Monthly Tip
December 2020
Life Hacks

Change is definitely a theme of 2020. For me, those changes were not just COVID-related: I had a baby! People warned me that motherhood would change my life, but I didn’t truly understand it until I experienced it. Having a baby, returning from maternity leave, and working from home has forced me to alter my routines, and then alter them again and again. I’ve found that what works for me one week doesn’t always work the next as my baby gains skills, becomes more mobile, and adjusts his sleep patterns. 

My morning routine is definitely one that I’ve had to streamline. I’ve had to figure out how to get my morning coffee fix, feed my baby, catch up on the daily news, and read through emails before my workday begins. To do this efficiently, I use creative problem solving to find new strategies to better manage my time. In case any other new parents are wondering, click below for some “life hacks” that I’ve recently developed.