HOVC Scouter Newsletter | December 2nd, 2022

A brand-new Explorer Post is coming to Central Virginia, focused on law, and you are invited to attend its Open House on December 13th! We’ll explore legal careers including attorney, paralegal, and more. [Learn More]

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Mental Health Professionals Needed for

National Jamboree in 2023

Be a part of cutting-edge mental health care at the National Scout Jamboree in the summer of 2023! The BSA is looking for Base Camp Mental Health Officers (BCMHO) to serve in the medical clinics and as consultants to the medical staff, chaplains, commissioners, and Scoutmasters. This position provides direct care to participants to ensure they enjoy the safest Jamboree experience possible.

[Get the Full Details]

Holiday Silent Auction through December 16th

The Holiday Silent Auction is well underway, with bids being placed on many of our Scouting collectibles. This auction is FULL of vintage Scout memorabilia, collectibles, and holiday items that all make the perfect holiday gifts - like this soft and cozy Christmas Scout Blanket! All revenue will go toward funding the Heart of Virginia Council, and your donation is tax-deductible.

[Browse and Bid!]

Cub Chat Live, Fridays at 3pm

Cub Scout Unit leaders, volunteers, and parents... have you checked out Cub Chat Live? Each Friday at 3pm, a team of National leaders with Scouting Magazine gets together to host a Facebook live event where they discuss topics that are meant to help you succeed. Today, they're discussing Keeping it SAFE.

[Tune In and View the Archives]

Shooting Sports Supervisor Training at Camp TBS

Shooting sports is one of the most popular activities at the camps, and proper supervision is a must to continue holding activities on the ranges. To open a range at camp, we must have two 21-year-old supervisors, a Range Safety Officer, and an instructor for the firearm in use.

[Get More Information]

Auggie's Eagle Project at Woodland Cemetery

Augustus "Auggie" Bryan with Troop 1829 is working on a large Eagle Project on December 10th, and he needs a lot of help! Woodland Cemetery, located in Richmond, is a historically African American cemetery that opened in 1916. It is the final resting place of Arthur Ashe, Leslie Garland Bolling, Zenobia Gilpin, John Jasper, and Charles Thaddeus Russel, and it is in extreme disrepair. Auggie needs help creating a dedicated Veterans Memorial, paving a new memorial fountain, and rebuilding and beautifying over 400 feet of existing walkways.

[Sign Up to Help Auggie]

“I heard a bird sing in the dark of December,

A magical thing, and sweet to remember.

- Oliver Herford

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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