Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Upper Gardens admission sold until 5 p.m.

Masks must be properly worn at all times while visiting The Grotto. Please maintain six feet of space for social distancing and follow all instructional signs.
St. Peregrine Mass Today

We are pleased to announce the return of the monthly Healing Mass in honor of Servite St. Peregrine. This Mass will take place in the Chapel of Mary at 12 noon on the first Saturday of each month.

At this Mass, a blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine will be offered. St. Peregrine is the patron saint of those with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. To learn more about St. Peregrine, please click here.

Mass Schedule

Mass is celebrated daily in the Chapel of Mary at 12 noon. On Sundays, the 10 a.m. and 12 noon Masses will be celebrated outdoors in The Grotto Plaza, weather permitting.

We are still under strict capacity guidelines due to the pandemic, which is 80 indoors, and 150 outdoors, so please follow direction from the ushers.

When attending Mass, social distancing is required, and masks must be properly worn the entire length of Mass. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Daily Mass (Monday - Saturday): 12 noon

Sunday Masses: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 noon

Spanish Mass: Second and Fourth Sunday of the Month at 2 p.m.

Tagalog Mass: Third Saturday of the Month at 10 a.m.

St. Peregrine Healing Mass: First Saturday of the Month at 12 noon
Pope Calls for Prayer Initiative to End Pandemic

Pope Francis invites Catholics and Marian Shrines around the world to dedicate the month of May to a marathon of prayer for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The initiative will involve all the Shrines of the world in a special way, so that they might encourage the faithful, families and communities to recite the Rosary to pray for an end to the pandemic.

Daily recitation of the Rosary at The Grotto will take place everyday, one half hour before each Mass (Sunday- Saturday), during the month of May.

If you wish to volunteer to lead the Rosary before one of the daily or Sunday Masses, please contact Fr. Vidal Martínez, OSM, Rector of The Grotto at FatherVidal@thegrotto.org, or call 503-254-7371, ext. 117. Thank you.
The Triduum in Honor of St. Peregrine

Day 1: From Hatred to Love

On these first three days of May, the Friar Servants of Mary, the Servites, will reflect on the life of Saint Peregrine Laziosi, Patron Saint of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. St. Peregrine’s Feast Day is celebrated by the Order on May 4.

St. Peregrine was born at the end of the twelve century. He was born in Forly, Italy. At that time, Forly was divided by civil war. Half of the people in Forly were loyal to the Papacy of Pope Martin IV, while the other half obeyed the Roman Emperor. Pope Martin called Saint Philip Benizi, OSM, who was the Prior General of the Friar Servants of Mary at that time, and asked him to go to Forly.

Pope Martin knew how intelligent St. Philip was, and believed that by sending him to Forly, peace could be brought to that city, so St. Philip went to Forly to talk to the people about peace and reconciliation. Like in Jesus’s days, however, the preaching of St. Philip was not accepted by all. One day, while he was still preaching, a group of young men came forward to confront him and young Peregrine punched St. Philip in the face.

St. Philip left Forly without seeking vengeance for what the people did to him; after all, he came to talk about peace and reconciliation and to pray for the conversion of the people of Forly. St. Philip’s talks and his prayers for the conversion of the people of Forly finally hit Peregrine’s heart. Later, he came to the Order and begged for forgiveness from St. Philip, who forgave him and welcomed him into the Order.

St. Peregrine’s conversion is a great reminder for all of us that no matter how far we have been gone astray, if we listen carefully to the voice of the Spirit, we can come back and ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness. And our loving God will always reach out his hands to welcome us back, to walk in God’s path of love all the days of our lives.


Loving God, thank you for shepherding us throughout our lives. We acknowledge that without your help, we will go astray. But with you as our guide, we know that we will reach our destination, your heavenly kingdom. May we continue to share your love among us that your Kingdom will reign forever on earth as it is in heaven. For you live and reign forever and ever.


Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Remembering a year ago:
Bringing The Grotto to You

One year ago, in response to the growing pandemic, we began a series of daily emails called "A Place of Sanctuary: Bringing The Grotto to You." We closed completely a short time later, and that closure lasted for months.

The "Bringing The Grotto to You" series highlighted a feature at (or about) The Grotto each day. The series lasted for 88 days, the length of our closure.

We hope you enjoy this feature, "Looking Back", where we will share a piece of those emails every day for 88 days. Click the link below to view today's feature, which was originally shared this time last year.

Today: May Flowers
Click on the video and take a moment to relax and experience the serenity of the sanctuary.

Today, enjoy the vibrant colors of the mosaic at the Shrine to Servite St. Peregrine Laziosi.

Join Fr. Vidal Martinez, OSM, Rector of The Grotto, for a daily stroll through the garden.

Each day, enjoy photos and videos taken by Father Vidal, often during hours when the grounds are closed.

Today, enjoy the view of the Rose Garden from the Monastery. The hundreds of rose bushes in the garden are just waiting to bloom.

Plaza Office Hours

Monday - Saturday (Not available Thursday)
10 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

A Friar will be in the office attached to the Visitor Center during the above hours.

They gladly await your request for confession, spiritual guidance and blessing of articles. You may also set up an appointment for a blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine. Masks and social distancing are required.

You are also welcome to contact a Friar directly at the emails listed below.

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Let The Grotto Gift Shop carries a great collection of items for Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and the Year of St. Joseph.

There is also a wide variety of items in honor of Servite St. Peregrine.

Light a Candle
If you are unable to visit in person, you may purchase a candle to be lighted at The Grotto. Your candle will burn for seven days in the outdoor cradles.

Your support will allow our sanctuary to continue its mission of being a place of peace, prayer and natural beauty for all.
Mass Enrollment Cards

Perpetual Enrollment in The Grotto’s Guild of Masses and Prayer honors yourself, your family or your loved ones, and provides support for The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother.