How Does God Perceive Your Hand?
How does God, the Father perceive your hands;
Doing good-bad-rough-callous-tender-kind?
But it begins:
A tiny hand grazing - wrapped around yours.
A tiny hand in yours seeking your guidance.
Loving hands to comfort the sick, bathe the young - the old.
Hands position over the smaller ones as they teach,
"Now I lay me down to sleep!"
Hands brown-wrinkled-tough as leather from tending the garden
that feeds both physically and spiritually.
How would God perceive your hands;
Gentle-kind-cruel or hurtful-building up "not" tearing down.
Hands playing music to praise Him and nourish your soul.
Hand clasp together manicured or dirt under your nails,
folded in prayer.
Hands that wipes away tears - bandage the hurts.
Hands promising to protect - to love - to cherish as the gold band
is slipped unto your right hand - the shortest distance to your heart.
Then; I think and dwell upon Your hands
All the marvelous works you have done.
then, God will see your hands - stilled!
And hopefully say, "We done faithful servant - "Welcome Home!"
by Faye R. Hart
Sept. 14th 2009
8:48 am