- CFSA Is Hiring! Professional Parent Information Session
- Recap: Back-To-School Carnival
- Kids Ride Free Program for DCPS Students
- Supporting Your Children Through the Holidays
- Finding Forever with Kin
- News You Can Use
- The Reading Nook
- Activities for All Ages
- Seeking My Forever Family: Aaliyah
- Helpful Tidbits
- Upcoming Events
Professional Parent Information Session
Become a full-time Professional Foster Parent. We host monthly Professional Parent Information Sessions on the second Saturday. Register at bit.ly/DCCFSA_PFP. Know someone who would be a strong fit for this role? Have them email us at cfsa.recruitment-retention@dc.gov.
Recap: Back-To-School Carnival
To kick off the 2022-2023 school year, CFSA’s Kinship and Placement Administration hosted a carnival full of fun, food, and games to allow resource parents to connect with staff and other caregivers. Grown-ups enjoyed yoga and meditation while the children owned the Canal Park splash pad! Everyone left with backpacks stuffed with school supplies and other giveaways to support a great school year. Click here to check out the photo highlights.
Kids Ride Free Program for DCPS Students
This transit subsidy program, established and championed by Mayor Muriel Bowser, ensures that the District’s students get to school and school-related activities for free on Metrobus, Metrorail, and the DC Circulator. Click here for additional information on the program.
Supporting Your Children Through the Holidays
The season is upon us! The holidays are usually filled with fun activities, parties, and family gatherings for many of us. However, for some of our children/youth, this time of year can also be difficult. Learn how you can help them through the season!
When Richelle Washington received the call to care for her nephew, she did not hesitate to say yes. She knew that having him with her would be best. Ms. Washington nurtures, values, and loves him while providing structure and consistency that keeps him connected to his family. Since her nephew has been in her care, Ms. Washington has advocated for and received the support services he needs to thrive. And with a recently finalized adoption, they have become a forever family. Congratulations!
Despite having to rebuild her own life after a tragic flood damaged her home, Ms. Shaun Bell stepped up to prevent her grandchildren from going into care. She completed the emergency kinship licensing process to be the family her grandchildren needed. Her primary focus is keeping them safe and loved in a kinship home while their mother receives support from CFSA’s dedicated social workers and their teams to complete the steps needed to achieve reunification.
Midnight Shift Update
Our building at 200 I St SE is now closed to receiving children and youth from our partners and resource parents between the hours of 12 and 8 a.m. A concentrated team operates the agency’s Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline call center remotely during these hours. Please be assured that CFSA continues to receive reports of abuse and neglect 24/7 through our hotline. Should challenges arise overnight, our resource parents can access the ChAMPS Crisis Line at (202) 481-1440, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The MPD Cadet Corps Program
In this specialized program, 17- to 24-year-old Washingtonians serve as uniformed civilian employees. As a member of the Cadet Corps, they earn a salary while taking college courses. Participants can accumulate up to 60 tuition-free credits toward a degree that puts them on track to enter MPD’s Police Officer Recruit Program. To learn more about the program, visit here.
DPR Fall Programs are Back!
Beyond the Book
This city-wide literacy program engages developing readers and children in kindergarten – 3rd grade. This seasonal program builds on the Books from Birth program, an initiative with Imagination Library that mails a new book a month to DC children, ranging from newborns – 5 years old. By highlighting vibrant stories that represent the wonders of children's literature, Beyond the Book inspires young people to discover the resources the DC Public Library offers. Learn more and register.
Get Your Flu Vaccine
While you can get the flu any time of the year, most cases happen in the fall and winter. Flu shots are available for free at the District’s COVID Centers. Contact your healthcare provider or a local clinic or pharmacy to get your shot. Click here for the centers’ hours and locations.
Free KN95 Masks at COVID Centers
District residents can pick up two free KN95 masks daily at the new COVID Centers. Seven COVID Centers are open across DC. And in addition to free KN95 masks, they offer free vaccinations, boosters, rapid tests, and PCR tests. No appointment is needed. All services and supplies are free. Click here to find the days and hours of the COVID Center locations.
Recording Available: The Power of the Parent in Conflict and Bullying
This session teaches parents and guardians how to help their children and teens combat bullying by learning about the underlying issues and offering solutions to end this behavior. The recording is available until November 21, 2022. Click here to access it.
