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news & updates from Temple Beth El
Temple Beth El is affiliated with the URJ (Union of Reform Judaism)
June, 2021 |Sivan - Tammuz 5781
What is a Hamsa?
Although it may derive from Islamic or pagan culture, the hamsa today has become a Jewish and Israeli symbol.

You’ve probably seen these uniquely shaped symbols on pendants worn by Jewish women or displayed in Judaica stores. And in Israel the hamsa — whether on necklaces, keychains or displayed on walls — is as ubiquitous as the Star of David.
But what is a hamsa exactly? And what makes it Jewish?

This symbol of an eye embedded in the palm of an open hand has had numerous other names throughout the ages, including the eye of Fatima, the hand of Fatima, and the hand of Miriam. The form is sometimes rendered naturally and other times symmetrically with a second thumb replacing the little finger. The hamsa has been variously interpreted by scholars as a Jewish, Christian, or Islamic amulet, and as a pagan fertility symbol. Yet even as the magical form remains shrouded in mystery and scholars debate nearly every aspect of its emergence, it is recognized today as a kabbalistic amulet and as an important symbol in Jewish art.

To find out more, see My Jewish Learning.
All Shabbat Services are now Live and In Person.
Friday, June 4 at 7:00 pm. Shabbat services and Saturday 11:00 am.

Shabbat services will be conducted by members of the Ritual Committeeand CAntor Emeritus, Alan Cohn. Torah Study Torah portion: Sh'lach L'cha.
Aleph Bet - Thursdays at 1 pm

Basic Hebrew class ongoing. Taught by Cantor Deborah Bard. This class will continue through June. You can still join if you have advanced beginning Hebrew reading skills. Brush up your reading and learn translation. Please RSVP for Zoom link
Friday June 18 at 7:00 pm Shabbat Evening Service and Saturday Morning June 19 at 11:00 am

Guest Rabbi Paul Schreiber will conduct our Friday night and Saturday morning services. Please come and meet our rabbinical candidate and his wife who will visit us from Spring Hill, Florida. This will be an opportunity to get to know a potential rabbi for TBE. Your RSVP will be appreciated for these services.
Friday June 25, 2021 7:00pm Shabbat Evening Service: Lovely Duets for a Summer Solstice Shabbat

Conducted by Cantor Deborah Bard and Cantor Emeritus Alan Cohn featuring music duo Lise Frank, pianist and Diego Valles, cellist.
International Movie Night: Wednesday, June 30 at 7:30 pm. This highly rated courtroom drama from Israel is called GETT. After a lukewarm marriage of over twenty years, a woman appeals to her husband’s compassion to obtain the desirable divorce document (Gett) in from of a rabbinical court (Beit Din), which proves to be more challenging than she would expect. (Israel 2014) 
From the TBE Treasurer
Our new fiscal year started June 1. Those members who prefer to pay their dues once a year should make a payment this month. Annual dues remain the same: $1,020 for single members or $1,500 for family members. Monthly dues haven't changed. $85 for single members and $125 for family members. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis and only in writing. If you are having financial difficulty, and want to request an exception, please contact our Treasurer, Howard Hammerman at 410-430-3019 or email.

This will be a year of change and excitement, yet your dues remain the same. Please support your temple by paying your dues on time.
Mitzvah Mavens
Sandwich Mitzvah Project Continues During the Summer

Ken Handelman and the Temple Beth El Men’s Club, mitzvah organizer of the peanut butter sandwich project announced that we will continue to deliver peanut butter sandwiches to the Bradenton Salvation Army's 14th Street location. This will be an ongoing Mitzvah Project delivering sandwiches made by our congregants every other Thursday. Kelly French our contact at the Salvation Army explains what they do with the sandwiches:

“Each evening, we serve dinner to about 200 individuals in the community, as well as clients who are in our shelter programs. While we always provide a hot meal, on the nights that we have your sandwiches, we are able to pass those out so people have either a late night snack or lunch the next day. When there are some left, we’ve been handing those out to clients before they head out to work in the morning so they have something for lunch.”

