 14th Sunday after Pentecost
September 6, 2020
Today is a great day to worship the Lord! Gather with everyone in your household and give praise to our God who continues to work in us and through us. Lyrics for the hymn are provided in the description on the YouTube page.
Family, God’s Spirit gives us a constant source of mercy, comfort, and reconciliation. With confidence in the forgiveness that follows, let us confess to God where we have fallen short.
Pray aloud in unison with others who are gathered, both in body and spirit.
Too often, Lord, our perception is too small. Too often, Lord, we settle for so much less than what you have provided us. We confess, Lord, that we often fall short of your glory.
Forgive us when we do not trust in your ways. Help us to build your Kingdom with our obedience, and work through us to do what we cannot do on our own! Use us for your glory.
Family, receive this Good News. God doesn’t just forgive us of everything that holds us back; God uses us to spread love, peace, and hope to our world. Be at peace with God and one another, for in Christ, we are forgiven, always and completely.
If you would like to share a joy or prayer concern, please email Pastor Dan at and your request will be shared in next week’s worship packet. Prayer requests will remain for 3 weeks unless updated.
  • For all impacted by the COVID-19 virus. For our medical professionals, paramedics, firefighters, and police officers. For those suffering from illness or facing treatment.
  • For those impacted by Hurricane Laura.
  • For peace in our communities and opportunities for reconciliation. For the softening of hearts and the desire for justice. For the willingness to have conversations that lead to understanding, reconciliation, and healing.
  • Our leaders at every level, for wisdom and discernment as they make difficult decisions, for our Session and deacons.
  • For those burdened with stress and anxiety during this time, as well as those who facing financial uncertainty.
  • Ron Fenaughty, Michael Owens, Jasmine Speak and Family, Kenly Drummond, Deb Gervais, Richard Weimar, Beth Mathias, Kim Hanrahan, Mark, Jessie and Baby James Leyden, Ed Layman, Joyce Hawkins, Chris Moats, Chet and Mary Jane Downs, Families who have lost loved ones;
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Connie Kline - Sept 8, Julie Veenstra - Sept 8, Bill Butdorf - Sept 11, Harriet Campbell - Sept 12, Shelby Hires - Sept 12

In the Lion’s Den: Finding Faith and Integrity During Tough Times
It’s easy to remain faithful when times are easy. It’s easy to follow Christ when it doesn’t impact our schedule, our comfort, or our own hopes and dreams. But what about those seasons in life when life is not easy? How can our faith lead us to a life of integrity when we feel pulled in different directions? The Prophet Daniel, a Jewish exile living in Babylon, asked these very questions as he was being led to the lion’s den. But Daniel’s faith in God during those times, as well as God’s provision for Daniel, shows us how powerful our faith can be. For 4 weeks, we will explore the 6th chapter of Daniel, as well as the 8th chapter of Romans, to see how relying on our faith leads to integrity, which then gives us the ability to navigate tough times while remaining faithful to God.
Old Testament Lesson: Daniel 6:25-28
Gospel Lesson: Romans 8:28-39
Sermon: What it’s Worth
Your generosity is worth it. God uses the gifts we give to build his Kingdom. It’s a blessing and honor to participate with Christ in this amazing mission. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of God’s plan by giving a financial blessing to our church! You can give back by clicking the “give online” button or by mailing a check to our church office at:

FPC Tequesta
482 Tequesta Drive
Tequesta, FL 33469
Following God is worth it! Take steps to obey God this week and watch as God works through you in the process.
As we continue to embrace and share God’s love in this time, may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit guide and sustain us until the day Christ comes again. Amen!
Drive-in Worship Service: Join us today at 11am in the church parking lot our drive in worship service. The live audio will be broadcast onto the radio, so all you have to do is park your car and tune in to 89.5 FM! An order for worship with instructions will be posted on our website or Click here to download and print the bulletin for this service.
First Presbyterian Church | 561-746-5161 | |