Congratulations Graduate! 

We would like to celebrate your graduation in a creative and meaningful fashion. Due to Covid-19, UTEP informed us that they will not be hosting graduations at the Don Haskins Center this year. Instead, we would like to invite you to celebrate your graduation with us on November 6 at the County Coliseum. This will not be the usual graduation as it will not take place inside but rather outside. Every graduate is allowed to enter with one vehicle only. In that one vehicle, your family and friends can join you. In addition, vehicles will be safely spaced apart. We will feature your graduation virtually on huge screens and you will be able to hear it through FM radio.  We will have a student speak from each campus and your photo and name will be the highlight of the show. BUT WAIT, that’s not all. After the virtual graduation, we will have MOVIE NIGHT. Yes, that’s right. MOVIE NIGHT, at no cost. You can bring lawn chairs and sit outside of your vehicle with your family. There will also be food trucks available for anyone interested in purchasing delicious food or sweets.

We look forward to you joining us because graduation is a huge accomplishment. Please respond by letting us know if you are interested in attending no later than Friday, September 4. We need a head count. Once you confirm, we will reach out to you and provide you with information about your graduation gown, time of the event, graduation pictures, in addition to more details. 

Again, congratulations and we look forward to seeing you on November 6.

Western Technical College
Career Services

Please RVSP with our Administrative Supervisor:
Rocio Olivas
Phone: (915)760-8168