By taking the sandwiches to the Salvation Army, we are able to get the food where it is needed. If you are interested in participating in this program, send a message to Ken Handelman or text at 941-840-4132.

Donations to the Salvation Army can be made here
Religious School Ends Season
Ending lessons
under the trees
Micah Clark prepares for the picnic celebration
Enjoying the last picnic
Simcha Grams

TBE sends Birthday, Anniversary, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and other celebration "Simcha Grams" to members in honor of their special day. This is a great way to contribute to your Synagogue and to send your TBE family good wishes.

Names must be received at the office by the 20th of the month prior to the birthday, anniversary or special event. Include a note with your name(s), the name(s) of whom and what you are honoring and how you would like your signature on the card they will receive. The donation is $2.00 per name. In the memo area of your check write "simcha gram" and mail to: Temple Beth El, Attention: Simcha Gram. 5150 Peridia Blvd. East, Bradenton, FL 34203.
If you wish to pay by credit card use the "DONATE" button below.

The card will be mailed to those individuals prior to their special day and your donation will be acknowledged in the newsletter. If we have somehow overlooked your Simcha or made an error in printing the date, please accept our apologies and call the temple office at 941-755-4900 or send an email so that we may update our records.
Donations Made in May

Jean Ellis - Simcha Grams (to honor Neil Clark, Ron Adelson, Carol Segal, Marlena Johnsky, Lionel Friedman, Marv Howard, Ron Eiseman, Celia Strickler, Eli and Neva Lerner, Albert and Staci Rosenstein)
Marion Howard - Simcha Grams (to honor Marlena Johnsky)
Beverly Safron - Simcha Gram
Marlena Johnsky - Yahrzeit in memory of Dan Johnsky
Jean Ellis - Yahrzeit in memory of Rebecca Levy
Bayla Kolton - Yahrzeit in memory of Edward Kolton
Jean Ellis - in memory of Helen Waldman
Florence Shulman - Yahrzeit in memory of May Shur
Deena Kanoff - Cantor Bard Discretionary Fund
Bonnie Krasik - Cantor Bard Discretionary Fund
Joseph Roback - General Fund
Marlena Johnsky - General Fund
June Birthdays

4 David Gutman
7 Ron Eiseman
10 David Meier
13 Florence Shulman
14 Eli Lerner
20 Alan Cohn
22 Gerry Ronkin
24 Katherine Hoffman
June Anniversaries
12 David and Louise Klein
12 Melvin and Beverly Hurowitz
24 Erwin and Carol Segal

June Yahrzeits

June 4 and 5
Beverly Safron remembers Peter Hartwich
Florence Shulman remembers David Aron Shur
Jean Shames remembers Dorothy Dunn
June 11 and 12
Paul Stahl remembers Jeanette Lichner
Brian Weiss remembers Jack Weiss
Katherine Hoffman remembers Sam Eder
June 18 and 19
Sandy Clark remembers Harry Kleinman
Craig & Linda Hoffman remember Lillian Samson
Neil & Sandy Clark remember Nellie Jackson
June 25 and 26
Katherine Hoffman remembers Bee Eder
Barry Steiger remembers Saul Steiger
Marcia Blacksin remembers Jeff Blackson
Lois Gerber remembers Jacob Gerber
Dottie Mizzi remembers Isaac Abo

This is the only notification you will get for the yarzheit of your loved ones so please save these dates.

It is traditional to light a Yahrzeit candle on the evening of observance. In addition, we urge you to attend services (while we are staying safe at home please observe through our YouTube service) to honor the memory of your beloved and of course to recite Mourner’s Kaddish on the Yahrzeit. May your memories of the departed always be a blessing.
We hope you will attend the service.

To commemorate your beloved, it is also customary to memorialize the departed by making a donation to the synagogue below or mail your check to the temple at 5150 Peridia Blvd East, Bradenton 34203
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