The Kids' Adoption Network (KAN) 2022 Conference
On Saturday, November 12, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at McLean School in Potomac, Maryland, this event is for adoptive parents, children, and teens whose families have been brought together through adoption. This year's theme is "Aligning Your Stars: Adoption and Life Constellations." Click here for more information or to register.
Youth Internships
The CFSA Office of Youth Empowerment internship programs offer youth ages 16 – 21 hands-on experience and professional mentors. Internship opportunities span a variety of sectors such as healthcare, education, construction, real estate, advertising/media, psychology, small businesses, community-based organizations, etc. OYE interns may work up to 30 hours weekly at $15.20 per hour. For additional information, please contact Afrilasia Joseph at Afrilasia.Joseph@dc.gov or Sharlene Sawyer at
Seeking My Forever Family
Aaliyah enjoys going for walks, completing puzzles, and running through the sprinklers on hot days. This 12-year-old is quite the helper in the kitchen and embraces all types of food. Aaliyah, who is autistic and nonverbal, primarily communicates her wants and needs through pictures and gestures. She is learning to use a communication device. She will do well with a patient family with knowledge and experience caring for children with special needs. However, a family willing to learn how to care for Aaliyah will be considered. If you see Aaliyah becoming a part of your forever family, please contact Ms. Kim Walk at Kim.Walk@dc.gov.
Do you know someone with the heart, patience, and time to foster children or youth? If so, please send them our way! We can answer questions, invite them to an upcoming recruitment event, or facilitate a one-to-one call/virtual meeting. Email cfsa.fosterdckids@dc.gov to connect.
Some potential foster parents are sure about their path. Others may need more information to help them decide. Will you share your experience to help prospective resource families make the best life-changing decision they may ever make? Please email us at cfsa.fosterdckids@dc.gov so we can help you tell your story.
Please Read Our Emails
The Office of Out-of-Home Support sends event, notification, and reminder emails from cfsa.recruitment-retention@dc.gov. So, the next time you see a message from this sender in your inbox, don’t delete it. Please read it. If you aren’t receiving emails, please check your SPAM box and reach out to us at cfsa.recruitment-retention@dc.gov. We’ll add you to the distribution list and get you connected!
Help and Support via the FOSTERDCKIDS Website
Check out our “Current Resource Parents” page on FosterDCKids.org. Hover over “Resources,” click on “Current Resource Parents,” then enter the password: resourcelove.
REACH Support Hotline for After-Hours Help
Don't forget about the REACH Support Line! Should a challenging situation occur after regular business hours, please call (833) 443-3775 for assistance. View the REACH Support Line flyer for more information.
Free COVID-19 Vaccinations (No Appointment Needed)
Visit one of DC Health’s walk-up vaccination sites for a free COVID-19 vaccination. Learn more at coronavirus.dc.gov/page/get-vaccinated. Can’t leave your home? Call (855) 363-0333 for assistance.
Stability Incentives Available to Eligible Resource Parents
CFSA issues stability incentives to licensed CFSA resource parents who have provided kids in care a safe and stable placement in their home for 12 consecutive months. Contact your Resource Parent Support Worker for more information.
Earn $500 via the Resource Parent Referral Program
The Resource Parent Referral Program provides currently licensed CFSA resource parents up to $500 when a referred parent becomes licensed and a child is placed in their home. Click here for more information.
Healthy Horizons Assessment On-Call Service
Have a medical question about the child in your care during non-standard business hours? You can call the Healthy Horizons Assessment Center (HHAC) on-call number (202) 498-8456 on weekends and holidays from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. Please note that HHAC does not provide “sick visit” services.
Monthly DBH Parent Support Group
The DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) Wellness Wednesday parent support group provides DC parents, including CFSA resource parents, with a space to connect, care for themselves, and help foster resiliency in the children in their care. Join via Webex Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and use password WW20. Remember, you can earn a training hour for attendance/participation in these courses!
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials Available
The Office for Victims of Crime developed these resources to support children and youth who are frequently victims of, or witnesses to, violence and abuse that results in them encountering or navigating the justice system. Access materials here.
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