April 30, 2021

Dear ASHE Members,

As President Biden marked his 100th day in office, ASHE is urging action on top federal higher education issues. As you may remember, back in February, you received a survey to share your suggestions for a letter to the Biden-Harris administration outlining a research-informed federal policy agenda for higher education. I want to thank everyone who shared feedback.
From survey responses, the ASHE Position Taking Committee tapped committee member Dominique Baker (Southern Methodist University) to draft a letter. The letter has been approved by both the Position Taking Committee and Board of Directors. Earlier today, we sent this letter to Secretary of Education Miguel A. Cardona and Acting Assistant Secretary for Postseconday Education Michelle Asha Cooper.
In the document, ASHE names three key postsecondary issues for the Biden-Harris Administration, as provided by you, the ASHE Membership. These are: (1) Student Loan Cancelation, (2) Affordability; and (3) Funding for Institutions. Each of these areas align with the Association's values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Taking administrative action on them has the opportunity to expand access and success in U.S. postsecondary education.

On behalf of myself, the ASHE Board of Directors, and the entire ASHE membership, I express my gratitude to Dr. Baker for her work on writing this letter. I'd also like to thank ASHE Graduate Assistant Tim Castaneda who compiled survey responses. We are grateful for their labor and the research of our fellow ASHE members that was leveraged in developing this research-informed statement.

D-L Stewart
ASHE President
About ASHE's Position Taking Policy and Process
The ASHE Position Taking Policy was adopted in July 2013.

Members of the Position Taking Committee committee are:
  • Joy Blanchard (Chair), Louisiana State University
  • Dominique Baker, Southern Methodist University
  • Joy Gaston Gayles, North Carolina State University
  • Susan Marine, Merrimack College
  • Samuel Snideman, Ball State University

Questions about the ASHE Position Taking process can be directed to ASHE Executive Director Jason P. Guilbeau at